Source code for pyro.distributions.sine_bivariate_von_mises

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import math
import warnings
from math import pi

import torch
from torch.distributions import VonMises
from torch.distributions.utils import broadcast_all, lazy_property

from pyro.distributions import constraints
from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistribution
from pyro.distributions.util import broadcast_shape
from pyro.ops.special import log_I1

[docs]class SineBivariateVonMises(TorchDistribution): r"""Unimodal distribution of two dependent angles on the 2-torus (S^1 ⨂ S^1) given by .. math:: C^{-1}\exp(\kappa_1\cos(x-\mu_1) + \kappa_2\cos(x_2 -\mu_2) + \rho\sin(x_1 - \mu_1)\sin(x_2 - \mu_2)) and .. math:: C = (2\pi)^2 \sum_{i=0} {2i \choose i} \left(\frac{\rho^2}{4\kappa_1\kappa_2}\right)^i I_i(\kappa_1)I_i(\kappa_2), where I_i(\cdot) is the modified bessel function of first kind, mu's are the locations of the distribution, kappa's are the concentration and rho gives the correlation between angles x_1 and x_2. This distribution is a submodel of the Bivariate von Mises distribution, called the Sine Distribution [2] in directional statistics. This distribution is helpful for modeling coupled angles such as torsion angles in peptide chains. To infer parameters, use :class:`~pyro.infer.NUTS` or :class:`~pyro.infer.HMC` with priors that avoid parameterizations where the distribution becomes bimodal; see note below. .. note:: Sample efficiency drops as .. math:: \frac{\rho}{\kappa_1\kappa_2} \rightarrow 1 because the distribution becomes increasingly bimodal. .. note:: The correlation and weighted_correlation params are mutually exclusive. .. note:: In the context of :class:`~pyro.infer.SVI`, this distribution can be used as a likelihood but not for latent variables. ** References: ** 1. Probabilistic model for two dependent circular variables Singh, H., Hnizdo, V., and Demchuck, E. (2002) 2. Protein Bioinformatics and Mixtures of Bivariate von Mises Distributions for Angular Data, Mardia, K. V, Taylor, T. C., and Subramaniam, G. (2007) :param torch.Tensor phi_loc: location of first angle :param torch.Tensor psi_loc: location of second angle :param torch.Tensor phi_concentration: concentration of first angle :param torch.Tensor psi_concentration: concentration of second angle :param torch.Tensor correlation: correlation between the two angles :param torch.Tensor weighted_correlation: set correlation to weigthed_corr * sqrt(phi_conc*psi_conc) to avoid bimodality (see note). """ arg_constraints = { "phi_loc": constraints.real, "psi_loc": constraints.real, "phi_concentration": constraints.positive, "psi_concentration": constraints.positive, "correlation": constraints.real, } support = constraints.independent(constraints.real, 1) max_sample_iter = 1000 def __init__( self, phi_loc, psi_loc, phi_concentration, psi_concentration, correlation=None, weighted_correlation=None, validate_args=None, ): assert (correlation is None) != (weighted_correlation is None) if weighted_correlation is not None: sqrt_ = ( torch.sqrt if isinstance(phi_concentration, torch.Tensor) else math.sqrt ) correlation = ( weighted_correlation * sqrt_(phi_concentration * psi_concentration) + 1e-8 ) ( phi_loc, psi_loc, phi_concentration, psi_concentration, correlation, ) = broadcast_all( phi_loc, psi_loc, phi_concentration, psi_concentration, correlation ) self.phi_loc = phi_loc self.psi_loc = psi_loc self.phi_concentration = phi_concentration self.psi_concentration = psi_concentration self.correlation = correlation event_shape = torch.Size([2]) batch_shape = phi_loc.shape super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args) if self._validate_args and torch.any( phi_concentration * psi_concentration <= correlation ** 2 ): warnings.warn( f"{self.__class__.__name__} bimodal due to concentration-correlation relation, " f"sampling will likely fail.", UserWarning, )
[docs] @lazy_property def norm_const(self): corr = self.correlation.view(1, -1) + 1e-8 conc = torch.stack( (self.phi_concentration, self.psi_concentration), dim=-1 ).view(-1, 2) m = torch.arange(50, device=self.phi_loc.device).view(-1, 1) fs = ( SineBivariateVonMises._lbinoms(m.max() + 1).view(-1, 1) + 2 * m * torch.log(corr) - m * torch.log(4 *, dim=-1)) ) fs += log_I1(m.max(), conc, 51).sum(-1) mfs = fs.max() norm_const = 2 * torch.log(torch.tensor(2 * pi)) + mfs + (fs - mfs).logsumexp(0) return norm_const.reshape(self.phi_loc.shape)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) indv = self.phi_concentration * torch.cos( value[..., 0] - self.phi_loc ) + self.psi_concentration * torch.cos(value[..., 1] - self.psi_loc) corr = ( self.correlation * torch.sin(value[..., 0] - self.phi_loc) * torch.sin(value[..., 1] - self.psi_loc) ) return indv + corr - self.norm_const
