Source code for pyro.distributions.torch_distribution

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
from torch.distributions.kl import kl_divergence, register_kl

import pyro.distributions.torch

from . import constraints
from .distribution import Distribution
from .score_parts import ScoreParts
from .util import broadcast_shape, scale_and_mask

[docs]class TorchDistributionMixin(Distribution): """ Mixin to provide Pyro compatibility for PyTorch distributions. You should instead use `TorchDistribution` for new distribution classes. This is mainly useful for wrapping existing PyTorch distributions for use in Pyro. Derived classes must first inherit from :class:`torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution` and then inherit from :class:`TorchDistributionMixin`. """
[docs] def __call__(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): """ Samples a random value. This is reparameterized whenever possible, calling :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.rsample` for reparameterized distributions and :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.sample` for non-reparameterized distributions. :param sample_shape: the size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution. :type sample_shape: torch.Size :return: A random value or batch of random values (if parameters are batched). The shape of the result should be `self.shape()`. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ return ( self.rsample(sample_shape) if self.has_rsample else self.sample(sample_shape) )
@property def event_dim(self): """ :return: Number of dimensions of individual events. :rtype: int """ return len(self.event_shape)
[docs] def shape(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): """ The tensor shape of samples from this distribution. Samples are of shape:: d.shape(sample_shape) == sample_shape + d.batch_shape + d.event_shape :param sample_shape: the size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution. :type sample_shape: torch.Size :return: Tensor shape of samples. :rtype: torch.Size """ return sample_shape + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape
[docs] @classmethod def infer_shapes(cls, **arg_shapes): r""" Infers ``batch_shape`` and ``event_shape`` given shapes of args to :meth:`__init__`. .. note:: This assumes distribution shape depends only on the shapes of tensor inputs, not in the data contained in those inputs. :param \*\*arg_shapes: Keywords mapping name of input arg to :class:`torch.Size` or tuple representing the sizes of each tensor input. :returns: A pair ``(batch_shape, event_shape)`` of the shapes of a distribution that would be created with input args of the given shapes. :rtype: tuple """ if > 0: raise NotImplementedError # Assumes distribution is univariate. batch_shapes = [] for name, shape in arg_shapes.items(): event_dim = cls.arg_constraints.get(name, constraints.real).event_dim batch_shapes.append(shape[: len(shape) - event_dim]) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(*batch_shapes)) event_shape = torch.Size() return batch_shape, event_shape
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): """ Returns a new :class:`ExpandedDistribution` instance with batch dimensions expanded to `batch_shape`. :param tuple batch_shape: batch shape to expand to. :param _instance: unused argument for compatibility with :meth:`torch.distributions.Distribution.expand` :return: an instance of `ExpandedDistribution`. :rtype: :class:`ExpandedDistribution` """ return ExpandedDistribution(self, batch_shape)
[docs] def expand_by(self, sample_shape): """ Expands a distribution by adding ``sample_shape`` to the left side of its :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.batch_shape`. To expand internal dims of ``self.batch_shape`` from 1 to something larger, use :meth:`expand` instead. :param torch.Size sample_shape: The size of the iid batch to be drawn from the distribution. :return: An expanded version of this distribution. :rtype: :class:`ExpandedDistribution` """ try: expanded_dist = self.expand(torch.Size(sample_shape) + self.batch_shape) except NotImplementedError: expanded_dist = TorchDistributionMixin.expand( self, torch.Size(sample_shape) + self.batch_shape ) return expanded_dist
[docs] def reshape(self, sample_shape=None, extra_event_dims=None): raise Exception( """ .reshape(sample_shape=s, extra_event_dims=n) was renamed and split into .expand_by(sample_shape=s).to_event(reinterpreted_batch_ndims=n).""" )
[docs] def to_event(self, reinterpreted_batch_ndims=None): """ Reinterprets the ``n`` rightmost dimensions of this distributions :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.batch_shape` as event dims, adding them to the left side of :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.event_shape`. Example: .. doctest:: :hide: >>> d0 = dist.Normal(torch.zeros(2, 3, 4, 5), torch.ones(2, 3, 4, 5)) >>> [d0.batch_shape, d0.event_shape] [torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 5]), torch.Size([])] >>> d1 = d0.to_event(2) >>> [d1.batch_shape, d1.event_shape] [torch.Size([2, 3]), torch.Size([4, 5])] >>> d2 = d1.to_event(1) >>> [d2.batch_shape, d2.event_shape] [torch.Size([2]), torch.Size([3, 4, 5])] >>> d3 = d1.to_event(2) >>> [d3.batch_shape, d3.event_shape] [torch.Size([]), torch.Size([2, 3, 4, 5])] :param int reinterpreted_batch_ndims: The number of batch dimensions to reinterpret as event dimensions. May be negative to remove dimensions from an :class:`pyro.distributions.torch.Independent` . If None, convert all dimensions to event dimensions. :return: A reshaped version of this distribution. :rtype: :class:`pyro.distributions.torch.Independent` """ if reinterpreted_batch_ndims is None: reinterpreted_batch_ndims = len(self.batch_shape) # Deconstruct Independent distributions. base_dist = self while isinstance(base_dist, torch.distributions.Independent): reinterpreted_batch_ndims += base_dist.reinterpreted_batch_ndims base_dist = base_dist.base_dist if reinterpreted_batch_ndims == 0: return base_dist if reinterpreted_batch_ndims < 0: raise ValueError( "Cannot remove event dimensions from {}".format(type(self)) ) return pyro.distributions.torch.Independent( base_dist, reinterpreted_batch_ndims )
