Source code for pyro.distributions.hmm

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from pyro.ops.gamma_gaussian import (
from pyro.ops.gaussian import (
from pyro.ops.indexing import Vindex
from pyro.ops.special import safe_log
from pyro.ops.tensor_utils import cholesky, cholesky_solve

from . import constraints
from .torch import Categorical, Gamma, Independent, MultivariateNormal
from .torch_distribution import TorchDistribution
from .util import broadcast_shape, torch_jit_script_if_tracing

def _linear_integrate(init, trans, shift):
    Integrate the inhomogeneous linear shifterence equation::

        x[0] = init
        x[t] = x[t-1] @ trans[t] + shift[t]

    :return: An integrated tensor ``x[:, :]``.
    # xs: List[Tensor]
    xs = []
    x = init.unsqueeze(-2)
    shift = shift.unsqueeze(-3)
    for t in range(trans.size(-3)):
        x = x @ trans[..., t, :, :] + shift[..., t, :]
    return, dim=-2)

def _logmatmulexp(x, y):
    Numerically stable version of ``(x.exp() @ y.exp()).log()``.
    finfo = torch.finfo(x.dtype)  # avoid nan due to -inf - -inf
    x_shift = x.detach().max(-1, keepdim=True).values.clamp_(min=finfo.min)
    y_shift = y.detach().max(-2, keepdim=True).values.clamp_(min=finfo.min)
    xy = safe_log(torch.matmul((x - x_shift).exp(), (y - y_shift).exp()))
    return xy + x_shift + y_shift

# TODO re-enable jitting once _SafeLog is supported by the jit.
# See
# @torch_jit_script_if_tracing
def _sequential_logmatmulexp(logits):
    For a tensor ``x`` whose time dimension is -3, computes::

        x[..., 0, :, :] @ x[..., 1, :, :] @ ... @ x[..., T-1, :, :]

    but does so numerically stably in log space.
    batch_shape = logits.shape[:-3]
    state_dim = logits.size(-1)
    while logits.size(-3) > 1:
        time = logits.size(-3)
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = logits[..., :even_time, :, :]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2, state_dim, state_dim))
        x, y = x_y.unbind(-3)
        contracted = _logmatmulexp(x, y)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =, logits[..., -1:, :, :]), dim=-3)
        logits = contracted
    return logits.squeeze(-3)

def _markov_index(x, y):
    Join ends of two Markov paths.
    y = Vindex(y.unsqueeze(-2))[..., x[..., -1:, :]]
    return[x, y], -2)

def _sequential_index(samples):
    For a tensor ``samples`` whose time dimension is -2 and state dimension
    is -1, compute Markov paths by sequential indexing.

    For example, for ``samples`` with 3 states and time duration 5::

        tensor([[0, 1, 1],
                [1, 0, 2],
                [2, 1, 0],
                [0, 2, 1],
                [1, 1, 0]])

    computed paths are::

        tensor([[0, 1, 1],
                [1, 0, 0],
                [1, 2, 2],
                [2, 1, 1],
                [0, 1, 1]])

        # path for a 0th state
        # 0 1 1
        # |
        # 1 0 2
        #  \
        # 2 1 0
        #   |
        # 0 2 1
        #    \
        # 1 1 0
        # paths for 1st and 2nd states
        # 0 1 1
        #   |/
        # 1 0 2
        #  /
        # 2 1 0
        #  \
        #    \
        # 0 2 1
        #    /
        # 1 1 0
    # new Markov time dimension at -2
    samples = samples.unsqueeze(-2)
    batch_shape = samples.shape[:-3]
    state_dim = samples.size(-1)
    duration = samples.size(-3)
    while samples.size(-3) > 1:
        time = samples.size(-3)
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = samples[..., :even_time, :, :]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2, -1, state_dim))
        x, y = x_y.unbind(-3)
        contracted = _markov_index(x, y)
        if time > even_time:
            padded = F.pad(
                input=samples[..., -1:, :, :],
                pad=(0, 0, 0, contracted.size(-2) // 2),
            contracted =, padded), dim=-3)
        samples = contracted
    return samples.squeeze(-3)[..., :duration, :]

def _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(gaussian):
    Integrates a Gaussian ``x`` whose rightmost batch dimension is time, computes::

        x[..., 0] @ x[..., 1] @ ... @ x[..., T-1]
    assert isinstance(gaussian, Gaussian)
    assert gaussian.dim() % 2 == 0, "dim is not even"
    batch_shape = gaussian.batch_shape[:-1]
    state_dim = gaussian.dim() // 2
    while gaussian.batch_shape[-1] > 1:
        time = gaussian.batch_shape[-1]
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = gaussian[..., :even_time]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2))
        x, y = x_y[..., 0], x_y[..., 1]
        contracted = gaussian_tensordot(x, y, state_dim)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =, gaussian[..., -1:]), dim=-1)
        gaussian = contracted
    return gaussian[..., 0]

