Source code for pyro.distributions.hmm

import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints

from pyro.distributions.torch import Categorical, MultivariateNormal
from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistribution
from pyro.distributions.util import broadcast_shape
from pyro.ops.gaussian import Gaussian, gaussian_tensordot, matrix_and_mvn_to_gaussian, mvn_to_gaussian

def _logmatmulexp(x, y):
    Numerically stable version of ``(x.log() @ y.log()).exp()``.
    x_shift = x.max(-1, keepdim=True)[0]
    y_shift = y.max(-2, keepdim=True)[0]
    xy = torch.matmul((x - x_shift).exp(), (y - y_shift).exp()).log()
    return xy + x_shift + y_shift

def _sequential_logmatmulexp(logits):
    For a tensor ``x`` whose time dimension is -3, computes::

        x[..., 0, :, :] @ x[..., 1, :, :] @ ... @ x[..., T-1, :, :]

    but does so numerically stably in log space.
    batch_shape = logits.shape[:-3]
    state_dim = logits.size(-1)
    while logits.size(-3) > 1:
        time = logits.size(-3)
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = logits[..., :even_time, :, :]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2, state_dim, state_dim))
        x, y = x_y.unbind(-3)
        contracted = _logmatmulexp(x, y)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =, logits[..., -1:, :, :]), dim=-3)
        logits = contracted
    return logits.squeeze(-3)

def _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(gaussian):
    Integrates a Gaussian ``x`` whose rightmost batch dimension is time, computes::

        x[..., 0] @ x[..., 1] @ ... @ x[..., T-1]
    assert isinstance(gaussian, Gaussian)
    assert gaussian.dim() % 2 == 0, "dim is not even"
    batch_shape = gaussian.batch_shape[:-1]
    state_dim = gaussian.dim() // 2
    while gaussian.batch_shape[-1] > 1:
        time = gaussian.batch_shape[-1]
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = gaussian[..., :even_time]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2))
        x, y = x_y[..., 0], x_y[..., 1]
        contracted = gaussian_tensordot(x, y, state_dim)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =, gaussian[..., -1:]), dim=-1)
        gaussian = contracted
    return gaussian[..., 0]

