# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import itertools
import math
import numbers
import torch
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro.util import warn_if_nan
def _product(factors):
result = 1.0
for factor in factors:
result = result * factor
return result
def _exp(value):
if isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
return math.exp(value)
return value.exp()
[docs]class MarginalAssignment:
Computes marginal data associations between objects and detections.
This assumes that each detection corresponds to zero or one object,
and each object corresponds to zero or more detections. Specifically
this does not assume detections have been partitioned into frames of
mutual exclusion as is common in 2-D assignment problems.
:param torch.Tensor exists_logits: a tensor of shape ``[num_objects]``
representing per-object factors for existence of each potential object.
:param torch.Tensor assign_logits: a tensor of shape
``[num_detections, num_objects]`` representing per-edge factors of
assignment probability, where each edge denotes that a given detection
associates with a single object.
:param int bp_iters: optional number of belief propagation iterations. If
unspecified or ``None`` an expensive exact algorithm will be used.
:ivar int num_detections: the number of detections
:ivar int num_objects: the number of (potentially existing) objects
:ivar pyro.distributions.Bernoulli exists_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over object existence.
:ivar pyro.distributions.Categorical assign_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over the object (or None) to which each detection
associates. This has ``.event_shape == (num_objects + 1,)`` where the
final element denotes spurious detection, and
``.batch_shape == (num_frames, num_detections)``.
def __init__(self, exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters=None):
assert exists_logits.dim() == 1, exists_logits.shape
assert assign_logits.dim() == 2, assign_logits.shape
assert assign_logits.shape[-1] == exists_logits.shape[-1]
self.num_detections, self.num_objects = assign_logits.shape
# Clamp to avoid NANs.
exists_logits = exists_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
assign_logits = assign_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
# This does all the work.
if bp_iters is None:
exists, assign = compute_marginals(exists_logits, assign_logits)
exists, assign = compute_marginals_bp(
exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters
# Wrap the results in Distribution objects.
# This adds a final logit=0 element denoting spurious detection.
padded_assign = torch.nn.functional.pad(assign, (0, 1), "constant", 0.0)
self.assign_dist = dist.Categorical(logits=padded_assign)
self.exists_dist = dist.Bernoulli(logits=exists)
[docs]class MarginalAssignmentSparse:
A cheap sparse version of :class:`MarginalAssignment`.
:param int num_detections: the number of detections
:param int num_objects: the number of (potentially existing) objects
:param torch.LongTensor edges: a ``[2, num_edges]``-shaped tensor of
(detection, object) index pairs specifying feasible associations.
:param torch.Tensor exists_logits: a tensor of shape ``[num_objects]``
representing per-object factors for existence of each potential object.
:param torch.Tensor assign_logits: a tensor of shape ``[num_edges]``
representing per-edge factors of assignment probability, where each
edge denotes that a given detection associates with a single object.
:param int bp_iters: optional number of belief propagation iterations. If
unspecified or ``None`` an expensive exact algorithm will be used.
:ivar int num_detections: the number of detections
:ivar int num_objects: the number of (potentially existing) objects
:ivar pyro.distributions.Bernoulli exists_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over object existence.
:ivar pyro.distributions.Categorical assign_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over the object (or None) to which each detection
associates. This has ``.event_shape == (num_objects + 1,)`` where the
final element denotes spurious detection, and
``.batch_shape == (num_frames, num_detections)``.