def _is_subshape(x, y):
    return broadcast_shape(x, y) == y

def _sequential_gaussian_filter_sample(init, trans, sample_shape):
    Draws a reparameterized sample from a Markov product of Gaussians via
    parallel-scan forward-filter backward-sample.
    assert isinstance(init, Gaussian)
    assert isinstance(trans, Gaussian)
    assert trans.dim() == 2 * init.dim()
    assert _is_subshape(trans.batch_shape[:-1], init.batch_shape)
    state_dim = trans.dim() // 2
    device = trans.precision.device
    perm =
            torch.arange(1 * state_dim, 2 * state_dim, device=device),
            torch.arange(0 * state_dim, 1 * state_dim, device=device),
            torch.arange(2 * state_dim, 3 * state_dim, device=device),

    # Forward filter, similar to _sequential_gaussian_tensordot().
    tape = []
    shape = trans.batch_shape[:-1]  # Note trans may be unbroadcasted.
    gaussian = trans
    while gaussian.batch_shape[-1] > 1:
        time = gaussian.batch_shape[-1]
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = gaussian[..., :even_time]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(shape + (even_time // 2, 2))
        x, y = x_y[..., 0], x_y[..., 1]
        x = x.event_pad(right=state_dim)
        y = y.event_pad(left=state_dim)
        joint = (x + y).event_permute(perm)
        contracted = joint.marginalize(left=state_dim)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =, gaussian[..., -1:]), dim=-1)
        gaussian = contracted
    gaussian = gaussian[..., 0] + init.event_pad(right=state_dim)

    # Backward sample.
    shape = sample_shape + init.batch_shape
    result = gaussian.rsample(sample_shape).reshape(shape + (2, state_dim))
    for joint in reversed(tape):
        # The following comments demonstrate two example computations, one
        # EVEN, one ODD.  Ignoring sample_shape and batch_shape, let each zn be
        # a single sampled event of shape (state_dim,).
        if joint.batch_shape[-1] == result.size(-2) - 1:  # EVEN case.
            # Suppose e.g. result = [z0, z2, z4]
            cond = result.repeat_interleave(2, dim=-2)  # [z0, z0, z2, z2, z4, z4]
            cond = cond[..., 1:-1, :]  # [z0, z2, z2, z4]
            cond = cond.reshape(shape + (-1, 2 * state_dim))  # [z0z2, z2z4]
            sample = joint.condition(cond).rsample()  # [z1, z3]
            sample = torch.nn.functional.pad(sample, (0, 0, 0, 1))  # [z1, z3, 0]
            result = torch.stack(
                    result,  # [z0, z2, z4]
                    sample,  # [z1, z3, 0]
            )  # [[z0, z1], [z2, z3], [z4, 0]]
            result = result.reshape(shape + (-1, state_dim))  # [z0, z1, z2, z3, z4, 0]
            result = result[..., :-1, :]  # [z0, z1, z2, z3, z4]
        else:  # ODD case.
            assert joint.batch_shape[-1] == result.size(-2) - 2
            # Suppose e.g. result = [z0, z2, z3]
            cond = result[..., :-1, :].repeat_interleave(2, dim=-2)  # [z0, z0, z2, z2]
            cond = cond[..., 1:-1, :]  # [z0, z2]
            cond = cond.reshape(shape + (-1, 2 * state_dim))  # [z0z2]
            sample = joint.condition(cond).rsample()  # [z1]
            sample =[sample, result[..., -1:, :]], dim=-2)  # [z1, z3]
            result = torch.stack(
                    result[..., :-1, :],  # [z0, z2]
                    sample,  # [z1, z3]
            )  # [[z0, z1], [z2, z3]]
            result = result.reshape(shape + (-1, state_dim))  # [z0, z1, z2, z3]

    return result[..., 1:, :]  # [z1, z2, z3, ...]

def _sequential_gamma_gaussian_tensordot(gamma_gaussian):
    Integrates a GammaGaussian ``x`` whose rightmost batch dimension is time, computes::

        x[..., 0] @ x[..., 1] @ ... @ x[..., T-1]
    assert isinstance(gamma_gaussian, GammaGaussian)
    assert gamma_gaussian.dim() % 2 == 0, "dim is not even"
    batch_shape = gamma_gaussian.batch_shape[:-1]
    state_dim = gamma_gaussian.dim() // 2
    while gamma_gaussian.batch_shape[-1] > 1:
        time = gamma_gaussian.batch_shape[-1]
        even_time = time // 2 * 2
        even_part = gamma_gaussian[..., :even_time]
        x_y = even_part.reshape(batch_shape + (even_time // 2, 2))
        x, y = x_y[..., 0], x_y[..., 1]
        contracted = gamma_gaussian_tensordot(x, y, state_dim)
        if time > even_time:
            contracted =
                (contracted, gamma_gaussian[..., -1:]), dim=-1
        gamma_gaussian = contracted
    return gamma_gaussian[..., 0]

class HiddenMarkovModel(TorchDistribution):
    Abstract base class for Hidden Markov Models.

