Source code for pyro.infer.reparam.discrete_cosine

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.distributions.transforms.discrete_cosine import DiscreteCosineTransform

from .reparam import Reparam

[docs]class DiscreteCosineReparam(Reparam): """ Discrete Cosine reparamterizer, using a :class:`~pyro.distributions.transforms.DiscreteCosineTransform` . This is useful for sequential models where coupling along a time-like axis (e.g. a banded precision matrix) introduces long-range correlation. This reparameterizes to a frequency-domain represetation where posterior covariance should be closer to diagonal, thereby improving the accuracy of diagonal guides in SVI and improving the effectiveness of a diagonal mass matrix in HMC. This reparameterization works only for latent variables, not likelihoods. :param int dim: Dimension along which to transform. Must be negative. This is an absolute dim counting from the right. """ def __init__(self, dim=-1): assert isinstance(dim, int) and dim < 0 self.dim = dim
[docs] def __call__(self, name, fn, obs): assert obs is None, "TransformReparam does not support observe statements" assert fn.event_dim >= -self.dim, ("Cannot transform along batch dimension; " "try converting a batch dimension to an event dimension") # Draw noise from the base distribution. transform = DiscreteCosineTransform(dim=self.dim, cache_size=1) x_dct = pyro.sample("{}_dct".format(name), dist.TransformedDistribution(fn, transform)) # Differentiably transform. x = transform.inv(x_dct) # should be free due to transform cache # Simulate a pyro.deterministic() site. new_fn = dist.Delta(x, event_dim=fn.event_dim) return new_fn, x