Source code for pyro.distributions.one_two_matching

# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import logging
import math
import warnings

import torch
from torch.distributions import constraints
from torch.distributions.utils import lazy_property

from .torch import Categorical
from .torch_distribution import TorchDistribution

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class OneTwoMatchingConstraint(constraints.Constraint):
    def __init__(self, num_destins):
        self.num_destins = num_destins
        self.num_sources = 2 * num_destins

    def check(self, value):
        if value.dim() == 0:
            warnings.warn("Invalid event_shape: ()")
            return torch.tensor(False)
        batch_shape, event_shape = value.shape[:-1], value.shape[-1:]
        if event_shape != (self.num_sources,):
            warnings.warn("Invalid event_shape: {}".format(event_shape))
            return torch.tensor(False)
        if value.min() < 0 or value.max() >= self.num_destins:
            warnings.warn("Value out of bounds")
            return torch.tensor(False)
        counts = torch.zeros(batch_shape + (self.num_destins,))
        counts.scatter_add_(-1, value, torch.ones(value.shape))
        if (counts != 2).any():
            warnings.warn("Matching is not binary")
            return torch.tensor(False)
        return torch.tensor(True)

[docs]class OneTwoMatching(TorchDistribution): r""" Random matching from ``2*N`` sources to ``N`` destinations where each source matches exactly **one** destination and each destination matches exactly **two** sources. Samples are represented as long tensors of shape ``(2*N,)`` taking values in ``{0,...,N-1}`` and satisfying the above one-two constraint. The log probability of a sample ``v`` is the sum of edge logits, up to the log partition function ``log Z``: .. math:: \log p(v) = \sum_s \text{logits}[s, v[s]] - \log Z Exact computations are expensive. To enable tractable approximations, set a number of belief propagation iterations via the ``bp_iters`` argument. The :meth:`log_partition_function` and :meth:`log_prob` methods use a Bethe approximation [1,2,3,4]. **References:** [1] Michael Chertkov, Lukas Kroc, Massimo Vergassola (2008) "Belief propagation and beyond for particle tracking" [2] Bert Huang, Tony Jebara (2009) "Approximating the Permanent with Belief Propagation" [3] Pascal O. Vontobel (2012) "The Bethe Permanent of a Non-Negative Matrix" [4] M Chertkov, AB Yedidia (2013) "Approximating the permanent with fractional belief propagation" :param Tensor logits: An ``(2 * N, N)``-shaped tensor of edge logits. :param int bp_iters: Optional number of belief propagation iterations. If unspecified or ``None`` expensive exact algorithms will be used. """ arg_constraints = {"logits": constraints.real} has_enumerate_support = True def __init__(self, logits, *, bp_iters=None, validate_args=None): if logits.dim() != 2: raise NotImplementedError("OneTwoMatching does not support batching") assert bp_iters is None or isinstance(bp_iters, int) and bp_iters > 0 self.num_sources, self.num_destins = logits.shape assert self.num_sources == 2 * self.num_destins self.logits = logits batch_shape = () event_shape = (self.num_sources,) super().__init__(batch_shape, event_shape, validate_args=validate_args) self.bp_iters = bp_iters @constraints.dependent_property def support(self): return OneTwoMatchingConstraint(self.num_destins) @lazy_property def log_partition_function(self): if self.bp_iters is None: # Brute force. d = self.enumerate_support() s = torch.arange(d.size(-1), dtype=d.dtype, device=d.device) return self.logits[s, d].sum(-1).logsumexp(-1) # Approximate mean field beliefs b via Sinkhorn iteration. # We find that Sinkhorn iteration is more robust and faster than the # optimal belief propagation updates suggested in [1-4]. finfo = torch.finfo(self.logits.dtype) # Note gradients are more accurate when shift is not detached. shift = self.logits.max(1, True).values, max=finfo.max) logits = self.logits - shift d = logits.logsumexp(0) - math.log(2) for _ in range(self.bp_iters): s = (logits - d).logsumexp(-1, True) d = (logits - s).logsumexp(0) - math.log(2) b = (logits - (d + s)).exp() def log(x): return x.clamp(min=finfo.tiny).log() # Evaluate the Bethe free energy, adapting [4] Eqn 4 to one-two # matchings. b_ = (1 - b).clamp(min=0) internal_energy = -(b * logits.clamp(min=-1 / finfo.eps)).sum() # Let h be the entropy of matching each destin to one source. z = b / 2 h = -(z * log(z)).sum(0) # Then h2 is the entropy of the distribution mapping each destin to an # unordered pair of sources, equal to the log of the binomial # coefficient: perplexity * (perplexity - 1) / 2. h2 = h + log(h.expm1()) - math.log(2) free_energy = internal_energy - h2.sum() - (b_ * log(b_)).sum() log_Z = shift.sum() - free_energy assert torch.isfinite(log_Z) return log_Z
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): if self._validate_args: self._validate_sample(value) d = value s = torch.arange(d.size(-1), dtype=d.dtype, device=d.device) return self.logits[s, d].sum(-1) - self.log_partition_function
[docs] def enumerate_support(self, expand=True): return enumerate_one_two_matchings(self.num_destins)
[docs] def sample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): if self.bp_iters is None: # Brute force. d = self.enumerate_support() s = torch.arange(d.size(-1), dtype=d.dtype, device=d.device) logits = self.logits[s, d].sum(-1) sample = Categorical(logits=logits).sample(sample_shape) return d[sample] if sample_shape: return torch.stack( [self.sample(sample_shape[1:]) for _ in range(sample_shape[0])] ) # TODO initialize via .mode(), then perform a small number of MCMC steps # # raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mode(self): """ Computes a maximum probability matching. """ return maximum_weight_matching(self.logits)
def enumerate_one_two_matchings(num_destins): if num_destins == 1: return torch.tensor([[0, 0]]) num_sources = num_destins * 2 subproblem = enumerate_one_two_matchings(num_destins - 1) subsize = subproblem.size(0) result = torch.empty( subsize * num_sources * (num_sources - 1) // 2, num_sources, dtype=torch.long ) # Iterate over pairs of sources s0<s1 matching the last destination d. d = num_destins - 1 pos = 0 for s1 in range(num_sources): for s0 in range(s1): block = result[pos : pos + subsize] block[:, :s0] = subproblem[:, :s0] block[:, s0] = d block[:, s0 + 1 : s1] = subproblem[:, s0 : s1 - 1] block[:, s1] = d block[:, s1 + 1 :] = subproblem[:, s1 - 1 :] pos += subsize return result @torch.no_grad() def maximum_weight_matching(logits): from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment cost = -logits.cpu() cost =[cost, cost], dim=-1) # Duplicate destinations. value = linear_sum_assignment(cost.numpy())[1] value = torch.tensor(value, dtype=torch.long, device=logits.device) value %= logits.size(1) return value