Source code for pyro.contrib.forecast.forecaster

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import pyro.poutine as poutine
from pyro.infer import MCMC, NUTS, SVI, Trace_ELBO
from pyro.infer.autoguide import AutoNormal, init_to_sample
from pyro.infer.predictive import _guess_max_plate_nesting
from pyro.nn.module import PyroModule
from pyro.optim import DCTAdam

from .util import (MarkDCTParamMessenger, PrefixConditionMessenger, PrefixReplayMessenger, PrefixWarmStartMessenger,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _ForecastingModelMeta(type(PyroModule), ABCMeta):

[docs]class ForecastingModel(PyroModule, metaclass=_ForecastingModelMeta): """ Abstract base class for forecasting models. Derived classes must implement the :meth:`model` method. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._prefix_condition_data = {}
[docs] @abstractmethod def model(self, zero_data, covariates): """ Generative model definition. Implementations must call the :meth:`predict` method exactly once. Implementations must draw all time-dependent noise inside the :meth:`time_plate`. The prediction passed to :meth:`predict` must be a deterministic function of noise tensors that are independent over time. This requirement is slightly more general than state space models. :param zero_data: A zero tensor like the input data, but extended to the duration of the :meth:`time_plate`. This allows models to depend on the shape and device of data but not its value. :type zero_data: ~torch.Tensor :param covariates: A tensor of covariates with time dimension -2. :type covariates: ~torch.Tensor :returns: Return value is ignored. """ raise NotImplementedError
@property def time_plate(self): """ :returns: A plate named "time" with size ``covariates.size(-2)`` and ``dim=-1``. This is available only during model execution. :rtype: :class:`~pyro.plate` """ assert self._time_plate is not None, ".time_plate accessed outside of .model()" return self._time_plate
[docs] def predict(self, noise_dist, prediction): """ Prediction function, to be called by :meth:`model` implementations. This should be called outside of the :meth:`time_plate`. This is similar to an observe statement in Pyro:: pyro.sample("residual", noise_dist, obs=(data - prediction)) but with (1) additional reshaping logic to allow time-dependent ``noise_dist`` (most often a :class:`~pyro.distributions.GaussianHMM` or variant); and (2) additional logic to allow only a partial observation and forecast the remaining data. :param noise_dist: A noise distribution with ``.event_dim in {0,1,2}``. ``noise_dist`` is typically zero-mean or zero-median or zero-mode or somehow centered. :type noise_dist: ~pyro.distributions.Distribution :param prediction: A prediction for the data. This should have the same shape as ``data``, but broadcastable to full duration of the ``covariates``. :type prediction: ~torch.Tensor """ assert self._data is not None, ".predict() called outside .model()" assert self._forecast is None, ".predict() called twice" assert isinstance(noise_dist, dist.Distribution) assert isinstance(prediction, torch.Tensor) if noise_dist.event_dim == 0: if noise_dist.batch_shape[-2:] != prediction.shape[-2:]: noise_dist = noise_dist.expand( noise_dist.batch_shape[:-2] + prediction.shape[-2:]) noise_dist = noise_dist.to_event(2) elif noise_dist.event_dim == 1: if noise_dist.batch_shape[-1:] != prediction.shape[-2:-1]: noise_dist = noise_dist.expand( noise_dist.batch_shape[:-1] + prediction.shape[-2:-1]) noise_dist = noise_dist.to_event(1) assert noise_dist.event_dim == 2 assert noise_dist.event_shape == prediction.shape[-2:] # The following reshaping logic is required to reconcile batch and # event shapes. This would be unnecessary if Pyro used name dimensions # internally, e.g. using Funsor. # # batch_shape | event_shape # -------------------------------+---------------- # 1. sample_shape + shape + (time,) | (obs_dim,) # 2. sample_shape + shape | (time, obs_dim) # 3. sample_shape + shape + (1,) | (time, obs_dim) # # Parameters like noise_dist.loc typically have shape as in 1. However # calling .to_event(1) will shift the shapes resulting in 2., where # sample_shape+shape will be misaligned with other batch shapes in the # trace. To fix this the following logic "unsqueezes" the distribution, # resulting in correctly aligned shapes 3. Note the "time" dimension is # effectively moved from a batch dimension