[docs] def independent(self, reinterpreted_batch_ndims=None): warnings.warn( "independent is deprecated; use to_event instead", DeprecationWarning ) return self.to_event(reinterpreted_batch_ndims=reinterpreted_batch_ndims)
[docs] def mask(self, mask): """ Masks a distribution by a boolean or boolean-valued tensor that is broadcastable to the distributions :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.batch_shape` . :param mask: A boolean or boolean valued tensor. :type mask: bool or torch.Tensor :return: A masked copy of this distribution. :rtype: :class:`MaskedDistribution` """ return MaskedDistribution(self, mask)
[docs]class TorchDistribution(torch.distributions.Distribution, TorchDistributionMixin): """ Base class for PyTorch-compatible distributions with Pyro support. This should be the base class for almost all new Pyro distributions. .. note:: Parameters and data should be of type :class:`~torch.Tensor` and all methods return type :class:`~torch.Tensor` unless otherwise noted. **Tensor Shapes**: TorchDistributions provide a method ``.shape()`` for the tensor shape of samples:: x = d.sample(sample_shape) assert x.shape == d.shape(sample_shape) Pyro follows the same distribution shape semantics as PyTorch. It distinguishes between three different roles for tensor shapes of samples: - *sample shape* corresponds to the shape of the iid samples drawn from the distribution. This is taken as an argument by the distribution's `sample` method. - *batch shape* corresponds to non-identical (independent) parameterizations of the distribution, inferred from the distribution's parameter shapes. This is fixed for a distribution instance. - *event shape* corresponds to the event dimensions of the distribution, which is fixed for a distribution class. These are collapsed when we try to score a sample from the distribution via `d.log_prob(x)`. These shapes are related by the equation:: assert d.shape(sample_shape) == sample_shape + d.batch_shape + d.event_shape Distributions provide a vectorized :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.log_prob` method that evaluates the log probability density of each event in a batch independently, returning a tensor of shape ``sample_shape + d.batch_shape``:: x = d.sample(sample_shape) assert x.shape == d.shape(sample_shape) log_p = d.log_prob(x) assert log_p.shape == sample_shape + d.batch_shape **Implementing New Distributions**: Derived classes must implement the methods :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.sample` (or :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.rsample` if ``.has_rsample == True``) and :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.log_prob`, and must implement the properties :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.batch_shape`, and :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.event_shape`. Discrete classes may also implement the :meth:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.enumerate_support` method to improve gradient estimates and set ``.has_enumerate_support = True``. """ # Provides a default `.expand` method for Pyro distributions which overrides # torch.distributions.Distribution.expand (throws a NotImplementedError). expand = TorchDistributionMixin.expand
[docs]class MaskedDistribution(TorchDistribution): """ Masks a distribution by a boolean tensor that is broadcastable to the distribution's :attr:`~torch.distributions.distribution.Distribution.batch_shape`. In the special case ``mask is False``, computation of :meth:`log_prob` , :meth:`score_parts` , and ``kl_divergence()`` is skipped, and constant zero values are returned instead. :param mask: A boolean or boolean-valued tensor. :type mask: torch.Tensor or bool """ arg_constraints = {} def __init__(self, base_dist, mask): if isinstance(mask, bool): self._mask = mask else: batch_shape = broadcast_shape(mask.shape, base_dist.batch_shape) if mask.shape != batch_shape: mask = mask.expand(batch_shape) if base_dist.batch_shape != batch_shape: base_dist = base_dist.expand(batch_shape) self._mask = mask.bool() self.base_dist = base_dist super().__init__(base_dist.batch_shape, base_dist.event_shape)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(MaskedDistribution, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) new.base_dist = self.base_dist.expand(batch_shape) new._mask = self._mask if isinstance(new._mask, torch.Tensor): new._mask = new._mask.expand(batch_shape) super(MaskedDistribution, new).__init__( batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new
@property def has_rsample(self): return self.base_dist.has_rsample @property def has_enumerate_support(self): return self.base_dist.has_enumerate_support @constraints.dependent_property def support(self): return
[docs] def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): return self.base_dist.sample(sample_shape)
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): return self.base_dist.rsample(sample_shape)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._mask is False: shape = broadcast_shape( self.base_dist.batch_shape, value.shape[: value.dim() - self.event_dim] ) return torch.zeros((), device=value.device).expand(shape) if self._mask is True: return self.base_dist.log_prob(value) return scale_and_mask(self.base_dist.log_prob(value), mask=self._mask)