    The purpose of this class is to handle duration logic for homogeneous HMMs.

    :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``.
        This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters
        are not expanded along the time axis.

    def __init__(self, duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=None):
        if duration is None:
            if event_shape[0] != 1:
                # Infer duration from event_shape.
                duration = event_shape[0]
        elif duration != event_shape[0]:
            if event_shape[0] != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "duration, event_shape mismatch: {} vs {}".format(
                        duration, event_shape
            # Infer event_shape from duration.
            event_shape = torch.Size((duration,) + event_shape[1:])
        self._duration = duration
        super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args)

    def duration(self):
        Returns the size of the time axis, or None if unknown.
        return self._duration

    def _validate_sample(self, value):
        if value.dim() < self.event_dim:
            raise ValueError("value has too few dimensions: {}".format(value.shape))

        if self.duration is not None:

        # Temporarily infer duration from value.shape.
        duration = value.size(-self.event_dim)
        old = self._event_shape
        new = torch.Size((duration,)) + self._event_shape[1:]
            self._event_shape = new
            self._event_shape = old

[docs]class DiscreteHMM(HiddenMarkovModel): """ Hidden Markov Model with discrete latent state and arbitrary observation distribution. This uses [1] to parallelize over time, achieving O(log(time)) parallel complexity for computing :meth:`log_prob`, :meth:`filter`, and :meth:`sample`. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_logits`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: # homogeneous + homogeneous case: event_shape = (1,) + observation_dist.event_shape **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :param ~torch.Tensor initial_logits: A logits tensor for an initial categorical distribution over latent states. Should have rightmost size ``state_dim`` and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (state_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_logits: A logits tensor for transition conditional distributions between latent states. Should have rightmost shape ``(state_dim, state_dim)`` (old, new), and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim, state_dim)``. :param ~torch.distributions.Distribution observation_dist: A conditional distribution of observed data conditioned on latent state. The ``.batch_shape`` should have rightmost size ``state_dim`` and be broadcastable to ``batch_shape + (num_steps, state_dim)``. The ``.event_shape`` may be arbitrary. :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``. This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters are not expanded along the time axis. """ arg_constraints = { "initial_logits": constraints.real, "transition_logits": constraints.real, } def __init__( self, initial_logits, transition_logits, observation_dist, validate_args=None, duration=None, ): if initial_logits.dim() < 1: raise ValueError( "expected initial_logits to have at least one dim, " "actual shape = {}".format(initial_logits.shape) ) if transition_logits.dim() < 2: raise ValueError( "expected transition_logits to have at least two dims, " "actual shape = {}".format(transition_logits.shape) ) if len(observation_dist.batch_shape) < 1: raise ValueError( "expected observation_dist to have at least one batch dim, " "actual .batch_shape = {}".format(observation_dist.batch_shape) ) shape = broadcast_shape( initial_logits.shape[:-1] + (1,), transition_logits.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape[:-1], ) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + observation_dist.event_shape self.initial_logits = initial_logits - initial_logits.logsumexp(-1, True) self.transition_logits = transition_logits - transition_logits.logsumexp( -1, True ) self.observation_dist = observation_dist super().__init__( duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args ) @constraints.dependent_property(event_dim=2) def support(self): return constraints.independent(, 1)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(DiscreteHMM, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_logmatmulexp(), # we expand only initial_logits, which is applied only after the logmatmulexp. # This is similar to the ._unbroadcasted_* pattern used elsewhere in distributions. new.initial_logits = self.initial_logits.expand(batch_shape + (-1,)) new.transition_logits = self.transition_logits new.observation_dist = self.observation_dist super(DiscreteHMM, new).__init__( self.duration, batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. value = value.unsqueeze(-1 - self.observation_dist.event_dim) observation_logits = self.observation_dist.log_prob(value) result = self.transition_logits + observation_logits.unsqueeze(-2) # Eliminate time dimension. result = _sequential_logmatmulexp(result) # Combine initial factor. result = self.initial_logits + result.logsumexp(-1) # Marginalize out final state. result = result.logsumexp(-1) return result
[docs] def filter(self, value): """ Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations. :param ~torch.Tensor value: A sequence of observations. :return: A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. ``result.logits`` can then be used as ``initial_logits`` in a sequential Pyro model for prediction. :rtype: ~pyro.distributions.Categorical """ if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. value = value.unsqueeze(-1 - self.observation_dist.event_dim) observation_logits = self.observation_dist.log_prob(value) logp = self.transition_logits + observation_logits.unsqueeze(-2) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_logmatmulexp(logp) # Combine initial factor. logp = (self.initial_logits.unsqueeze(-1) + logp).logsumexp(-2) # Convert to a distribution. return Categorical(logits=logp, validate_args=self._validate_args)
