Source code for pyro.distributions.transforms.simplex_to_ordered

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import torch
from torch.distributions.transforms import Transform
from torch.special import expit, logit

from .. import constraints

# This class is a port of
[docs]class SimplexToOrderedTransform(Transform): """ Transform a simplex into an ordered vector (via difference in Logistic CDF between cutpoints) Used in [1] to induce a prior on latent cutpoints via transforming ordered category probabilities. :param anchor_point: Anchor point is a nuisance parameter to improve the identifiability of the transform. For simplicity, we assume it is a scalar value, but it is broadcastable x.shape[:-1]. For more details please refer to Section 2.2 in [1] **References:** 1. *Ordinal Regression Case Study, section 2.2*, M. Betancourt, """ domain = constraints.simplex codomain = constraints.ordered_vector def __init__(self, anchor_point=None): super().__init__() self.anchor_point = ( anchor_point if anchor_point is not None else torch.tensor(0.0) ) def _call(self, x): s = torch.cumsum(x[..., :-1], axis=-1) y = logit(s) + torch.unsqueeze(self.anchor_point, -1) return y def _inverse(self, y): y = y - torch.unsqueeze(self.anchor_point, -1) s = expit(y) # x0 = s0, x1 = s1 - s0, x2 = s2 - s1,..., xn = 1 - s[n-1] # add two boundary points 0 and 1 s = torch.concat( [torch.zeros_like(s)[..., :1], s, torch.ones_like(s)[..., :1]], dim=-1 ) x = s[..., 1:] - s[..., :-1] return x
[docs] def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, x, y): # |dp/dc| = |dx/dy| = prod(ds/dy) = prod(expit'(y)) # we know log derivative of expit(y) is `-softplus(y) - softplus(-y)` J_logdet = ( torch.nn.functional.softplus(y) + torch.nn.functional.softplus(-y) ).sum(-1) return J_logdet
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, SimplexToOrderedTransform): return False return torch.all(torch.equal(self.anchor_point, other.anchor_point))
[docs] def forward_shape(self, shape): return shape[:-1] + (shape[-1] - 1,)
[docs] def inverse_shape(self, shape): return shape[:-1] + (shape[-1] + 1,)