# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numbers
from pyro.contrib.gp.parameterized import Parameterized
[docs]class Kernel(Parameterized):
Base class for kernels used in this Gaussian Process module.
Every inherited class should implement a :meth:`forward` pass which takes inputs
:math:`X`, :math:`Z` and returns their covariance matrix.
To construct a new kernel from the old ones, we can use methods :meth:`add`,
:meth:`mul`, :meth:`exp`, :meth:`warp`, :meth:`vertical_scale`.
[1] `Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning`,
Carl E. Rasmussen, Christopher K. I. Williams
:param int input_dim: Number of feature dimensions of inputs.
:param torch.Tensor variance: Variance parameter of this kernel.
:param list active_dims: List of feature dimensions of the input which the kernel
acts on.
def __init__(self, input_dim, active_dims=None):
if active_dims is None:
active_dims = list(range(input_dim))
elif input_dim != len(active_dims):
raise ValueError(
"Input size and the length of active dimensionals should be equal."
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.active_dims = active_dims
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
Calculates covariance matrix of inputs on active dimensionals.
:param torch.Tensor X: A 2D tensor with shape :math:`N \times input\_dim`.
:param torch.Tensor Z: An (optional) 2D tensor with shape
:math:`M \times input\_dim`.
:param bool diag: A flag to decide if we want to return full covariance matrix
or just its diagonal part.
:returns: covariance matrix of :math:`X` and :math:`Z` with shape
:math:`N \times M`
:rtype: torch.Tensor
raise NotImplementedError
def _slice_input(self, X):
Slices :math:`X` according to ``self.active_dims``. If ``X`` is 1D then returns
a 2D tensor with shape :math:`N \times 1`.
:param torch.Tensor X: A 1D or 2D input tensor.
:returns: a 2D slice of :math:`X`
:rtype: torch.Tensor
if X.dim() == 2:
return X[:, self.active_dims]
elif X.dim() == 1:
return X.unsqueeze(1)
raise ValueError("Input X must be either 1 or 2 dimensional.")
[docs]class Combination(Kernel):
Base class for kernels derived from a combination of kernels.
:param Kernel kern0: First kernel to combine.
:param kern1: Second kernel to combine.
:type kern1: Kernel or numbers.Number
def __init__(self, kern0, kern1):
if not isinstance(kern0, Kernel):
raise TypeError(
"The first component of a combined kernel must be a " "Kernel instance."
if not (isinstance(kern1, Kernel) or isinstance(kern1, numbers.Number)):
raise TypeError(
"The second component of a combined kernel must be a "
"Kernel instance or a number."
active_dims = set(kern0.active_dims)
if isinstance(kern1, Kernel):
active_dims |= set(kern1.active_dims)
active_dims = sorted(active_dims)
input_dim = len(active_dims)
super().__init__(input_dim, active_dims)
self.kern0 = kern0
self.kern1 = kern1
[docs]class Sum(Combination):
Returns a new kernel which acts like a sum/direct sum of two kernels.
The second kernel can be a constant.
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
if isinstance(self.kern1, Kernel):
return self.kern0(X, Z, diag=diag) + self.kern1(X, Z, diag=diag)
else: # constant
return self.kern0(X, Z, diag=diag) + self.kern1
[docs]class Product(Combination):
Returns a new kernel which acts like a product/tensor product of two kernels.
The second kernel can be a constant.
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
if isinstance(self.kern1, Kernel):
return self.kern0(X, Z, diag=diag) * self.kern1(X, Z, diag=diag)
else: # constant
return self.kern0(X, Z, diag=diag) * self.kern1
[docs]class Exponent(Transforming):
Creates a new kernel according to
:math:`k_{new}(x, z) = \exp(k(x, z)).`
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
return self.kern(X, Z, diag=diag).exp()
[docs]class VerticalScaling(Transforming):
Creates a new kernel according to
:math:`k_{new}(x, z) = f(x)k(x, z)f(z),`
where :math:`f` is a function.
:param callable vscaling_fn: A vertical scaling function :math:`f`.
def __init__(self, kern, vscaling_fn):
self.vscaling_fn = vscaling_fn
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
if diag:
return (
self.vscaling_fn(X) * self.kern(X, Z, diag=diag) * self.vscaling_fn(X)
elif Z is None:
vscaled_X = self.vscaling_fn(X).unsqueeze(1)
return vscaled_X * self.kern(X, Z, diag=diag) * vscaled_X.t()
return (
* self.kern(X, Z, diag=diag)
* self.vscaling_fn(Z).unsqueeze(0)
def _Horner_evaluate(x, coef):
Evaluates the value of a polynomial according to Horner's method.
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method
n = len(coef) - 1
b = coef[n]
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
b = coef[i] + b * x
return b
[docs]class Warping(Transforming):
Creates a new kernel according to
:math:`k_{new}(x, z) = q(k(f(x), f(z))),`
where :math:`f` is an function and :math:`q` is a polynomial with non-negative
coefficients ``owarping_coef``.
We can take advantage of :math:`f` to combine a Gaussian Process kernel with a deep
learning architecture. For example:
>>> linear = torch.nn.Linear(10, 3)
>>> # register its parameters to Pyro's ParamStore and wrap it by lambda
>>> # to call the primitive pyro.module each time we use the linear function
>>> pyro_linear_fn = lambda x: pyro.module("linear", linear)(x)
>>> kernel = gp.kernels.Matern52(input_dim=3, lengthscale=torch.ones(3))
>>> warped_kernel = gp.kernels.Warping(kernel, pyro_linear_fn)
[1] `Deep Kernel Learning`,
Andrew G. Wilson, Zhiting Hu, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Eric P. Xing
:param callable iwarping_fn: An input warping function :math:`f`.
:param list owarping_coef: A list of coefficients of the output warping polynomial.
These coefficients must be non-negative.
def __init__(self, kern, iwarping_fn=None, owarping_coef=None):
self.iwarping_fn = iwarping_fn
if owarping_coef is not None:
for coef in owarping_coef:
if not isinstance(coef, int) and coef < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Coefficients of the polynomial must be a "
"non-negative integer."
if len(owarping_coef) < 2 and sum(owarping_coef) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"The ouput warping polynomial should have a degree "
"of at least 1."
self.owarping_coef = owarping_coef
[docs] def forward(self, X, Z=None, diag=False):
if self.iwarping_fn is None:
K_iwarp = self.kern(X, Z, diag=diag)
elif Z is None:
K_iwarp = self.kern(self.iwarping_fn(X), None, diag=diag)
K_iwarp = self.kern(self.iwarping_fn(X), self.iwarping_fn(Z), diag=diag)
if self.owarping_coef is None:
return K_iwarp
return _Horner_evaluate(K_iwarp, self.owarping_coef)