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): assert self.duration is not None # Sample initial state. S = self.initial_logits.size(-1) # state space size init_shape = torch.Size(sample_shape) + self.batch_shape + (S,) init_logits = self.initial_logits.expand(init_shape) x = Categorical(logits=init_logits).sample() # Sample hidden states over time. trans_shape = ( torch.Size(sample_shape) + self.batch_shape + (self.duration, S, S) ) trans_logits = self.transition_logits.expand(trans_shape) xs = Categorical(logits=trans_logits).sample() xs = _sequential_index(xs) x = Vindex(xs)[..., :, x] # Sample observations conditioned on hidden states. # Note the simple sample-then-slice approach here generalizes to all # distributions, but is inefficient. To implement a general optimal # slice-then-sample strategy would require distributions to support # slicing A simpler # implementation might register a few slicing operators as is done with # pyro.contrib.forecast.util.reshape_batch(). If you as a user need # this function to be cheaper, feel free to submit a PR implementing # one of these approaches. obs_shape = self.batch_shape + (self.duration, S) obs_dist = self.observation_dist.expand(obs_shape) y = obs_dist.sample(sample_shape) y = Vindex(y)[(Ellipsis, x) + (slice(None),) * obs_dist.event_dim] return y
[docs]class GaussianHMM(HiddenMarkovModel): """ Hidden Markov Model with Gaussians for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure :meth:`log_prob` is differentiable. This corresponds to the generative model:: z = initial_distribution.sample() x = [] for t in range(num_events): z = z @ transition_matrix + transition_dist.sample() x.append(z @ observation_matrix + observation_dist.sample()) The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous case **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal initial_dist: A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_matrix: A linear transformation of hidden state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, hidden_dim)`` where the rightmost dims are ordered ``(old, new)``. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal transition_dist: A process noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor observation_matrix: A linear transformation from hidden to observed state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, obs_dim)``. :param observation_dist: An observation noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(obs_dim,)``. :type observation_dist: ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal or ~torch.distributions.Independent of ~torch.distributions.Normal :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``. This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters are not expanded along the time axis. """ has_rsample = True arg_constraints = {} support = constraints.independent(constraints.real, 2) def __init__( self, initial_dist, transition_matrix, transition_dist, observation_matrix, observation_dist, validate_args=None, duration=None, ): assert isinstance(initial_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) or ( isinstance(initial_dist, torch.distributions.Independent) and isinstance(initial_dist.base_dist, torch.distributions.Normal) ) assert isinstance(transition_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(transition_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) or ( isinstance(transition_dist, torch.distributions.Independent) and isinstance(transition_dist.base_dist, torch.distributions.Normal) ) assert isinstance(observation_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) or ( isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.Independent) and isinstance(observation_dist.base_dist, torch.distributions.Normal) ) hidden_dim, obs_dim = observation_matrix.shape[-2:] assert initial_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert transition_matrix.shape[-2:] == (hidden_dim, hidden_dim) assert transition_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert observation_dist.event_shape == (obs_dim,) shape = broadcast_shape( initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_matrix.shape[:-2], transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_matrix.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape, ) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super().__init__( duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args ) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self._init = mvn_to_gaussian(initial_dist).expand(self.batch_shape) self._trans = matrix_and_mvn_to_gaussian(transition_matrix, transition_dist) self._obs = matrix_and_mvn_to_gaussian(observation_matrix, observation_dist)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianHMM, _instance) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim new._obs = self._obs new._trans = self._trans # To save computation in _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(), we expand # only _init, which is applied only after # _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(). batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) new._init = self._init.expand(batch_shape) super(GaussianHMM, new).__init__( self.duration, batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. result = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad( left=self.hidden_dim ) # Eliminate time dimension. result = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(result.expand(result.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. result = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, result, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Marginalize out final state. result = result.event_logsumexp() return result
