Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial

from torch.distributions import biject_to, constraints
from torch.nn import Parameter

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.distributions.util import eye_like
from pyro.nn.module import PyroModule, PyroParam, PyroSample, pyro_method

def _is_real_support(support):
    if isinstance(support, pyro.distributions.constraints.IndependentConstraint):
        return _is_real_support(support.base_constraint)
        return support in [constraints.real, constraints.real_vector]

def _get_sample_fn(module, name):
    if module.mode == "model":
        return module._priors[name]

    dist_constructor, dist_args = module._guides[name]

    if dist_constructor is dist.Delta:
        p_map = getattr(module, "{}_map".format(name))
        return dist.Delta(p_map, event_dim=p_map.dim())

    # create guide
    dist_args = {arg: getattr(module, "{}_{}".format(name, arg)) for arg in dist_args}
    guide = dist_constructor(**dist_args)

    # no need to do transforms when support is real (for mean field ELBO)
    support = module._priors[name].support
    if _is_real_support(support):
        return guide.to_event()

    # otherwise, we do inference in unconstrained space and transform the value
    # back to original space
    # TODO: move this logic to infer.autoguide or somewhere else
    unconstrained_value = pyro.sample(module._pyro_get_fullname("{}_latent".format(name)),
                                      infer={"is_auxiliary": True})
    transform = biject_to(support)
    value = transform(unconstrained_value)
    log_density = transform.inv.log_abs_det_jacobian(value, unconstrained_value)
    return dist.Delta(value, log_density.sum(), event_dim=value.dim())

[docs]class Parameterized(PyroModule): """ A wrapper of :class:`~pyro.nn.module.PyroModule` whose parameters can be set constraints, set priors. By default, when we set a prior to a parameter, an auto Delta guide will be created. We can use the method :meth:`autoguide` to setup other auto guides. Example:: >>> class Linear(Parameterized): ... def __init__(self, a, b): ... super().__init__() ... self.a = Parameter(a) ... self.b = Parameter(b) ... ... def forward(self, x): ... return self.a * x + self.b ... >>> linear = Linear(torch.tensor(1.), torch.tensor(0.)) >>> linear.a = PyroParam(torch.tensor(1.), constraints.positive) >>> linear.b = PyroSample(dist.Normal(0, 1)) >>> linear.autoguide("b", dist.Normal) >>> assert "a_unconstrained" in dict(linear.named_parameters()) >>> assert "b_loc" in dict(linear.named_parameters()) >>> assert "b_scale_unconstrained" in dict(linear.named_parameters()) Note that by default, data of a parameter is a float :class:`torch.Tensor` (unless we use :func:`torch.set_default_tensor_type` to change default tensor type). To cast these parameters to a correct data type or GPU device, we can call methods such as :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.double` or :meth:`~torch.nn.Module.cuda`. See :class:`torch.nn.Module` for more information. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._priors = OrderedDict() self._guides = OrderedDict() self._mode = "model"
[docs] def set_prior(self, name, prior): """ Sets prior for a parameter. :param str name: Name of the parameter. :param ~pyro.distributions.distribution.Distribution prior: A Pyro prior distribution. """ warnings.warn("The method `self.set_prior({}, prior)` has been deprecated" " in favor of `self.{} = PyroSample(prior)`.".format(name, name), UserWarning) setattr(self, name, PyroSample(prior))
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if isinstance(value, PyroSample): prior = value.prior if hasattr(prior, "sample"): self._priors[name] = prior self.autoguide(name, dist.Delta) value = PyroSample(partial(_get_sample_fn, name=name)) super().__setattr__(name, value)
[docs] def autoguide(self, name, dist_constructor): """ Sets an autoguide for an existing parameter with name ``name`` (mimic the behavior of module :mod:`pyro.infer.autoguide`). .. note:: `dist_constructor` should be one of :class:`~pyro.distributions.Delta`, :class:`~pyro.distributions.Normal`, and :class:`~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal`. More distribution constructor will be supported in the future if needed. :param str name: Name of the parameter. :param dist_constructor: A :class:`~pyro.distributions.distribution.Distribution` constructor. """ if name not in self._priors: raise ValueError("There is no prior for parameter: {}".format(name)) if dist_constructor not in [dist.Delta, dist.Normal, dist.MultivariateNormal]: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported distribution type: {}" .format(dist_constructor)) # delete old guide if name in self._guides: dist_args = self._guides[name][1] for arg in dist_args: delattr(self, "{}_{}".format(name, arg)) p = self._priors[name]() # init_to_sample strategy if dist_constructor is dist.Delta: support = self._priors[name].support if _is_real_support(support): p_map = Parameter(p.detach()) else: p_map = PyroParam(p.detach(), support) setattr(self, "{}_map".format(name), p_map) dist_args = ("map",) elif dist_constructor is dist.Normal: loc = Parameter(biject_to(self._priors[name].support).inv(p).detach()) scale = PyroParam(loc.new_ones(loc.shape), constraints.positive) setattr(self, "{}_loc".format(name), loc) setattr(self, "{}_scale".format(name), scale) dist_args = ("loc", "scale") elif dist_constructor is dist.MultivariateNormal: loc = Parameter(biject_to(self._priors[name].support).inv(p).detach()) identity = eye_like(loc, loc.size(-1)) scale_tril = PyroParam(identity.repeat(loc.shape[:-1] + (1, 1)), constraints.lower_cholesky) setattr(self, "{}_loc".format(name), loc) setattr(self, "{}_scale_tril".format(name), scale_tril) dist_args = ("loc", "scale_tril") else: raise NotImplementedError self._guides[name] = (dist_constructor, dist_args)
@pyro_method def _load_pyro_samples(self): """ Runs `pyro.sample` primitives for all `PyroSample` attributes. """ for module in self.modules(): if "_pyro_samples" in module.__dict__: for name in module._pyro_samples: getattr(module, name)
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode): """ Sets ``mode`` of this object to be able to use its parameters in stochastic functions. If ``mode="model"``, a parameter will get its value from its prior. If ``mode="guide"``, the value will be drawn from its guide. .. note:: This method automatically sets ``mode`` for submodules which belong to :class:`Parameterized` class. :param str mode: Either "model" or "guide". """ for module in self.modules(): if isinstance(module, Parameterized): module.mode = mode
@property def mode(self): return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): self._mode = mode