[docs]class DiscreteHMM(TorchDistribution): """ Hidden Markov Model with discrete latent state and arbitrary observation distribution. This uses [1] to parallelize over time, achieving O(log(time)) parallel complexity. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_logits`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: # homogeneous + homogeneous case: event_shape = (1,) + observation_dist.event_shape **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :param ~torch.Tensor initial_logits: A logits tensor for an initial categorical distribution over latent states. Should have rightmost size ``state_dim`` and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (state_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_logits: A logits tensor for transition conditional distributions between latent states. Should have rightmost shape ``(state_dim, state_dim)`` (old, new), and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim, state_dim)``. :param ~torch.distributions.Distribution observation_dist: A conditional distribution of observed data conditioned on latent state. The ``.batch_shape`` should have rightmost size ``state_dim`` and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim)``. The ``.event_shape`` may be arbitrary. """ arg_constraints = {"initial_logits": constraints.real, "transition_logits": constraints.real} def __init__(self, initial_logits, transition_logits, observation_dist, validate_args=None): if initial_logits.dim() < 1: raise ValueError("expected initial_logits to have at least one dim, " "actual shape = {}".format(initial_logits.shape)) if transition_logits.dim() < 2: raise ValueError("expected transition_logits to have at least two dims, " "actual shape = {}".format(transition_logits.shape)) if len(observation_dist.batch_shape) < 1: raise ValueError("expected observation_dist to have at least one batch dim, " "actual .batch_shape = {}".format(observation_dist.batch_shape)) shape = broadcast_shape(initial_logits.shape[:-1] + (1,), transition_logits.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape[:-1]) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + observation_dist.event_shape self.initial_logits = initial_logits - initial_logits.logsumexp(-1, True) self.transition_logits = transition_logits - transition_logits.logsumexp(-1, True) self.observation_dist = observation_dist super(DiscreteHMM, self).__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(DiscreteHMM, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_logmatmulexp(), # we expand only initial_logits, which is applied only after the logmatmulexp. # This is similar to the ._unbroadcasted_* pattern used elsewhere in distributions. new.initial_logits = self.initial_logits.expand(batch_shape + (-1,)) new.transition_logits = self.transition_logits new.observation_dist = self.observation_dist super(DiscreteHMM, new).__init__(batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get('_validate_args') return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # Combine observation and transition factors. value = value.unsqueeze(-1 - self.observation_dist.event_dim) observation_logits = self.observation_dist.log_prob(value) result = self.transition_logits + observation_logits.unsqueeze(-2) # Eliminate time dimension. result = _sequential_logmatmulexp(result) # Combine initial factor. result = self.initial_logits + result.logsumexp(-1) # Marginalize out final state. result = result.logsumexp(-1) return result
[docs] def filter(self, value): """ Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations. :param ~torch.Tensor value: A sequence of observations. :return: A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. ``result.logits`` can then be used as ``initial_logits`` in a sequential Pyro model for prediction. :rtype: ~pyro.distributions.Categorical """ # Combine observation and transition factors. value = value.unsqueeze(-1 - self.observation_dist.event_dim) observation_logits = self.observation_dist.log_prob(value) logp = self.transition_logits + observation_logits.unsqueeze(-2) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_logmatmulexp(logp) # Combine initial factor. logp = (self.initial_logits.unsqueeze(-1) + logp).logsumexp(-2) # Convert to a distribution. return Categorical(logits=logp, validate_args=self._validate_args)
[docs]class GaussianHMM(TorchDistribution): """ Hidden Markov Model with Gaussians for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure :meth:`log_prob` is differentiable. This corresponds to the generative model:: z = initial_distribution.sample() x = [] for t in range(num_events): z = z @ transition_matrix + transition_dist.sample() x.append(z @ observation_matrix + observation_dist.sample()) The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous case **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal initial_dist: A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_matrix: A linear transformation of hidden state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, hidden_dim)`` where the rightmost dims are ordered ``(old, new)``. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal transition_dist: A process noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor observation_matrix: A linear transformation from hidden to observed state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, obs_dim)``. :param observation_dist: An observation noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(obs_dim,)``. :type observation_dist: ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal or ~torch.distributions.Independent of ~torch.distributions.Normal """ arg_constraints = {} def __init__(self, initial_dist, transition_matrix, transition_dist, observation_matrix, observation_dist, validate_args=None): assert isinstance(initial_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(transition_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(transition_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(observation_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert (isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) or (isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.Independent) and isinstance(observation_dist.base_dist, torch.distributions.Normal))) hidden_dim, obs_dim = observation_matrix.shape[-2:] assert initial_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert transition_matrix.shape[-2:] == (hidden_dim, hidden_dim) assert transition_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert observation_dist.event_shape == (obs_dim,) shape = broadcast_shape(initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_matrix.shape[:-2], transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_matrix.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super(GaussianHMM, self).__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self._init = mvn_to_gaussian(initial_dist) self._trans = matrix_and_mvn_to_gaussian(transition_matrix, transition_dist) self._obs = matrix_and_mvn_to_gaussian(observation_matrix, observation_dist)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianHMM, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(), # we expand only _init, which is applied only after _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(). new._init = self._init.expand(batch_shape) new._trans = self._trans new._obs = self._obs super(GaussianHMM, new).__init__(batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get('_validate_args') return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # Combine observation and transition factors. result = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) # Eliminate time dimension. result = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(result.expand(result.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. result = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, result, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Marginalize out final state. result = result.event_logsumexp() return result
[docs] def filter(self, value): """ Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations. :param ~torch.Tensor value: A sequence of observations. :return: A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. ``result`` can then be used as ``initial_dist`` in a sequential Pyro model for prediction. :rtype: ~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal """ # Combine observation and transition factors. logp = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(logp.expand(logp.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. logp = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, logp, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Convert to a distribution precision = logp.precision loc = logp.info_vec.unsqueeze(-1).cholesky_solve(precision.cholesky()).squeeze(-1) return MultivariateNormal(loc, precision_matrix=precision, validate_args=self._validate_args)
[docs]class GaussianMRF(TorchDistribution): """ Temporal Markov Random Field with Gaussian factors for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure :meth:`log_prob` is differentiable. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous case **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal initial_dist: A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal transition_dist: A joint distribution factor over a pair of successive time steps. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim + hidden_dim,)`` (old+new). :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal observation_dist: A joint distribution factor over a hidden and an observed state. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim + obs_dim,)``. """ arg_constraints = {} def __init__(self, initial_dist, transition_dist, observation_dist, validate_args=None): assert isinstance(initial_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(transition_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) hidden_dim = initial_dist.event_shape[0] assert transition_dist.event_shape[0] == hidden_dim + hidden_dim obs_dim = observation_dist.event_shape[0] - hidden_dim shape = broadcast_shape(initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_dist.batch_shape) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super(GaussianMRF, self).__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self._init = mvn_to_gaussian(initial_dist) self._trans = mvn_to_gaussian(transition_dist) self._obs = mvn_to_gaussian(observation_dist)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianMRF, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(), # we expand only _init, which is applied only after _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(). new._init = self._init.expand(batch_shape) new._trans = self._trans new._obs = self._obs super(GaussianMRF, new).__init__(batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get('_validate_args') return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # We compute a normalized distribution as p(obs,hidden) / p(hidden). logp_oh = self._trans logp_h = self._trans # Combine observation and transition factors. logp_oh += self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) logp_h += self._obs.marginalize(right=self.obs_dim).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) # Concatenate p(obs,hidden) and p(hidden) into a single Gaussian. batch_dim = 1 + max(len(self._init.batch_shape) + 1, len(logp_oh.batch_shape)) batch_shape = (1,) * (batch_dim - len(logp_oh.batch_shape)) + logp_oh.batch_shape logp =[logp_oh.expand(batch_shape), logp_h.expand(batch_shape)]) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(logp) # Combine initial factor. logp = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, logp, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Marginalize out final state. logp_oh, logp_h = logp.event_logsumexp() return logp_oh - logp_h # = log( p(obs,hidden) / p(hidden) )