Source code for pyro.infer.util

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import math
import numbers
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import fields

import torch
from opt_einsum import shared_intermediates
from opt_einsum.sharing import count_cached_ops

from pyro.distributions.util import is_identically_zero
from pyro.ops import packed
from pyro.ops.einsum.adjoint import require_backward
from pyro.ops.rings import MarginalRing
from pyro.poutine.trace_struct import Trace
from pyro.poutine.util import site_is_subsample

from .. import settings

settings.register("validate_infer", __name__, "_VALIDATION_ENABLED")

LAST_CACHE_SIZE = [Counter()]  # for profiling

[docs]def enable_validation(is_validate): global _VALIDATION_ENABLED _VALIDATION_ENABLED = is_validate
[docs]def is_validation_enabled(): return _VALIDATION_ENABLED
[docs]@contextmanager def validation_enabled(is_validate=True): old = is_validation_enabled() try: enable_validation(is_validate) yield finally: enable_validation(old)
def torch_item(x): """ Like ``x.item()`` for a :class:`~torch.Tensor`, but also works with numbers. """ return x if isinstance(x, numbers.Number) else x.item() def torch_backward(x, retain_graph=None): """ Like ``x.backward()`` for a :class:`~torch.Tensor`, but also accepts numbers and tensors without grad_fn (resulting in a no-op) """ if torch.is_tensor(x) and x.grad_fn: x.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) def torch_exp(x): """ Like ``x.exp()`` for a :class:`~torch.Tensor`, but also accepts numbers. """ if torch.is_tensor(x): return torch.exp(x) else: return math.exp(x) def torch_sum(tensor, dims): """ Like :func:`torch.sum` but sum out dims only if they exist. """ assert all(d < 0 for d in dims) leftmost = -tensor.dim() dims = [d for d in dims if leftmost <= d] return tensor.sum(dims) if dims else tensor def zero_grads(tensors): """ Sets gradients of list of Tensors to zero in place """ for p in tensors: if p.grad is not None: p.grad = torch.zeros_like(p.grad) def get_plate_stacks(trace): """ This builds a dict mapping site name to a set of plate stacks. Each plate stack is a list of :class:`CondIndepStackFrame`s corresponding to an :class:`plate`. This information is used by :class:`Trace_ELBO` and :class:`TraceGraph_ELBO`. """ return { name: [f for f in node["cond_indep_stack"] if f.vectorized] for name, node in trace.nodes.items() if node["type"] == "sample" and not site_is_subsample(node) } def get_dependent_plate_dims(sites): """ Return a list of unique dims for plates that are not common to all sites. """ plate_sets = [ site["cond_indep_stack"] for site in sites if site["type"] == "sample" ] all_plates = set().union(*plate_sets) common_plates = all_plates.intersection(*plate_sets) sum_plates = all_plates - common_plates sum_dims = sorted({f.dim for f in sum_plates if f.dim is not None}) return sum_dims class MultiFrameTensor(dict): """ A container for sums of Tensors among different :class:`plate` contexts. Used in :class:`~pyro.infer.tracegraph_elbo.TraceGraph_ELBO` to simplify downstream cost computation logic. Example:: downstream_cost = MultiFrameTensor() for site in downstream_nodes: downstream_cost.add((site["cond_indep_stack"], site["log_prob"])) downstream_cost.add(*other_costs.items()) # add in bulk summed = downstream_cost.sum_to(target_site["cond_indep_stack"]) """ def __init__(self, *items): super().__init__() self.add(*items) def add(self, *items): """ Add a collection of (cond_indep_stack, tensor) pairs. Keys are ``cond_indep_stack``s, i.e. tuples of :class:`CondIndepStackFrame`s. Values are :class:`torch.Tensor`s. """ for cond_indep_stack, value in items: frames = frozenset(f for f in cond_indep_stack if f.vectorized) assert all(f.dim < 0 and -value.dim() <= f.dim for f in frames) if frames in self: self[frames] = self[frames] + value else: self[frames] = value def sum_to(self, target_frames): total = None for frames, value in self.items(): for f in frames: if f not in target_frames and value.shape[f.dim] != 1: value = value.sum(f.dim, True) while value.shape and value.shape[0] == 1: value = value.squeeze(0) total = value if total is None else total + value return 0.0 if total is None else total def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % ( type(self).__name__, ",\n\t".join(["({}, ...)".format(frames) for frames in self]), ) def compute_site_dice_factor(site): log_denom = 0 log_prob = site["packed"]["score_parts"].score_function # not scaled by subsampling dims = getattr(log_prob, "_pyro_dims", "") if site["infer"].get("enumerate"): num_samples = site["infer"].get("num_samples") if num_samples is not None: # site was multiply sampled if not is_identically_zero(log_prob): log_prob = log_prob - log_prob.detach() log_prob = log_prob - math.log(num_samples) if not isinstance(log_prob, torch.Tensor): log_prob = torch.tensor(float(log_prob), device=site["value"].device) log_prob._pyro_dims = dims # I don't know why the following broadcast is needed, but it makes tests pass: log_prob, _ = packed.broadcast_all(log_prob, site["packed"]["log_prob"]) elif site["infer"]["enumerate"] == "sequential": log_denom = math.log(site["infer"].get("_enum_total", num_samples)) else: # site was monte carlo sampled if not is_identically_zero(log_prob): log_prob = log_prob - log_prob.detach() log_prob._pyro_dims = dims return log_prob, log_denom class Dice: """ An implementation of the DiCE operator compatible with Pyro features. This