# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import pyro.poutine as poutine
from .reparam import Reparam
[docs]class ConjugateReparam(Reparam):
EXPERIMENTAL Reparameterize to a conjugate updated distribution.
This updates a prior distribution ``fn`` using the
method. The guide may be either a distribution object or a callable
inputting model ``*args,**kwargs`` and returning a distribution object. The
guide may be approximate or learned.
For example consider the model and naive variational guide::
total = torch.tensor(10.)
count = torch.tensor(2.)
def model():
prob = pyro.sample("prob", dist.Beta(0.5, 1.5))
pyro.sample("count", dist.Binomial(total, prob), obs=count)
guide = AutoDiagonalNormal(model) # learns the posterior over prob
Instead of using this learned guide, we can hand-compute the conjugate
posterior distribution over "prob", and then use a simpler guide during
inference, in this case an empty guide::
reparam_model = poutine.reparam(model, {
"prob": ConjugateReparam(dist.Beta(1 + count, 1 + total - count))
def reparam_guide():
pass # nothing remains to be modeled!
:param guide: A likelihood distribution or a callable returning a
guide distribution. Only a few distributions are supported, depending
on the prior distribution's
:type guide: ~pyro.distributions.Distribution or callable
def __init__(self, guide):
self.guide = guide
[docs] def apply(self, msg):
name = msg["name"]
fn = msg["fn"]
value = msg["value"]
is_observed = msg["is_observed"]
# Compute a guide distribution, either static or dependent.
guide_dist = self.guide
if not isinstance(guide_dist, dist.Distribution):
args, kwargs = self.args_kwargs
guide_dist = guide_dist(*args, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(guide_dist, dist.Distribution)
# Draw a sample from the updated distribution.
fn, log_normalizer = fn.conjugate_update(guide_dist)
assert isinstance(guide_dist, dist.Distribution)
if not fn.has_rsample:
# Note supporting non-reparameterized sites would require more delicate
# handling of traced sites than the crude _do_not_trace flag below.
raise NotImplementedError(
"ConjugateReparam inference supports only reparameterized "
"distributions, but got {}".format(type(fn))
value = pyro.sample(
"is_observed": is_observed,
"is_auxiliary": True,
"_do_not_trace": True,
# Compute importance weight. Let p(z) be the original fn, q(z|x) be
# the guide, and u(z) be the conjugate_updated distribution. Then
# normalizer = p(z) q(z|x) / u(z).
# Since we've sampled from u(z) instead of p(z), we
# need an importance weight
# p(z) / u(z) = normalizer / q(z|x) (Eqn 1)
# Note that q(z|x) is often approximate; in the exact case
# q(z|x) = p(x|z) / integral p(x|z) dz
# so this site and the downstream likelihood site will have combined density
# (p(z) / u(z)) p(x|z) = (normalizer / q(z|x)) p(x|z)
# = normalizer integral p(x|z) dz
# Hence in the exact case, downstream probability does not depend on the sampled z,
# permitting this reparameterizer to be used in HMC.
if poutine.get_mask() is False:
log_density = 0.0
log_density = log_normalizer - guide_dist.log_prob(value) # By Eqn 1.
# Return an importance-weighted point estimate.
new_fn = dist.Delta(value, log_density=log_density, event_dim=fn.event_dim)
return {"fn": new_fn, "value": value, "is_observed": True}