def __init__(
self, num_objects, num_detections, edges, exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters
assert edges.dim() == 2, edges.shape
assert edges.shape[0] == 2, edges.shape
assert exists_logits.shape == (num_objects,), exists_logits.shape
assert assign_logits.shape == edges.shape[1:], assign_logits.shape
self.num_objects = num_objects
self.num_detections = num_detections
self.edges = edges
# Clamp to avoid NANs.
exists_logits = exists_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
assign_logits = assign_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
# This does all the work.
exists, assign = compute_marginals_sparse_bp(
num_objects, num_detections, edges, exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters
# Wrap the results in Distribution objects.
# This adds a final logit=0 element denoting spurious detection.
padded_assign = torch.full(
(num_detections, num_objects + 1),
padded_assign[:, -1] = 0
padded_assign[edges[0], edges[1]] = assign
self.assign_dist = dist.Categorical(logits=padded_assign)
self.exists_dist = dist.Bernoulli(logits=exists)
[docs]class MarginalAssignmentPersistent:
This computes marginal distributions of a multi-frame multi-object
data association problem with an unknown number of persistent objects.
The inputs are factors in a factor graph (existence probabilites for each
potential object and assignment probabilities for each object-detection
pair), and the outputs are marginal distributions of posterior existence
probability of each potential object and posterior assignment probabilites
of each object-detection pair.
This assumes a shared (maximum) number of detections per frame; to handle
variable number of detections, simply set corresponding elements of
``assign_logits`` to ``-float('inf')``.
:param torch.Tensor exists_logits: a tensor of shape ``[num_objects]``
representing per-object factors for existence of each potential object.
:param torch.Tensor assign_logits: a tensor of shape
``[num_frames, num_detections, num_objects]`` representing per-edge
factors of assignment probability, where each edge denotes that at a
given time frame a given detection associates with a single object.
:param int bp_iters: optional number of belief propagation iterations. If
unspecified or ``None`` an expensive exact algorithm will be used.
:param float bp_momentum: optional momentum to use for belief propagation.
Should be in the interval ``[0,1)``.
:ivar int num_frames: the number of time frames
:ivar int num_detections: the (maximum) number of detections per frame
:ivar int num_objects: the number of (potentially existing) objects
:ivar pyro.distributions.Bernoulli exists_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over object existence.
:ivar pyro.distributions.Categorical assign_dist: a mean field posterior
distribution over the object (or None) to which each detection
associates. This has ``.event_shape == (num_objects + 1,)`` where the
final element denotes spurious detection, and
``.batch_shape == (num_frames, num_detections)``.
def __init__(self, exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters=None, bp_momentum=0.5):
assert exists_logits.dim() == 1, exists_logits.shape
assert assign_logits.dim() == 3, assign_logits.shape
assert assign_logits.shape[-1] == exists_logits.shape[-1]
self.num_frames, self.num_detections, self.num_objects = assign_logits.shape
# Clamp to avoid NANs.
exists_logits = exists_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
assign_logits = assign_logits.clamp(min=-40, max=40)
# This does all the work.
if bp_iters is None:
exists, assign = compute_marginals_persistent(exists_logits, assign_logits)
exists, assign = compute_marginals_persistent_bp(
exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters, bp_momentum
# Wrap the results in Distribution objects.
# This adds a final logit=0 element denoting spurious detection.
padded_assign = torch.nn.functional.pad(assign, (0, 1), "constant", 0.0)
self.assign_dist = dist.Categorical(logits=padded_assign)
self.exists_dist = dist.Bernoulli(logits=exists)
assert self.assign_dist.batch_shape == (self.num_frames, self.num_detections)
assert self.exists_dist.batch_shape == (self.num_objects,)
[docs]def compute_marginals(exists_logits, assign_logits):
This implements exact inference of pairwise marginals via
enumeration. This is very expensive and is only useful for testing.
