Source code for pyro.contrib.randomvariable.random_variable

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from typing import Union

from torch import Tensor

from pyro.distributions import TransformedDistribution
from pyro.distributions.transforms import (

class RVMagicOps:
    """Mixin class for overloading __magic__ operations on random variables.

    def __add__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(x, 1)))

    def __radd__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(x, 1)))

    def __sub__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(-x, 1)))

    def __rsub__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(x, -1)))

    def __mul__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(0, x)))

    def __rmul__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(0, x)))

    def __truediv__(self, x: Union[float, Tensor]):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(0, 1/x)))

    def __neg__(self):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AffineTransform(0, -1)))

    def __abs__(self):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, AbsTransform()))

    def __pow__(self, x):
        return RandomVariable(TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, PowerTransform(x)))

class RVChainOps:
    """Mixin class for performing common unary/binary operations on/between
    random variables/constant tensors using method chaining syntax.

    def add(self, x):
        return self + x

    def sub(self, x):
        return self - x

    def mul(self, x):
        return self * x

    def div(self, x):
        return self / x

    def abs(self):
        return abs(self)

    def pow(self, x):
        return self ** x

    def neg(self):
        return -self

    def exp(self):
        return self.transform(ExpTransform())

    def log(self):
        return self.transform(ExpTransform().inv)

    def sigmoid(self):
        return self.transform(SigmoidTransform())

    def tanh(self):
        return self.transform(TanhTransform())

    def softmax(self):
        return self.transform(SoftmaxTransform())

[docs]class RandomVariable(RVMagicOps, RVChainOps): """EXPERIMENTAL random variable container class around a distribution Representation of a distribution interpreted as a random variable. Rather than directly manipulating a probability density by applying pointwise transformations to it, this allows for simple arithmetic transformations of the random variable the distribution represents. For more flexibility, consider using the `transform` method. Note that if you perform a non-invertible transform (like `abs(X)` or `X**2`), certain things might not work properly. Can switch between `RandomVariable` and `Distribution` objects with the convenient `Distribution.rv` and `RandomVariable.dist` properties. Supports either chaining operations or arithmetic operator overloading. Example usage:: # This should be equivalent to an Exponential distribution. RandomVariable(Uniform(0, 1)).log().neg().dist # These two distributions Y1, Y2 should be the same X = Uniform(0, 1).rv Y1 = X.mul(4).pow(0.5).sub(1).abs().neg().dist Y2 = (-abs((4*X)**(0.5) - 1)).dist """ def __init__(self, distribution): """Wraps a distribution as a RandomVariable :param distribution: The `Distribution` object to wrap :type distribution: ~pyro.distributions.distribution.Distribution """ self.distribution = distribution
[docs] def transform(self, t: Transform): """Performs a transformation on the distribution underlying the RV. :param t: The transformation (or sequence of transformations) to be applied to the distribution. There are many examples to be found in `torch.distributions.transforms` and `pyro.distributions.transforms`, or you can subclass directly from `Transform`. :type t: ~pyro.distributions.transforms.Transform :return: The transformed `RandomVariable` :rtype: ~pyro.contrib.randomvariable.random_variable.RandomVariable """ dist = TransformedDistribution(self.distribution, t) return RandomVariable(dist)
@property def dist(self): """Convenience property for exposing the distribution underlying the random variable. :return: The `Distribution` object underlying the random variable :rtype: ~pyro.distributions.distribution.Distribution """ return self.distribution