Source code for pyro.distributions.torch

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import math

import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints

from pyro.distributions.constraints import IndependentConstraint
from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistributionMixin
from pyro.distributions.util import sum_rightmost
from pyro.ops.special import log_binomial

def _clamp_by_zero(x):
    # works like clamp(x, min=0) but has grad at 0 is 0.5
    return (x.clamp(min=0) + x - x.clamp(max=0)) / 2

[docs]class Beta(torch.distributions.Beta, TorchDistributionMixin): def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ assert isinstance(other, Beta) concentration1 = self.concentration1 + other.concentration1 - 1 concentration0 = self.concentration0 + other.concentration0 - 1 updated = Beta(concentration1, concentration0) def _log_normalizer(d): x = d.concentration1 y = d.concentration0 return (x + y).lgamma() - x.lgamma() - y.lgamma() log_normalizer = _log_normalizer(self) + _log_normalizer(other) - _log_normalizer(updated) return updated, log_normalizer
[docs]class Binomial(torch.distributions.Binomial, TorchDistributionMixin): # EXPERIMENTAL threshold on total_count above which sampling will use a # clamped Poisson approximation for Binomial samples. This is useful for # sampling very large populations. approx_sample_thresh = math.inf # EXPERIMENTAL If set to a positive value, the .log_prob() method will use # a shifted Sterling's approximation to the Beta function, reducing # computational cost from 3 lgamma() evaluations to 4 log() evaluations # plus arithmetic. Recommended values are between 0.1 and 0.01. approx_log_prob_tol = 0. def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): if self.approx_sample_thresh < math.inf: exact = self.total_count <= self.approx_sample_thresh if not exact.all(): # Approximate large counts with a moment-matched clamped Poisson. with torch.no_grad(): shape = self._extended_shape(sample_shape) p = self.probs q = 1 - self.probs mean = torch.min(p, q) * self.total_count variance = p * q * self.total_count shift = (mean - variance).round() result = torch.poisson(variance.expand(shape)) result = torch.min(result + shift, self.total_count) sample = torch.where(p < q, result, self.total_count - result) # Draw exact samples for remaining items. if exact.any(): total_count = torch.where(exact, self.total_count, torch.zeros_like(self.total_count)) exact_sample = torch.distributions.Binomial( total_count, self.probs, validate_args=False).sample(sample_shape) sample = torch.where(exact, exact_sample, sample) return sample return super().sample(sample_shape) def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) n = self.total_count k = value # k * log(p) + (n - k) * log(1 - p) = k * (log(p) - log(1 - p)) + n * log(1 - p) # (case logit < 0) = k * logit - n * log1p(e^logit) # (case logit > 0) = k * logit - n * (log(p) - log(1 - p)) + n * log(p) # = k * logit - n * logit - n * log1p(e^-logit) # (merge two cases) = k * logit - n * max(logit, 0) - n * log1p(e^-|logit|) normalize_term = n * (_clamp_by_zero(self.logits) + self.logits.abs().neg().exp().log1p()) return (k * self.logits - normalize_term + log_binomial(n, k, tol=self.approx_log_prob_tol))
# This overloads .log_prob() and .enumerate_support() to speed up evaluating # log_prob on the support of this variable: we can completely avoid tensor ops # and merely reshape the self.logits tensor. This is especially important for # Pyro models that use enumeration.
[docs]class Categorical(torch.distributions.Categorical, TorchDistributionMixin): def log_prob(self, value): if getattr(value, '_pyro_categorical_support', None) == id(self): # Assume value is a reshaped torch.arange(event_shape[0]). # In this case we can call .reshape() rather than torch.gather(). if not torch._C._get_tracing_state(): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) assert value.size(0) == self.logits.size(-1) logits = self.logits if logits.dim() <= value.dim(): logits = logits.reshape((1,) * (1 + value.dim() - logits.dim()) + logits.shape) if not torch._C._get_tracing_state(): assert logits.size(-1 - value.dim()) == 1 return logits.transpose(-1 - value.dim(), -1).squeeze(-1) return super().log_prob(value) def enumerate_support(self, expand=True): result = super().enumerate_support(expand=expand) if not expand: result._pyro_categorical_support = id(self) return result