See :class:`MarginalAssignment` for args and problem description.
num_detections, num_objects = assign_logits.shape
assert exists_logits.shape == (num_objects,)
dtype = exists_logits.dtype
device = exists_logits.device
exists_probs = torch.zeros(
2, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device
) # [not exist, exist]
assign_probs = torch.zeros(
num_detections, num_objects + 1, dtype=dtype, device=device
for assign in itertools.product(range(num_objects + 1), repeat=num_detections):
assign_part = sum(
assign_logits[j, i] for j, i in enumerate(assign) if i < num_objects
for exists in itertools.product(
*[[1] if i in assign else [0, 1] for i in range(num_objects)]
exists_part = sum(exists_logits[i] for i, e in enumerate(exists) if e)
prob = _exp(exists_part + assign_part)
for i, e in enumerate(exists):
exists_probs[e, i] += prob
for j, i in enumerate(assign):
assign_probs[j, i] += prob
# Convert from probs to logits.
exists = exists_probs.log()
assign = assign_probs.log()
exists = exists[1] - exists[0]
assign = assign[:, :-1] - assign[:, -1:]
warn_if_nan(exists, "exists")
warn_if_nan(assign, "assign")
return exists, assign
[docs]def compute_marginals_bp(exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters):
This implements approximate inference of pairwise marginals via
loopy belief propagation, adapting the approach of [1].
See :class:`MarginalAssignment` for args and problem description.
[1] Jason L. Williams, Roslyn A. Lau (2014)
Approximate evaluation of marginal association probabilities with
belief propagation
message_e_to_a = torch.zeros_like(assign_logits)
message_a_to_e = torch.zeros_like(assign_logits)
for i in range(bp_iters):
message_e_to_a = (
-(message_a_to_e - message_a_to_e.sum(0, True) - exists_logits)
joint = (assign_logits + message_e_to_a).exp()
message_a_to_e = (
(assign_logits - torch.log1p(joint.sum(1, True) - joint)).exp().log1p()
warn_if_nan(message_e_to_a, "message_e_to_a iter {}".format(i))
warn_if_nan(message_a_to_e, "message_a_to_e iter {}".format(i))
# Convert from probs to logits.
exists = exists_logits + message_a_to_e.sum(0)
assign = assign_logits + message_e_to_a
warn_if_nan(exists, "exists")
warn_if_nan(assign, "assign")
return exists, assign
[docs]def compute_marginals_sparse_bp(
num_objects, num_detections, edges, exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters
This implements approximate inference of pairwise marginals via
loopy belief propagation, adapting the approach of [1].
See :class:`MarginalAssignmentSparse` for args and problem description.
[1] Jason L. Williams, Roslyn A. Lau (2014)
Approximate evaluation of marginal association probabilities with
belief propagation
exists_factor = exists_logits[edges[1]]
def sparse_sum(x, dim, keepdim=False):
assert dim in (0, 1)
x = torch.zeros(
[num_objects, num_detections][dim], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device
).scatter_add_(0, edges[1 - dim], x)
if keepdim:
x = x[edges[1 - dim]]
return x
message_e_to_a = torch.zeros_like(assign_logits)
message_a_to_e = torch.zeros_like(assign_logits)
for i in range(bp_iters):
message_e_to_a = (
-(message_a_to_e - sparse_sum(message_a_to_e, 0, True) - exists_factor)
joint = (assign_logits + message_e_to_a).exp()
message_a_to_e = (
(assign_logits - torch.log1p(sparse_sum(joint, 1, True) - joint))
warn_if_nan(message_e_to_a, "message_e_to_a iter {}".format(i))
warn_if_nan(message_a_to_e, "message_a_to_e iter {}".format(i))
# Convert from probs to logits.
exists = exists_logits + sparse_sum(message_a_to_e, 0)
assign = assign_logits + message_e_to_a
warn_if_nan(exists, "exists")
warn_if_nan(assign, "assign")
return exists, assign
[docs]def compute_marginals_persistent(exists_logits, assign_logits):
This implements exact inference of pairwise marginals via
enumeration. This is very expensive and is only useful for testing.