to an event dimension. noise_dist = reshape_batch(noise_dist, noise_dist.batch_shape + (1,)) data = pyro.subsample(self._data.unsqueeze(-3), event_dim=2) prediction = prediction.unsqueeze(-3) # Create a sample site. t_obs = data.size(-2) t_cov = prediction.size(-2) if t_obs == t_cov: # training pyro.sample("residual", noise_dist, obs=data - prediction) self._forecast = data.new_zeros(data.shape[:-2] + (0,) + data.shape[-1:]) else: # forecasting left_pred = prediction[..., :t_obs, :] right_pred = prediction[..., t_obs:, :] # This prefix_condition indirection is needed to ensure that # PrefixConditionMessenger is handled outside of the .model() call. self._prefix_condition_data["residual"] = data - left_pred noise = pyro.sample("residual", noise_dist) del self._prefix_condition_data["residual"] assert noise.shape[-data.dim():] == right_pred.shape[-data.dim():] self._forecast = right_pred + noise # Move the "time" batch dim back to its original place. assert self._forecast.size(-3) == 1 self._forecast = self._forecast.squeeze(-3)
def forward(self, data, covariates): assert data.dim() >= 2 assert covariates.dim() >= 2 t_obs = data.size(-2) t_cov = covariates.size(-2) assert t_obs <= t_cov try: self._data = data self._time_plate = pyro.plate("time", t_cov, dim=-1) if t_obs == t_cov: # training zero_data = data.new_zeros(()).expand(data.shape) else: # forecasting zero_data = data.new_zeros(()).expand( data.shape[:-2] + covariates.shape[-2:-1] + data.shape[-1:]) self._forecast = None self.model(zero_data, covariates) assert self._forecast is not None, ".predict() was not called by .model()" return self._forecast finally: self._data = None self._time_plate = None self._forecast = None
[docs]class Forecaster(nn.Module): """ Forecaster for a :class:`ForecastingModel` using variational inference. On initialization, this fits a distribution using variational inference over latent variables and exact inference over the noise distribution, typically a :class:`~pyro.distributions.GaussianHMM` or variant. After construction this can be called to generate sample forecasts. :ivar list losses: A list of losses recorded during training, typically used to debug convergence. Defined by ``loss = -elbo / data.numel()``. :param ForecastingModel model: A forecasting model subclass instance. :param data: A tensor dataset with time dimension -2. :type data: ~torch.Tensor :param covariates: A tensor of covariates with time dimension -2. For models not using covariates, pass a shaped empty tensor ``torch.empty(duration, 0)``. :type covariates: ~torch.Tensor :param guide: Optional guide instance. Defaults to a :class:`~pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoNormal`. :type guide: ~pyro.nn.module.PyroModule :param callable init_loc_fn: A per-site initialization function for the :class:`~pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoNormal` guide. Defaults to :func:`~pyro.infer.autoguide.initialization.init_to_sample`. See :ref:`autoguide-initialization` section for available functions. :param float init_scale: Initial uncertainty scale of the :class:`~pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoNormal` guide. :param callable create_plates: An optional function to create plates for subsampling with the :class:`~pyro.infer.autoguide.AutoNormal` guide. :param optim: An optional Pyro optimizer. Defaults to a freshly constructed :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. :type optim: ~pyro.optim.optim.PyroOptim :param float learning_rate: Learning rate used by :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. :param tuple betas: Coefficients for running averages used by :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. :param float learning_rate_decay: Learning rate decay used by :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. Note this is the total decay over all ``num_steps``, not the per-step decay factor. :param float clip_norm: Norm used for gradient clipping during optimization. Defaults to 10.0. :param bool dct_gradients: Whether to discrete cosine transform gradients in :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. Defaults to False. :param bool subsample_aware: whether to update gradient statistics only for those elements that appear in a subsample. This is used by :class:`~pyro.optim.optim.DCTAdam`. :param int num_steps: Number of :class:`~pyro.infer.svi.SVI` steps. :param int num_particles: Number of particles used to compute the :class:`~pyro.infer.elbo.ELBO`. :param bool vectorize_particles: If ``num_particles > 1``, determines whether to vectorize computation of the :class:`~pyro.infer.elbo.ELBO`. Defaults to True. Set to False for models with dynamic control flow. :param bool warm_start: Whether to warm start parameters from a smaller time window. Note this may introduce statistical leakage; usage is recommended for model exploration purposes only and should be disabled when publishing metrics. :param int log_every: Number of training steps between logging messages. """ def __init__(self, model, data, covariates, *, guide=None, init_loc_fn=init_to_sample, init_scale=0.1, create_plates=None, optim=None, learning_rate=0.01, betas=(0.9, 0.99), learning_rate_decay=0.1, clip_norm=10.0, dct_gradients=False, subsample_aware=False, num_steps=1001, num_particles=1, vectorize_particles=True, warm_start=False, log_every=100): assert data.size(-2) == covariates.size(-2) super().__init__() self.model = model if guide is None: guide = AutoNormal(self.model, init_loc_fn=init_loc_fn, init_scale=init_scale, create_plates=create_plates) = guide # Initialize. if warm_start: model = PrefixWarmStartMessenger()(model) guide = PrefixWarmStartMessenger()(guide) if dct_gradients: model = MarkDCTParamMessenger("time")(model) guide = MarkDCTParamMessenger("time")(guide) elbo = Trace_ELBO(num_particles=num_particles, vectorize_particles=vectorize_particles) elbo._guess_max_plate_nesting(model, guide, (data, covariates), {}) elbo.max_plate_nesting = max(elbo.max_plate_nesting, 1) # force a time plate losses = [] if num_steps: if optim is None: optim = DCTAdam({"lr": learning_rate, "betas": betas, "lrd": learning_rate_decay ** (1 / num_steps), "clip_norm": clip_norm, "subsample_aware": subsample_aware}) svi = SVI(self.model,, optim, elbo) for step in range(num_steps): loss = svi.step(data, covariates) / data.numel() if log_every and step % log_every == 0:"step {: >4d} loss = {:0.6g}".format(step, loss)) losses.append(loss) = None # Disable subsampling after training. self.max_plate_nesting = elbo.max_plate_nesting self.losses = losses
[docs] def __call__(self, data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size=None): """ Samples forecasted values of data for time steps in ``[t1,t2)``, where ``t1 = data.size(-2)`` is the duration of observed data and ``t2 = covariates.size(-2)`` is the extended duration of covariates. For example to forecast 7 days forward conditioned on 30 days of observations, set ``t1=30`` and ``t2=37``. :param data: A tensor dataset with time dimension -2. :type data: ~torch.Tensor :param covariates: A tensor of covariates with time dimension -2. For models not using covariates, pass a shaped empty tensor ``torch.empty(duration, 0)``. :type covariates: ~torch.Tensor :param int num_samples: The number of samples to generate. :param int batch_size: Optional batch size for sampling. This is useful for generating many samples from models with large memory footprint. Defaults to ``num_samples``. :returns: A batch of joint posterior samples of shape ``(num_samples,1,...,1) + data.shape[:-2] + (t2-t1,data.size(-1))``, where the ``1``'s are inserted to avoid conflict with model plates. :rtype: ~torch.Tensor """ return super().__call__(data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size)
def forward(self, data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size=None): assert data.size(-2) < covariates.size(-2) assert isinstance(num_samples, int) and num_samples > 0 if batch_size is not None: batches = [] while num_samples > 0: batch = self.forward(data, covariates, min(num_samples, batch_size)) batches.append(batch) num_samples -= batch_size return assert self.max_plate_nesting >= 1 dim = -1 - self.max_plate_nesting with torch.no_grad(): with poutine.trace() as tr: with pyro.plate("particles", num_samples, dim=dim):, covariates) with PrefixReplayMessenger(tr.trace): with PrefixConditionMessenger(self.model._prefix_condition_data): with pyro.plate("particles", num_samples, dim=dim): return self.model(data, covariates)