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): assert self.duration is not None sample_shape = torch.Size(sample_shape) trans = self._trans + self._obs.marginalize(right=self.obs_dim).event_pad( left=self.hidden_dim ) trans = trans.expand(trans.batch_shape[:-1] + (self.duration,)) z = _sequential_gaussian_filter_sample(self._init, trans, sample_shape) x = self._obs.left_condition(z).rsample() return x
[docs] def rsample_posterior(self, value, sample_shape=torch.Size()): """ EXPERIMENTAL Sample from the latent state conditioned on observation. """ trans = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) trans = trans.expand(trans.batch_shape) z = _sequential_gaussian_filter_sample(self._init, trans, sample_shape) return z
[docs] def filter(self, value): """ Compute posterior over final state given a sequence of observations. :param ~torch.Tensor value: A sequence of observations. :return: A posterior distribution over latent states at the final time step. ``result`` can then be used as ``initial_dist`` in a sequential Pyro model for prediction. :rtype: ~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal """ if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. logp = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(logp.expand(logp.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. logp = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, logp, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Convert to a distribution precision = logp.precision loc = cholesky_solve(logp.info_vec.unsqueeze(-1), cholesky(precision)).squeeze( -1 ) return MultivariateNormal( loc, precision_matrix=precision, validate_args=self._validate_args )
[docs] def conjugate_update(self, other): """ EXPERIMENTAL Creates an updated :class:`GaussianHMM` fusing information from another compatible distribution. This should satisfy:: fg, log_normalizer = f.conjugate_update(g) assert f.log_prob(x) + g.log_prob(x) == fg.log_prob(x) + log_normalizer :param other: A distribution representing ``p(data|self.probs)`` but normalized over ``self.probs`` rather than ``data``. :type other: ~torch.distributions.Independent of ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal or ~torch.distributions.Normal :return: a pair ``(updated,log_normalizer)`` where ``updated`` is an updated :class:`GaussianHMM` , and ``log_normalizer`` is a :class:`~torch.Tensor` representing the normalization factor. """ assert isinstance(other, torch.distributions.Independent) and ( isinstance(other.base_dist, torch.distributions.Normal) or isinstance(other.base_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) ) duration = other.event_shape[0] if self.duration is None else self.duration event_shape = torch.Size((duration, self.obs_dim)) assert other.event_shape == event_shape new = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianHMM) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim new._init = self._init new._trans = self._trans new._obs = self._obs + mvn_to_gaussian(other.to_event(-1)).event_pad( left=self.hidden_dim ) # Normalize. # TODO cache this computation for the forward pass of .rsample(). logp = new._trans + new._obs.marginalize(right=new.obs_dim).event_pad( left=new.hidden_dim ) logp = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(logp.expand(logp.batch_shape)) logp = gaussian_tensordot(new._init, logp, dims=new.hidden_dim) log_normalizer = logp.event_logsumexp() new._init = new._init - log_normalizer batch_shape = log_normalizer.shape super(GaussianHMM, new).__init__( duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new, log_normalizer
[docs] def prefix_condition(self, data): """ EXPERIMENTAL Given self has ``event_shape == (t+f, d)`` and data ``x`` of shape ``batch_shape + (t, d)``, compute a conditional distribution of event_shape ``(f, d)``. Typically ``t`` is the number of training time steps, ``f`` is the number of forecast time steps, and ``d`` is the data dimension. :param data: data of dimension at least 2. :type data: ~torch.Tensor """ assert data.dim() >= 2 assert data.size(-1) == self.event_shape[-1] assert data.size(-2) < self.duration t = data.size(-2) f = self.duration - t left = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianHMM) left.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim left.obs_dim = self.obs_dim left._init = self._init right = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianHMM) right.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim right.obs_dim = self.obs_dim if self._obs.batch_shape == () or self._obs.batch_shape[-1] == 1: # homogeneous left._obs = self._obs right._obs = self._obs else: # heterogeneous left._obs = self._obs[..., :t] right._obs = self._obs[..., t:] if ( self._trans.batch_shape == () or self._trans.batch_shape[-1] == 1 ): # homogeneous left._trans = self._trans right._trans = self._trans else: # heterogeneous left._trans = self._trans[..., :t] right._trans = self._trans[..., t:] super(GaussianHMM, left).__init__( t, self.batch_shape, (t, self.obs_dim), validate_args=self._validate_args ) initial_dist = left.filter(data) right._init = mvn_to_gaussian(initial_dist) batch_shape = broadcast_shape(right._init.batch_shape, self.batch_shape) super(GaussianHMM, right).__init__( f, batch_shape, (f, self.obs_dim), validate_args=self._validate_args ) return right
[docs]class GammaGaussianHMM(HiddenMarkovModel): """ Hidden Markov Model with the joint distribution of initial state, hidden state, and observed state is a :class:`~pyro.distributions.MultivariateStudentT` distribution along the line of references [2] and [3]. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity. This GammaGaussianHMM class corresponds to the generative model:: s = Gamma(df/2, df/2).sample() z = scale(initial_dist, s).sample() x = [] for t in range(num_events): z = z @ transition_matrix + scale(transition_dist, s).sample() x.append(z @ observation_matrix + scale(observation_dist, s).sample()) where `scale(mvn(loc, precision), s) := mvn(loc, s * precision)`. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous case **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" [2] F. J. Giron and J. C. Rojano (1994) "Bayesian Kalman filtering with elliptically contoured errors" [3] Filip Tronarp, Toni Karvonen, and Simo Sarkka (2019) "Student's t-filters for noise scale estimation" :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param Gamma scale_dist: Prior of the mixing distribution. :param MultivariateNormal initial_dist: A distribution with unit scale mixing over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_matrix: A linear transformation of hidden state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, hidden_dim)`` where the rightmost dims are ordered ``(old, new)``. :param MultivariateNormal transition_dist: A process noise distribution with unit scale mixing. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor observation_matrix: A linear transformation from hidden to observed state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, obs_dim)``. :param MultivariateNormal observation_dist: An observation noise distribution with unit scale mixing. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(obs_dim,)``. :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``. This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters are not expanded along the time axis. """ arg_constraints = {} support = constraints.independent(constraints.real, 2) def __init__( self, scale_dist, initial_dist, transition_matrix, transition_dist, observation_matrix, observation_dist, validate_args=None, duration=None, ): assert isinstance(scale_dist, Gamma) assert isinstance(initial_dist, MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(transition_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(transition_dist, MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(observation_matrix, torch.Tensor) assert isinstance(observation_dist, MultivariateNormal) hidden_dim, obs_dim = observation_matrix.shape[-2:] assert initial_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert transition_matrix.shape[-2:] == (hidden_dim, hidden_dim) assert transition_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert observation_dist.event_shape == (obs_dim,) shape = broadcast_shape( scale_dist.batch_shape + (1,), initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_matrix.shape[:-2], transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_matrix.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape, ) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super().__init__( duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args ) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self._init = gamma_and_mvn_to_gamma_gaussian(scale_dist, initial_dist) self._trans = matrix_and_mvn_to_gamma_gaussian( transition_matrix, transition_dist ) self._obs = matrix_and_mvn_to_gamma_gaussian( observation_matrix, observation_dist )
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GammaGaussianHMM, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(), # we expand only _init, which is applied only after _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(). new._init = self._init.expand(batch_shape) new._trans = self._trans new._obs = self._obs super(GammaGaussianHMM, new).__init__( self.duration, batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. result = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad( left=self.hidden_dim ) # Eliminate time dimension. result = _sequential_gamma_gaussian_tensordot(result.expand(result.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. result = gamma_gaussian_tensordot(self._init, result, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Marginalize out final state. result = result.event_logsumexp() # Marginalize out multiplier. result = result.logsumexp() return result
[docs] def filter(self, value): """ Compute posteriors over the multiplier and the final state given a sequence of observations. The posterior is a pair of Gamma and MultivariateNormal distributions (i.e. a GammaGaussian instance). :param ~torch.Tensor value: A sequence of observations. :return: A pair of posterior distributions over the mixing and the latent state at the final time step. :rtype: a tuple of ~pyro.distributions.Gamma and ~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal """ if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) # Combine observation and transition factors. logp = self._trans + self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_gamma_gaussian_tensordot(logp.expand(logp.batch_shape)) # Combine initial factor. logp = gamma_gaussian_tensordot(self._init, logp, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Posterior of the scale gamma_dist = logp.event_logsumexp() scale_post = Gamma( gamma_dist.concentration, gamma_dist.rate, validate_args=self._validate_args ) # Conditional of last state on unit scale scale_tril = cholesky(logp.precision) loc = cholesky_solve(logp.info_vec.unsqueeze(-1), scale_tril).squeeze(-1) mvn = MultivariateNormal( loc, scale_tril=scale_tril, validate_args=self._validate_args ) return scale_post, mvn
[docs]class LinearHMM(HiddenMarkovModel): r""" Hidden Markov Model with linear dynamics and observations and arbitrary noise for initial, transition, and observation distributions. Each of those distributions can be e.g. :class:`~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal` or :class:`~pyro.distributions.Independent` of :class:`~pyro.distributions.Normal`, :class:`~pyro.distributions.StudentT`, or :class:`~pyro.distributions.Stable` . Additionally the observation distribution may be constrained, e.g. :class:`~pyro.distributions.LogNormal` This corresponds to the generative model:: z = initial_distribution.sample() x = [] for t in range(num_events): z = z @ transition_matrix + transition_dist.sample() y = z @ observation_matrix + obs_base_dist.sample() x.append(obs_transform(y)) where ``observation_dist`` is split into ``obs_base_dist`` and an optional ``obs_transform`` (defaulting to the identity). This implements a reparameterized :meth:`rsample` method but does not implement a :meth:`log_prob` method. Derived classes may implement :meth:`log_prob` . Inference without :meth:`log_prob` can be performed using either reparameterization with :class:`~pyro.infer.reparam.hmm.LinearHMMReparam` or likelihood-free algorithms such as :class:`~pyro.infer.energy_distance.EnergyDistance` . Note that while stable processes generally require a common shared stability parameter :math:`\alpha` , this distribution and the above inference algorithms allow heterogeneous stability parameters. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However at least one of the distributions or matrices must be expanded to contain the time dimension. :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param initial_dist: A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor transition_matrix: A linear transformation of hidden state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, hidden_dim)`` where the rightmost dims are ordered ``(old, new)``. :param transition_dist: A distribution over process noise. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.Tensor observation_matrix: A linear transformation from hidden to observed state. This should have shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps, hidden_dim, obs_dim)``. :param observation_dist: A observation noise distribution. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(obs_dim,)``. :param int duration: Optional size of the time axis ``event_shape[0]``. This is required when sampling from homogeneous HMMs whose parameters are not expanded along the time axis. """ arg_constraints = {} support = constraints.independent(constraints.real, 2) has_rsample = True def __init__( self, initial_dist, transition_matrix, transition_dist, observation_matrix, observation_dist, validate_args=None, duration=None, ): assert initial_dist.has_rsample assert initial_dist.event_dim == 1 assert ( isinstance(transition_matrix, torch.Tensor) and transition_matrix.dim() >= 2 ) assert transition_dist.has_rsample assert transition_dist.event_dim == 1 assert ( isinstance(observation_matrix, torch.Tensor) and observation_matrix.dim() >= 2 ) assert observation_dist.has_rsample assert observation_dist.event_dim == 1 hidden_dim, obs_dim = observation_matrix.shape[-2:] assert initial_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert transition_matrix.shape[-2:] == (hidden_dim, hidden_dim) assert transition_dist.event_shape == (hidden_dim,) assert observation_dist.event_shape == (obs_dim,) shape = broadcast_shape( initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_matrix.shape[:-2], transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_matrix.shape[:-2], observation_dist.batch_shape, ) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super().__init__( duration, batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args ) # Expand eagerly. if initial_dist.batch_shape != batch_shape: initial_dist = initial_dist.expand(batch_shape) if transition_matrix.shape[:-2] != batch_shape + time_shape: transition_matrix = transition_matrix.expand( batch_shape + time_shape + (hidden_dim, hidden_dim) ) if transition_dist.batch_shape != batch_shape + time_shape: transition_dist = transition_dist.expand(batch_shape + time_shape) if observation_matrix.shape[:-2] != batch_shape + time_shape: observation_matrix = observation_matrix.expand( batch_shape + time_shape + (hidden_dim, obs_dim) ) if observation_dist.batch_shape != batch_shape + time_shape: observation_dist = observation_dist.expand(batch_shape + time_shape) # Extract observation transforms. transforms = [] while True: if isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.Independent): observation_dist = observation_dist.base_dist elif isinstance( observation_dist, torch.distributions.TransformedDistribution ): transforms = observation_dist.transforms + transforms observation_dist = observation_dist.base_dist else: break if not observation_dist.event_shape: observation_dist = Independent(observation_dist, 1) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self.initial_dist = initial_dist self.transition_matrix = transition_matrix self.transition_dist = transition_dist self.observation_matrix = observation_matrix self.observation_dist = observation_dist self.transforms = transforms @constraints.dependent_property(event_dim=2) def support(self): return constraints.independent(, 1)
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(LinearHMM, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) time_shape = self.transition_dist.batch_shape[-1:] new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim new.initial_dist = self.initial_dist.expand(batch_shape) new.transition_matrix = self.transition_matrix.expand( batch_shape + time_shape + (self.hidden_dim, self.hidden_dim) ) new.transition_dist = self.transition_dist.expand(batch_shape + time_shape) new.observation_matrix = self.observation_matrix.expand( batch_shape + time_shape + (self.hidden_dim, self.obs_dim) ) new.observation_dist = self.observation_dist.expand(batch_shape + time_shape) new.transforms = self.transforms super(LinearHMM, new).__init__( self.duration, batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): raise NotImplementedError("LinearHMM.log_prob() is not implemented")
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): assert self.duration is not None init = self.initial_dist.rsample(sample_shape) trans = self.transition_dist.expand( self.batch_shape + (self.duration,) ).rsample(sample_shape) obs = self.observation_dist.expand(self.batch_shape + (self.duration,)).rsample( sample_shape ) trans_matrix = self.transition_matrix.expand( self.batch_shape + (self.duration, -1, -1) ) z = _linear_integrate(init, trans_matrix, trans) x = (z.unsqueeze(-2) @ self.observation_matrix).squeeze(-2) + obs for t in self.transforms: x = t(x) return x