See :class:`MarginalAssignmentPersistent` for args and problem description.
num_frames, num_detections, num_objects = assign_logits.shape
assert exists_logits.shape == (num_objects,)
dtype = exists_logits.dtype
device = exists_logits.device
total = 0
exists_probs = torch.zeros(num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device)
assign_probs = torch.zeros(
num_frames, num_detections, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device
for exists in itertools.product([0, 1], repeat=num_objects):
exists = [i for i, e in enumerate(exists) if e]
exists_part = _exp(sum(exists_logits[i] for i in exists))
# The remaining variables are conditionally independent conditioned on exists.
assign_parts = []
assign_sums = []
for t in range(num_frames):
assign_map = {}
for n in range(1 + min(len(exists), num_detections)):
for objects in itertools.combinations(exists, n):
for detections in itertools.permutations(range(num_detections), n):
assign = tuple(zip(objects, detections))
assign_map[assign] = _exp(
sum(assign_logits[t, j, i] for i, j in assign)
prob = exists_part * _product(assign_sums)
total += prob
for i in exists:
exists_probs[i] += prob
for t in range(num_frames):
other_part = exists_part * _product(assign_sums[:t] + assign_sums[t + 1 :])
for assign, assign_part in assign_parts[t].items():
prob = other_part * assign_part
for i, j in assign:
assign_probs[t, j, i] += prob
# Convert from probs to logits.
exists = exists_probs.log() - (total - exists_probs).log()
assign = assign_probs.log() - (total - assign_probs.sum(-1, True)).log()
warn_if_nan(exists, "exists")
warn_if_nan(assign, "assign")
return exists, assign
[docs]def compute_marginals_persistent_bp(
exists_logits, assign_logits, bp_iters, bp_momentum=0.5
This implements approximate inference of pairwise marginals via
loopy belief propagation, adapting the approach of [1], [2].
See :class:`MarginalAssignmentPersistent` for args and problem description.
[1] Jason L. Williams, Roslyn A. Lau (2014)
Approximate evaluation of marginal association probabilities with
belief propagation
[2] Ryan Turner, Steven Bottone, Bhargav Avasarala (2014)
A Complete Variational Tracker
# This implements forward-backward message passing among three sets of variables:
# a[t,j] ~ Categorical(num_objects + 1), detection -> object assignment
# b[t,i] ~ Categorical(num_detections + 1), object -> detection assignment
# e[i] ~ Bernonulli, whether each object exists
# Only assign = a and exists = e are returned.
assert 0 <= bp_momentum < 1, bp_momentum
old, new = bp_momentum, 1 - bp_momentum
num_frames, num_detections, num_objects = assign_logits.shape
dtype = assign_logits.dtype
device = assign_logits.device
message_b_to_a = torch.zeros(
num_frames, num_detections, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device
message_a_to_b = torch.zeros(
num_frames, num_detections, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device
message_b_to_e = torch.zeros(num_frames, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device)
message_e_to_b = torch.zeros(num_frames, num_objects, dtype=dtype, device=device)
for i in range(bp_iters):
odds_a = (assign_logits + message_b_to_a).exp()
message_a_to_b = old * message_a_to_b + new * (
assign_logits - (odds_a.sum(2, True) - odds_a).log1p()
message_b_to_e = (
old * message_b_to_e + new * message_a_to_b.exp().sum(1).log1p()
message_e_to_b = old * message_e_to_b + new * (
exists_logits + message_b_to_e.sum(0) - message_b_to_e
odds_b = message_a_to_b.exp()
message_b_to_a = (
old * message_b_to_a
- new
* (
+ (1 + odds_b.sum(1, True) - odds_b)
warn_if_nan(message_a_to_b, "message_a_to_b iter {}".format(i))
warn_if_nan(message_b_to_e, "message_b_to_e iter {}".format(i))
warn_if_nan(message_e_to_b, "message_e_to_b iter {}".format(i))
warn_if_nan(message_b_to_a, "message_b_to_a iter {}".format(i))
# Convert from probs to logits.
exists = exists_logits + message_b_to_e.sum(0)
assign = assign_logits + message_b_to_a
warn_if_nan(exists, "exists")
warn_if_nan(assign, "assign")
return exists, assign