implementation correctly handles: - scaled log-probability due to subsampling - independence in different ordinals due to plate - weights due to parallel and sequential enumeration - weights due to local multiple sampling This assumes restricted dependency structure on the model and guide: variables outside of an :class:`~pyro.plate` can never depend on variables inside that :class:`~pyro.plate`. References: [1] Jakob Foerster, Greg Farquhar, Maruan Al-Shedivat, Tim Rocktaeschel, Eric P. Xing, Shimon Whiteson (2018) "DiCE: The Infinitely Differentiable Monte-Carlo Estimator" [2] Laurence Aitchison (2018) "Tensor Monte Carlo: particle methods for the GPU era" :param pyro.poutine.trace.Trace guide_trace: A guide trace. :param ordering: A dictionary mapping model site names to ordinal values. Ordinal values may be any type that is (1) ``<=`` comparable and (2) hashable; the canonical ordinal is a ``frozenset`` of site names. """ def __init__(self, guide_trace, ordering): log_denoms = defaultdict( float ) # avoids double-counting when sequentially enumerating log_probs = defaultdict(list) # accounts for upstream probabilties for name, site in guide_trace.nodes.items(): if site["type"] != "sample": continue ordinal = ordering[name] log_prob, log_denom = compute_site_dice_factor(site) if not is_identically_zero(log_prob): log_probs[ordinal].append(log_prob) if not is_identically_zero(log_denom): log_denoms[ordinal] += log_denom self.log_denom = log_denoms self.log_probs = log_probs def _get_log_factors(self, target_ordinal): """ Returns a list of DiCE factors at a given ordinal. """ log_denom = 0 for ordinal, term in self.log_denom.items(): if not ordinal <= target_ordinal: # not downstream log_denom += term # term = log(# times this ordinal is counted) log_factors = [] if is_identically_zero(log_denom) else [-log_denom] for ordinal, terms in self.log_probs.items(): if ordinal <= target_ordinal: # upstream log_factors.extend(terms) # terms = [log(dice weight of this ordinal)] return log_factors def compute_expectation(self, costs): """ Returns a differentiable expected cost, summing over costs at given ordinals. :param dict costs: A dict mapping ordinals to lists of cost tensors :returns: a scalar expected cost :rtype: torch.Tensor or float """ # Share computation across all cost terms. with shared_intermediates() as cache: ring = MarginalRing(cache=cache) expected_cost = 0.0 for ordinal, cost_terms in costs.items(): log_factors = self._get_log_factors(ordinal) scale = math.exp( sum(x for x in log_factors if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor)) ) log_factors = [x for x in log_factors if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor)] # Collect log_prob terms to query for marginal probability. queries = {frozenset(cost._pyro_dims): None for cost in cost_terms} for log_factor in log_factors: key = frozenset(log_factor._pyro_dims) if queries.get(key, False) is None: queries[key] = log_factor # Ensure a query exists for each cost term. for cost in cost_terms: key = frozenset(cost._pyro_dims) if queries[key] is None: query = torch.zeros_like(cost) query._pyro_dims = cost._pyro_dims log_factors.append(query) queries[key] = query # Perform sum-product contraction. Note that plates never need to be # product-contracted due to our plate-based dependency ordering. sum_dims = set().union(*(x._pyro_dims for x in log_factors)) - ordinal for query in queries.values(): require_backward(query) root = ring.sumproduct(log_factors, sum_dims) root._pyro_backward() probs = { key: query._pyro_backward_result.exp() for key, query in queries.items() } # Aggregate prob * cost terms. for cost in cost_terms: key = frozenset(cost._pyro_dims) prob = probs[key] prob._pyro_dims = queries[key]._pyro_dims mask = prob > 0 if torch._C._get_tracing_state() or not mask.all(): mask._pyro_dims = prob._pyro_dims cost, prob, mask = packed.broadcast_all(cost, prob, mask) prob = prob.masked_select(mask) cost = cost.masked_select(mask) else: cost, prob = packed.broadcast_all(cost, prob) expected_cost = expected_cost + scale * _fulldot(prob, cost) LAST_CACHE_SIZE[0] = count_cached_ops(cache) return expected_cost def _fulldot(x, y): assert x.dim() == y.dim() if x.dim() == 0: return x * y return torch.tensordot(x, y, dims=x.dim()) def check_fully_reparametrized(guide_site): log_prob, score_function_term, entropy_term = guide_site["score_parts"] fully_rep = ( guide_site["fn"].has_rsample and not is_identically_zero(entropy_term) and is_identically_zero(score_function_term) ) if not fully_rep: raise NotImplementedError( "All distributions in the guide must be fully reparameterized." ) def plate_log_prob_sum(trace: Trace, plate_symbol: str) -> torch.Tensor: """ Get log probability sum from trace while keeping indexing over the specified plate. """ log_prob_sum = 0.0 for site in trace.nodes.values(): if site["type"] != "sample": continue log_prob_sum += torch.einsum( site["packed"]["log_prob"]._pyro_dims + "->" + plate_symbol, [site["packed"]["log_prob"]], ) return log_prob_sum class CloneMixin: """ Mixin class that adds ``.clone`` method to ``@dataclasses.dataclass`` decorated classes that are made up of ``torch.Tensor`` fields. """ def clone(self): retval = dict() for field_desc in fields(self): field_name, value =, getattr(self, if isinstance(value, dict): retval[field_name] = dict() for key in value: retval[field_name][key] = value[key].clone() else: retval[field_name] = value.clone() return self.__class__(**retval)