[docs]class IndependentHMM(TorchDistribution): """ Wrapper class to treat a batch of independent univariate HMMs as a single multivariate distribution. This converts distribution shapes as follows: +-----------+--------------------+---------------------+ | | .batch_shape | .event_shape | +===========+====================+=====================+ | base_dist | shape + (obs_dim,) | (duration, 1) | +-----------+--------------------+---------------------+ | result | shape | (duration, obs_dim) | +-----------+--------------------+---------------------+ :param HiddenMarkovModel base_dist: A base hidden Markov model instance. """ arg_constraints = {} def __init__(self, base_dist): assert base_dist.batch_shape assert base_dist.event_dim == 2 assert base_dist.event_shape[-1] == 1 batch_shape = base_dist.batch_shape[:-1] event_shape = base_dist.event_shape[:-1] + base_dist.batch_shape[-1:] super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape) self.base_dist = base_dist @constraints.dependent_property(event_dim=2) def support(self): return @property def has_rsample(self): return self.base_dist.has_rsample @property def duration(self): return self.base_dist.duration
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) new = self._get_checked_instance(IndependentHMM, _instance) new.base_dist = self.base_dist.expand( batch_shape + self.base_dist.batch_shape[-1:] ) super(IndependentHMM, new).__init__( batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): base_value = self.base_dist.rsample(sample_shape) return base_value.squeeze(-1).transpose(-1, -2)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): base_value = value.transpose(-1, -2).unsqueeze(-1) return self.base_dist.log_prob(base_value).sum(-1)
[docs]class GaussianMRF(TorchDistribution): """ Temporal Markov Random Field with Gaussian factors for initial, transition, and observation distributions. This adapts [1] to parallelize over time to achieve O(log(time)) parallel complexity, however it differs in that it tracks the log normalizer to ensure :meth:`log_prob` is differentiable. The event_shape of this distribution includes time on the left:: event_shape = (num_steps,) + observation_dist.event_shape This distribution supports any combination of homogeneous/heterogeneous time dependency of ``transition_dist`` and ``observation_dist``. However, because time is included in this distribution's event_shape, the homogeneous+homogeneous case will have a broadcastable event_shape with ``num_steps = 1``, allowing :meth:`log_prob` to work with arbitrary length data:: event_shape = (1, obs_dim) # homogeneous + homogeneous case **References:** [1] Simo Sarkka, Angel F. Garcia-Fernandez (2019) "Temporal Parallelization of Bayesian Filters and Smoothers" :ivar int hidden_dim: The dimension of the hidden state. :ivar int obs_dim: The dimension of the observed state. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal initial_dist: A distribution over initial states. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim,)``. :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal transition_dist: A joint distribution factor over a pair of successive time steps. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim + hidden_dim,)`` (old+new). :param ~torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal observation_dist: A joint distribution factor over a hidden and an observed state. This should have batch_shape broadcastable to ``self.batch_shape + (num_steps,)``. This should have event_shape ``(hidden_dim + obs_dim,)``. """ arg_constraints = {} def __init__( self, initial_dist, transition_dist, observation_dist, validate_args=None ): assert isinstance(initial_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(transition_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) assert isinstance(observation_dist, torch.distributions.MultivariateNormal) hidden_dim = initial_dist.event_shape[0] assert transition_dist.event_shape[0] == hidden_dim + hidden_dim obs_dim = observation_dist.event_shape[0] - hidden_dim shape = broadcast_shape( initial_dist.batch_shape + (1,), transition_dist.batch_shape, observation_dist.batch_shape, ) batch_shape, time_shape = shape[:-1], shape[-1:] event_shape = time_shape + (obs_dim,) super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args) self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim self.obs_dim = obs_dim self._init = mvn_to_gaussian(initial_dist) self._trans = mvn_to_gaussian(transition_dist) self._obs = mvn_to_gaussian(observation_dist) self._support = constraints.independent(, 1) @constraints.dependent_property(event_dim=2) def support(self): return self._support
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(GaussianMRF, _instance) batch_shape = torch.Size(broadcast_shape(self.batch_shape, batch_shape)) new.hidden_dim = self.hidden_dim new.obs_dim = self.obs_dim # We only need to expand one of the inputs, since batch_shape is determined # by broadcasting all three. To save computation in _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(), # we expand only _init, which is applied only after _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(). new._init = self._init.expand(batch_shape) new._trans = self._trans new._obs = self._obs new._support = self._support super(GaussianMRF, new).__init__( batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False ) new._validate_args = self.__dict__.get("_validate_args") return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # We compute a normalized distribution as p(obs,hidden) / p(hidden). logp_oh = self._trans logp_h = self._trans # Combine observation and transition factors. logp_oh += self._obs.condition(value).event_pad(left=self.hidden_dim) logp_h += self._obs.marginalize(right=self.obs_dim).event_pad( left=self.hidden_dim ) # Concatenate p(obs,hidden) and p(hidden) into a single Gaussian. batch_dim = 1 + max(len(self._init.batch_shape) + 1, len(logp_oh.batch_shape)) batch_shape = (1,) * ( batch_dim - len(logp_oh.batch_shape) ) + logp_oh.batch_shape logp =[logp_oh.expand(batch_shape), logp_h.expand(batch_shape)]) # Eliminate time dimension. logp = _sequential_gaussian_tensordot(logp) # Combine initial factor. logp = gaussian_tensordot(self._init, logp, dims=self.hidden_dim) # Marginalize out final state. logp_oh, logp_h = logp.event_logsumexp() return logp_oh - logp_h # = log( p(obs,hidden) / p(hidden) )