[docs] def score_parts(self, value): if isinstance(self._mask, bool): return super().score_parts(value) # calls self.log_prob(value) return self.base_dist.score_parts(value).scale_and_mask(mask=self._mask)
[docs] def enumerate_support(self, expand=True): return self.base_dist.enumerate_support(expand=expand)
@property def mean(self): return self.base_dist.mean @property def variance(self): return self.base_dist.variance
[docs] def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ updated, log_normalizer = self.base_dist.conjugate_update(other) updated = updated.mask(self._mask) log_normalizer = torch.where( self._mask, log_normalizer, torch.zeros_like(log_normalizer) ) return updated, log_normalizer
class ExpandedDistribution(TorchDistribution): arg_constraints = {} def __init__(self, base_dist, batch_shape=torch.Size()): self.base_dist = base_dist super().__init__(base_dist.batch_shape, base_dist.event_shape) # adjust batch shape self.expand(batch_shape) def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): # Do basic validation. e.g. we should not "unexpand" distributions even if that is possible. new_shape, _, _ = self._broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape) # Record interstitial and expanded dims/sizes w.r.t. the base distribution new_shape, expanded_sizes, interstitial_sizes = self._broadcast_shape( self.base_dist.batch_shape, new_shape ) self._batch_shape = new_shape self._expanded_sizes = expanded_sizes self._interstitial_sizes = interstitial_sizes return self @staticmethod def _broadcast_shape(existing_shape, new_shape): if len(new_shape) < len(existing_shape): raise ValueError( "Cannot broadcast distribution of shape {} to shape {}".format( existing_shape, new_shape ) ) reversed_shape = list(reversed(existing_shape)) expanded_sizes, interstitial_sizes = [], [] for i, size in enumerate(reversed(new_shape)): if i >= len(reversed_shape): reversed_shape.append(size) expanded_sizes.append((-i - 1, size)) elif reversed_shape[i] == 1: if size != 1: reversed_shape[i] = size interstitial_sizes.append((-i - 1, size)) elif reversed_shape[i] != size: raise ValueError( "Cannot broadcast distribution of shape {} to shape {}".format( existing_shape, new_shape ) ) return ( tuple(reversed(reversed_shape)), OrderedDict(expanded_sizes), OrderedDict(interstitial_sizes), ) @property def has_rsample(self): return self.base_dist.has_rsample @property def has_enumerate_support(self): return self.base_dist.has_enumerate_support @constraints.dependent_property def support(self): return def _sample(self, sample_fn, sample_shape): interstitial_dims = tuple(self._interstitial_sizes.keys()) interstitial_dims = tuple(i - self.event_dim for i in interstitial_dims) interstitial_sizes = tuple(self._interstitial_sizes.values()) expanded_sizes = tuple(self._expanded_sizes.values()) batch_shape = expanded_sizes + interstitial_sizes samples = sample_fn(sample_shape + batch_shape) interstitial_idx = len(sample_shape) + len(expanded_sizes) interstitial_sample_dims = tuple( range(interstitial_idx, interstitial_idx + len(interstitial_sizes)) ) for dim1, dim2 in zip(interstitial_dims, interstitial_sample_dims): samples = samples.transpose(dim1, dim2) return samples.reshape(sample_shape + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape) def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): return self._sample(self.base_dist.sample, sample_shape) def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): return self._sample(self.base_dist.rsample, sample_shape) def log_prob(self, value): shape = broadcast_shape( self.batch_shape, value.shape[: value.dim() - self.event_dim] ) log_prob = self.base_dist.log_prob(value) return log_prob.expand(shape) def score_parts(self, value): shape = broadcast_shape( self.batch_shape, value.shape[: value.dim() - self.event_dim] ) log_prob, score_function, entropy_term = self.base_dist.score_parts(value) if self.batch_shape != self.base_dist.batch_shape: log_prob = log_prob.expand(shape) if isinstance(score_function, torch.Tensor): score_function = score_function.expand(shape) if isinstance(score_function, torch.Tensor): entropy_term = entropy_term.expand(shape) return ScoreParts(log_prob, score_function, entropy_term) def enumerate_support(self, expand=True): samples = self.base_dist.enumerate_support(expand=False) enum_shape = samples.shape[:1] samples = samples.reshape(enum_shape + (1,) * len(self.batch_shape)) if expand: samples = samples.expand(enum_shape + self.batch_shape) return samples @property def mean(self): return self.base_dist.mean.expand(self.batch_shape + self.event_shape) @property def variance(self): return self.base_dist.variance.expand(self.batch_shape + self.event_shape) def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL. """ updated, log_normalizer = self.base_dist.conjugate_update(other) updated = updated.expand(self.batch_shape) log_normalizer = log_normalizer.expand(self.batch_shape) return updated, log_normalizer @register_kl(MaskedDistribution, MaskedDistribution) def _kl_masked_masked(p, q): if p._mask is False or q._mask is False: mask = False elif p._mask is True: mask = q._mask elif q._mask is True: mask = p._mask elif p._mask is q._mask: mask = p._mask else: mask = p._mask & q._mask if mask is False: return 0.0 # Return a float, since we cannot determine device. if mask is True: return kl_divergence(p.base_dist, q.base_dist) kl = kl_divergence(p.base_dist, q.base_dist) return scale_and_mask(kl, mask=mask)