Source code for pyro.ops.special

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import functools
import math
import operator

import torch

class _SafeLog(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, x):
        return x.log()

    def backward(ctx, grad):
        (x,) = ctx.saved_tensors
        return grad / x.clamp(min=torch.finfo(x.dtype).eps)

[docs]def safe_log(x): """ Like :func:`torch.log` but avoids infinite gradients at log(0) by clamping them to at most ``1 / finfo.eps``. """ return _SafeLog.apply(x)
[docs]def log_beta(x, y, tol=0.0): """ Computes log Beta function. When ``tol >= 0.02`` this uses a shifted Stirling's approximation to the log Beta function. The approximation adapts Stirling's approximation of the log Gamma function:: lgamma(z) ≈ (z - 1/2) * log(z) - z + log(2 * pi) / 2 to approximate the log Beta function:: log_beta(x, y) ≈ ((x-1/2) * log(x) + (y-1/2) * log(y) - (x+y-1/2) * log(x+y) + log(2*pi)/2) The approximation additionally improves accuracy near zero by iteratively shifting the log Gamma approximation using the recursion:: lgamma(x) = lgamma(x + 1) - log(x) If this recursion is applied ``n`` times, then absolute error is bounded by ``error < 0.082 / n < tol``, thus we choose ``n`` based on the user provided ``tol``. :param torch.Tensor x: A positive tensor. :param torch.Tensor y: A positive tensor. :param float tol: Bound on maximum absolute error. Defaults to 0.1. For very small ``tol``, this function simply defers to :func:`log_beta`. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ assert isinstance(tol, (float, int)) and tol >= 0 if tol < 0.02: # At small tolerance it is cheaper to defer to torch.lgamma(). return x.lgamma() + y.lgamma() - (x + y).lgamma() # This bound holds for arbitrary x,y. We could do better with large x,y. shift = int(math.ceil(0.082 / tol)) xy = x + y factors = [] for _ in range(shift): factors.append(xy / (x * y)) x = x + 1 y = y + 1 xy = xy + 1 log_factor = functools.reduce(operator.mul, factors).log() return ( log_factor + (x - 0.5) * x.log() + (y - 0.5) * y.log() - (xy - 0.5) * xy.log() + (math.log(2 * math.pi) / 2 - shift) )
[docs]@torch.no_grad() def log_binomial(n, k, tol=0.0): """ Computes log binomial coefficient. When ``tol >= 0.02`` this uses a shifted Stirling's approximation to the log Beta function via :func:`log_beta`. :param torch.Tensor n: A nonnegative integer tensor. :param torch.Tensor k: An integer tensor ranging in ``[0, n]``. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ assert isinstance(tol, (float, int)) and tol >= 0 n_plus_1 = n + 1 if tol < 0.02: # At small tolerance it is cheaper to defer to torch.lgamma(). return n_plus_1.lgamma() - (k + 1).lgamma() - (n_plus_1 - k).lgamma() return -n_plus_1.log() - log_beta(k + 1, n_plus_1 - k, tol=tol)
[docs]def log_I1(orders: int, value: torch.Tensor, terms=250): r"""Compute first n log modified bessel function of first kind .. math :: \log(I_v(z)) = v*\log(z/2) + \log(\sum_{k=0}^\inf \exp\left[2*k*\log(z/2) - \sum_kk^k log(kk) - \lgamma(v + k + 1)\right]) :param orders: orders of the log modified bessel function. :param value: values to compute modified bessel function for :param terms: truncation of summation :return: 0 to orders modified bessel function """ orders = orders + 1 if len(value.size()) == 0: vshape = torch.Size([1]) else: vshape = value.shape value = value.reshape(-1, 1) k = torch.arange(terms, device=value.device) lgammas_all = torch.lgamma(torch.arange(1, terms + orders + 1, device=value.device)) assert lgammas_all.shape == (orders + terms,) # lgamma(0) = inf => start from 1 lvalues = torch.log(value / 2) * k.view(1, -1) assert lvalues.shape == (vshape.numel(), terms) lfactorials = lgammas_all[:terms] assert lfactorials.shape == (terms,) lgammas = lgammas_all.repeat(orders).view(orders, -1) assert lgammas.shape == (orders, terms + orders) # lgamma(0) = inf => start from 1 indices = k[:orders].view(-1, 1) + k.view(1, -1) assert indices.shape == (orders, terms) seqs = ( 2 * lvalues[None, :, :] - lfactorials[None, None, :] - lgammas.gather(1, indices)[:, None, :] ).logsumexp(-1) assert seqs.shape == (orders, vshape.numel()) i1s = lvalues[..., :orders].T + seqs assert i1s.shape == (orders, vshape.numel()) return i1s.view(-1, *vshape)