[docs] def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): """ ** References: ** 1. A New Unified Approach for the Simulation of aWide Class of Directional Distributions John T. Kent, Asaad M. Ganeiber & Kanti V. Mardia (2018) """ assert not torch._C._get_tracing_state(), "jit not supported" sample_shape = torch.Size(sample_shape) corr = self.correlation conc = torch.stack((self.phi_concentration, self.psi_concentration)) eig = 0.5 * (conc[0] - corr ** 2 / conc[1]) eig = torch.stack((torch.zeros_like(eig), eig)) eigmin = torch.where( eig[1] < 0, eig[1], torch.zeros_like(eig[1], dtype=eig.dtype) ) eig = eig - eigmin b0 = self._bfind(eig) total = sample_shape.numel() missing = total * torch.ones( (self.batch_shape.numel(),),, device=conc.device ) start = torch.zeros_like(missing, device=conc.device) phi = torch.empty( (2, *missing.shape, total), dtype=corr.dtype, device=conc.device ) max_iter = SineBivariateVonMises.max_sample_iter # flatten batch_shape conc = conc.view(2, -1, 1) eigmin = eigmin.view(-1, 1) corr = corr.reshape(-1, 1) eig = eig.view(2, -1) b0 = b0.view(-1) phi_den = log_I1(0, conc[1]).view(-1, 1) lengths = torch.arange(total, device=conc.device).view(1, -1) while torch.any(missing > 0) and max_iter: curr_conc = conc[:, missing > 0, :] curr_corr = corr[missing > 0] curr_eig = eig[:, missing > 0] curr_b0 = b0[missing > 0] x = ( torch.distributions.Normal(0.0, torch.sqrt(1 + 2 * curr_eig / curr_b0)) .sample((missing[missing > 0].min(),)) .view(2, -1, missing[missing > 0].min()) ) x /= x.norm(dim=0)[None, ...] # Angular Central Gaussian distribution lf = ( curr_conc[0] * (x[0] - 1) + eigmin[missing > 0] + log_I1( 0, torch.sqrt(curr_conc[1] ** 2 + (curr_corr * x[1]) ** 2) ).squeeze(0) - phi_den[missing > 0] ) assert lf.shape == ((missing > 0).sum(), missing[missing > 0].min()) lg_inv = ( 1.0 - curr_b0.view(-1, 1) / 2 + torch.log( curr_b0.view(-1, 1) / 2 + (curr_eig.view(2, -1, 1) * x ** 2).sum(0) ) ) assert lg_inv.shape == lf.shape accepted = ( torch.distributions.Uniform( 0.0, torch.ones((), device=conc.device) ).sample(lf.shape) < (lf + lg_inv).exp() ) phi_mask = torch.zeros( (*missing.shape, total), dtype=torch.bool, device=conc.device ) phi_mask[missing > 0] = torch.logical_and( lengths < (start[missing > 0] + accepted.sum(-1)).view(-1, 1), lengths >= start[missing > 0].view(-1, 1), ) phi[:, phi_mask] = x[:, accepted] start[missing > 0] += accepted.sum(-1) missing[missing > 0] -= accepted.sum(-1) max_iter -= 1 if max_iter == 0 or torch.any(missing > 0): raise ValueError( "maximum number of iterations exceeded; " "try increasing `SineBivariateVonMises.max_sample_iter`" ) phi = torch.atan2(phi[1], phi[0]) alpha = torch.sqrt(conc[1] ** 2 + (corr * torch.sin(phi)) ** 2) beta = torch.atan(corr / conc[1] * torch.sin(phi)) psi = VonMises(beta, alpha).sample() phi_psi = torch.stack( ( (phi + self.phi_loc.reshape((-1, 1)) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi, (psi + self.psi_loc.reshape((-1, 1)) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi, ), dim=-1, ).permute(1, 0, 2) return phi_psi.reshape(*sample_shape, *self.batch_shape, *self.event_shape)
@property def mean(self): return torch.stack((self.phi_loc, self.psi_loc), dim=-1)
[docs] @classmethod def infer_shapes(cls, **arg_shapes): batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(*arg_shapes.values())) return batch_shape, torch.Size([2])
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(SineBivariateVonMises, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) for k in SineBivariateVonMises.arg_constraints.keys(): setattr(new, k, getattr(self, k).expand(batch_shape)) new.norm_const = self.norm_const.expand(batch_shape) super(SineBivariateVonMises, new).__init__( batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new
def _bfind(self, eig): b = ( eig.shape[0] / 2 * torch.ones(self.batch_shape, dtype=eig.dtype, device=eig.device) ) g1 = torch.sum(1 / (b + 2 * eig) ** 2, dim=0) g2 = torch.sum(-2 / (b + 2 * eig) ** 3, dim=0) return torch.where(eig.norm(0) != 0, b - g1 / g2, b) @staticmethod def _lbinoms(n): ns = torch.arange(n, device=n.device) num = torch.lgamma(2 * ns + 1) den = torch.lgamma(ns + 1) return num - 2 * den