[docs]class Dirichlet(torch.distributions.Dirichlet, TorchDistributionMixin): def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ assert isinstance(other, Dirichlet) concentration = self.concentration + other.concentration - 1 updated = Dirichlet(concentration) def _log_normalizer(d): c = d.concentration return c.sum(-1).lgamma() - c.lgamma().sum(-1) log_normalizer = _log_normalizer(self) + _log_normalizer(other) - _log_normalizer(updated) return updated, log_normalizer
[docs]class Gamma(torch.distributions.Gamma, TorchDistributionMixin): def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ assert isinstance(other, Gamma) concentration = self.concentration + other.concentration - 1 rate = self.rate + other.rate updated = Gamma(concentration, rate) def _log_normalizer(d): c = d.concentration return d.rate.log() * c - c.lgamma() log_normalizer = _log_normalizer(self) + _log_normalizer(other) - _log_normalizer(updated) return updated, log_normalizer
[docs]class Geometric(torch.distributions.Geometric, TorchDistributionMixin): # TODO: move upstream def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) return (-value - 1) * torch.nn.functional.softplus(self.logits) + self.logits
[docs]class LogNormal(torch.distributions.LogNormal, TorchDistributionMixin): def __init__(self, loc, scale, validate_args=None): base_dist = Normal(loc, scale) # This differs from torch.distributions.LogNormal only in that base_dist is # a pyro.distributions.Normal rather than a torch.distributions.Normal. super(torch.distributions.LogNormal, self).__init__( base_dist, torch.distributions.transforms.ExpTransform(), validate_args=validate_args) def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(LogNormal, _instance) return super(torch.distributions.LogNormal, self).expand(batch_shape, _instance=new)
[docs]class MultivariateNormal(torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal, TorchDistributionMixin): support = IndependentConstraint(constraints.real, 1) # TODO move upstream
[docs]class Normal(torch.distributions.Normal, TorchDistributionMixin): pass
[docs]class Independent(torch.distributions.Independent, TorchDistributionMixin): @constraints.dependent_property def support(self): return IndependentConstraint(, self.reinterpreted_batch_ndims) @property def _validate_args(self): return self.base_dist._validate_args @_validate_args.setter def _validate_args(self, value): self.base_dist._validate_args = value def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ n = self.reintepreted_batch_ndims updated, log_normalizer = self.base_dist.conjugate_update(other.to_event(-n)) updated = updated.to_event(n) log_normalizer = sum_rightmost(log_normalizer, n) return updated, log_normalizer
[docs]class Uniform(torch.distributions.Uniform, TorchDistributionMixin): def __init__(self, low, high, validate_args=None): self._unbroadcasted_low = low self._unbroadcasted_high = high super().__init__(low, high, validate_args=validate_args) def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(Uniform, _instance) new = super().expand(batch_shape, _instance=new) new._unbroadcasted_low = self._unbroadcasted_low new._unbroadcasted_high = self._unbroadcasted_high return new @constraints.dependent_property def support(self): return constraints.interval(self._unbroadcasted_low, self._unbroadcasted_high)
# Programmatically load all distributions from PyTorch. __all__ = [] for _name, _Dist in torch.distributions.__dict__.items(): if not isinstance(_Dist, type): continue if not issubclass(_Dist, torch.distributions.Distribution): continue if _Dist is torch.distributions.Distribution: continue try: _PyroDist = locals()[_name] except KeyError: _PyroDist = type(_name, (_Dist, TorchDistributionMixin), {}) _PyroDist.__module__ = __name__ locals()[_name] = _PyroDist _PyroDist.__doc__ = ''' Wraps :class:`{}.{}` with :class:`~pyro.distributions.torch_distribution.TorchDistributionMixin`. '''.format(_Dist.__module__, _Dist.__name__) __all__.append(_name) # Create sphinx documentation. __doc__ = '\n\n'.join([ ''' {0} ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. autoclass:: pyro.distributions.{0} '''.format(_name) for _name in sorted(__all__) ])