Source code for pyro.distributions.stable

import math

import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints
from torch.distributions.utils import broadcast_all

from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistribution

def _unsafe_standard_stable(shape, alpha, beta):
    # Implements a noisily reparametrized version of the sampler
    # Chambers-Mallows-Stuck method as corrected by Weron [1,3] and simplified
    # by Nolan [4]. This will fail if alpha is close to 1.

    # Draw parameter-free noise.
    with torch.no_grad():
        half_pi = math.pi / 2
        V = alpha.new_empty(shape).uniform_(-half_pi, half_pi)
        W = alpha.new_empty(shape).exponential_()

    # Differentiably transform noise via parameters.
    inv_alpha = alpha.reciprocal()
    b = beta * (half_pi * alpha).tan()
    v = b.atan() + alpha * V
    Z = v.sin() / ((1 + b * b).rsqrt() * V.cos()).pow(inv_alpha) \
        * ((v - V).cos() / W).pow(inv_alpha - 1)

    # Convert to Nolan's parametrization S^0 so that samples depend
    # continuously on (alpha,beta), allowing us to interpolate around the hole
    # at alpha=1.
    X = Z - b
    return X

RADIUS = 0.01

def _standard_stable(shape, alpha, beta):
    with torch.no_grad():
        hole = 1.
        near_hole = (alpha - hole).abs() <= RADIUS
    if not torch._C._get_tracing_state() and not near_hole.any():
        return _unsafe_standard_stable(shape, alpha, beta)

    # Avoid the hole at alpha=1 by interpolating between pairs
    # of points at hole-RADIUS and hole+RADIUS.
    shape_ = shape + (1,)
    beta_ = beta.unsqueeze(-1)
    alpha_ = alpha.unsqueeze(-1).expand(alpha.shape + (2,)).contiguous()
    with torch.no_grad():
        lower, upper = alpha_.unbind(-1)[near_hole] = hole - RADIUS[near_hole] = hole + RADIUS
        # We don't need to backprop through weights, since we've pretended
        # alpha_ is reparametrized, even though we've clamped some values.
        #               |a - a'|
        # weight = 1 - ----------
        #              2 * RADIUS
        weights = (alpha_ - alpha.unsqueeze(-1)).abs_().mul_(-1 / (2 * RADIUS)).add_(1)
        weights[~near_hole] = 0.5
    pairs = _unsafe_standard_stable(shape_, alpha_, beta_)
    return (pairs * weights).sum(-1)

[docs]class Stable(TorchDistribution): r""" Levy :math:`\alpha`-stable distribution. See [1] for a review. This uses Nolan's parametrization [2] of the ``loc`` parameter, which is required for continuity and differentiability. This corresponds to the notation :math:`S^0_\alpha(\beta,\sigma,\mu_0)` of [1], where :math:`\alpha` = stability, :math:`\beta` = skew, :math:`\sigma` = scale, and :math:`\mu_0` = loc. This implements a reparametrized sampler :meth:`rsample` , but does not implement :meth:`log_prob` . Use in inference is thus limited to likelihood-free algorithms such as :class:`~pyro.infer.energy_distance.EnergyDistance`. [1] S. Borak, W. Hardle, R. Weron (2005). Stable distributions. [2] J.P. Nolan (1997). Numerical calculation of stable densities and distribution functions. [3] Rafal Weron (1996). On the Chambers-Mallows-Stuck Method for Simulating Skewed Stable Random Variables. [4] J.P. Nolan (2017). Stable Distributions: Models for Heavy Tailed Data. :param Tensor stability: Levy stability parameter :math:`\alpha\in(0,2]` . :param Tensor skew: Skewness :math:`\beta\in[-1,1]` . :param Tensor scale: Scale :math:`\sigma > 0` . Defaults to 1. :param Tensor loc: Location :math:`\mu_0` in Nolan's parametrization [2]. Defaults to 0. """ has_rsample = True arg_constraints = {"stability": constraints.interval(0, 2), # half-open (0, 2] "skew": constraints.interval(-1, 1), # closed [-1, 1] "scale": constraints.positive, "loc": constraints.real} support = constraints.real def __init__(self, stability, skew, scale=1.0, loc=0.0, validate_args=None): self.stability, self.skew, self.scale, self.loc = broadcast_all( stability, skew, scale, loc) super().__init__(self.loc.shape, validate_args=validate_args)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(Stable, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) for name in self.arg_constraints: setattr(new, name, getattr(self, name).expand(batch_shape)) super(Stable, new).__init__(batch_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("Stable.log_prob() is not implemented")
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): shape = self._extended_shape(sample_shape) x = _standard_stable(shape, self.stability, self.skew) return self.loc + self.scale * x