[docs]class HMCForecaster(nn.Module): """ Forecaster for a :class:`ForecastingModel` using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. On initialization, this will run :class:`~pyro.infer.mcmc.nuts.NUTS` sampler to get posterior samples of the model. After construction, this can be called to generate sample forecasts. :param ForecastingModel model: A forecasting model subclass instance. :param data: A tensor dataset with time dimension -2. :type data: ~torch.Tensor :param covariates: A tensor of covariates with time dimension -2. For models not using covariates, pass a shaped empty tensor ``torch.empty(duration, 0)``. :type covariates: ~torch.Tensor :param int num_warmup: number of MCMC warmup steps. :param int num_samples: number of MCMC samples. :param int num_chains: number of parallel MCMC chains. :param bool dense_mass: a flag to control whether the mass matrix is dense or diagonal. Defaults to False. :param bool jit_compile: whether to use the PyTorch JIT to trace the log density computation, and use this optimized executable trace in the integrator. Defaults to False. :param int max_tree_depth: Max depth of the binary tree created during the doubling scheme of the :class:`~pyro.infer.mcmc.nuts.NUTS` sampler. Defaults to 10. """ def __init__(self, model, data, covariates=None, *, num_warmup=1000, num_samples=1000, num_chains=1, dense_mass=False, jit_compile=False, max_tree_depth=10): assert data.size(-2) == covariates.size(-2) super().__init__() self.model = model max_plate_nesting = _guess_max_plate_nesting(model, (data, covariates), {}) self.max_plate_nesting = max(max_plate_nesting, 1) # force a time plate kernel = NUTS(model, full_mass=dense_mass, jit_compile=jit_compile, ignore_jit_warnings=True, max_tree_depth=max_tree_depth, max_plate_nesting=max_plate_nesting) mcmc = MCMC(kernel, warmup_steps=num_warmup, num_samples=num_samples, num_chains=num_chains), covariates) # conditions to compute rhat if (num_chains == 1 and num_samples >= 4) or (num_chains > 1 and num_samples >= 2): mcmc.summary() # inspect the model with particles plate = 1, so that we can reshape samples to # add any missing plate dim in front. with poutine.trace() as tr: with pyro.plate("particles", 1, dim=-self.max_plate_nesting - 1): model(data, covariates) self._trace = tr.trace self._samples = mcmc.get_samples() self._num_samples = num_samples * num_chains for name, node in list(self._trace.nodes.items()): if name not in self._samples: del self._trace.nodes[name]
[docs] def __call__(self, data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size=None): """ Samples forecasted values of data for time steps in ``[t1,t2)``, where ``t1 = data.size(-2)`` is the duration of observed data and ``t2 = covariates.size(-2)`` is the extended duration of covariates. For example to forecast 7 days forward conditioned on 30 days of observations, set ``t1=30`` and ``t2=37``. :param data: A tensor dataset with time dimension -2. :type data: ~torch.Tensor :param covariates: A tensor of covariates with time dimension -2. For models not using covariates, pass a shaped empty tensor ``torch.empty(duration, 0)``. :type covariates: ~torch.Tensor :param int num_samples: The number of samples to generate. :param int batch_size: Optional batch size for sampling. This is useful for generating many samples from models with large memory footprint. Defaults to ``num_samples``. :returns: A batch of joint posterior samples of shape ``(num_samples,1,...,1) + data.shape[:-2] + (t2-t1,data.size(-1))``, where the ``1``'s are inserted to avoid conflict with model plates. :rtype: ~torch.Tensor """ return super().__call__(data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size)
def forward(self, data, covariates, num_samples, batch_size=None): assert data.size(-2) < covariates.size(-2) assert isinstance(num_samples, int) and num_samples > 0 if batch_size is not None: batches = [] while num_samples > 0: batch = self.forward(data, covariates, min(num_samples, batch_size)) batches.append(batch) num_samples -= batch_size return assert self.max_plate_nesting >= 1 dim = -1 - self.max_plate_nesting with torch.no_grad(): weights = torch.ones(self._num_samples, device=data.device) indices = torch.multinomial(weights, num_samples, replacement=num_samples > self._num_samples) for name, node in list(self._trace.nodes.items()): sample = self._samples[name].index_select(0, indices) node['value'] = sample.reshape( (num_samples,) + (1,) * (node['value'].dim() - sample.dim()) + sample.shape[1:]) with PrefixReplayMessenger(self._trace): with PrefixConditionMessenger(self.model._prefix_condition_data): with pyro.plate("particles", num_samples, dim=dim): return self.model(data, covariates)