# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import functools
from typing import (
import torch
from typing_extensions import Literal, ParamSpec, TypedDict
from pyro.params.param_store import ( # noqa: F401
_P = ParamSpec("_P")
_T = TypeVar("_T")
from collections import Counter
from pyro.distributions.score_parts import ScoreParts
from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistributionMixin
from pyro.poutine.indep_messenger import CondIndepStackFrame
from pyro.poutine.messenger import Messenger
# the global pyro stack
_PYRO_STACK: List["Messenger"] = []
# the global ParamStore
_PYRO_PARAM_STORE = ParamStoreDict()
[docs]class InferDict(TypedDict, total=False):
A dictionary that contains information about inference.
This can be used to configure per-site inference strategies, e.g.::
infer={"enumerate": "parallel"},
enumerate (str):
If one of the strings "sequential" or "parallel", enables
enumeration. Parallel enumeration is generally faster but requires
broadcasting-safe operations and static structure.
expand (bool):
Whether to expand the distribution during enumeration. Defaults to
False if missing.
is_auxiliary (bool):
Whether the sample site is auxiliary, e.g. for use in guides that
deterministically transform auxiliary variables. Defaults to False
if missing.
is_observed (bool):
Whether the sample site is observed (i.e. not latent). Defaults to
False if missing.
num_samples (int):
The number of samples to draw. Defaults to 1 if missing.
obs (optional torch.Tensor):
The observed value, or None for latent variables. Defaults to None
if missing.
prior (optional torch.distributions.Distribution):
(internal) For use in GuideMessenger to store the model's prior
distribution (conditioned on upstream sites).
tmc (str):
Whether to use the diagonal or mixture approximation for Tensor
Monte Carlo in TraceTMC_ELBO.
was_observed (bool):
(internal) Whether the sample site was originally observed, in the
context of inference via Reweighted Wake Sleep or Compiled
Sequential Importance Sampling.
enumerate: Literal["sequential", "parallel"]
expand: bool
is_auxiliary: bool
is_observed: bool
num_samples: int
obs: Optional[torch.Tensor]
prior: "TorchDistributionMixin"
tmc: Literal["diagonal", "mixture"]
was_observed: bool
_deterministic: bool
_dim_to_symbol: Dict[int, str]
_do_not_trace: bool
_enumerate_symbol: str
_markov_scope: "Counter"
_enumerate_dim: int
_dim_to_id: Dict[int, int]
_markov_depth: int
[docs]class Message(TypedDict, Generic[_P, _T], total=False):
Pyro's internal message type for effect handling.
Messages are stored in trace objects, e.g.::
trace.nodes["my_site_name"] # This is a Message.
type (str):
The message type, typically one of the strings "sample", "param",
"plate", or "markov", but possibly custom.
name (str):
The site name, typically naming a sample or parameter.
fn (callable):
The distribution or function used to generate the sample.
is_observed (bool):
A flag to indicate whether the value is observed.
args (tuple):
Positional arguments to the distribution or function.
kwargs (dict):
Keyword arguments to the distribution or function.
value (torch.Tensor):
The value of the sample (either observed or sampled).
scale (torch.Tensor):
A scaling factor for the log probability.
mask (bool torch.Tensor):
A bool or tensor to mask the log probability.
cond_indep_stack (tuple):
The site's local stack of conditional independence metadata.
done (bool):
A flag to indicate whether the message has been handled.
stop (bool):
A flag to stop further processing of the message.
continuation (callable):
A function to call after processing the message.
infer (optional InferDict):
A dictionary of inference parameters.
obs (torch.Tensor):
The observed value.
log_prob (torch.Tensor):
The log probability of the sample.
log_prob_sum (torch.Tensor):
The sum of the log probability.
unscaled_log_prob (torch.Tensor):
The unscaled log probability.
score_parts (pyro.distributions.ScoreParts):
A collection of score parts.
packed (Message):
A packed message, used during enumeration.
type: str
name: Optional[str]
fn: Callable[_P, _T]
is_observed: bool
args: Tuple
kwargs: Dict
value: Optional[_T]
scale: Union[torch.Tensor, float]
mask: Union[bool, torch.Tensor, None]
cond_indep_stack: Tuple["CondIndepStackFrame", ...]
done: bool
stop: bool
continuation: Optional[Callable[["Message"], None]]
infer: Optional[InferDict]
obs: Optional[torch.Tensor]
log_prob: torch.Tensor
log_prob_sum: torch.Tensor
unscaled_log_prob: torch.Tensor
score_parts: "ScoreParts"
packed: "Message"
_intervener_id: Optional[str]
class _DimAllocator:
Dimension allocator for internal use by :class:`plate`.
There is a single global instance.
Note that dimensions are indexed from the right, e.g. -1, -2.
def __init__(self) -> None:
# in reverse orientation of log_prob.shape
self._stack: List[Optional[str]] = []
def allocate(self, name: str, dim: Optional[int]) -> int:
Allocate a dimension to an :class:`plate` with given name.
Dim should be either None for automatic allocation or a negative
integer for manual allocation.
if name in self._stack:
raise ValueError(f"duplicate plate '{name}'")
if dim is None:
# Automatically designate the rightmost available dim for allocation.
dim = -1
while -dim <= len(self._stack) and self._stack[-1 - dim] is not None:
dim -= 1
elif dim >= 0:
raise ValueError(f"Expected dim < 0 to index from the right, actual {dim}")
# Allocate the requested dimension.
while dim < -len(self._stack):
if self._stack[-1 - dim] is not None:
raise ValueError(
'at plates "{}" and "{}", collide at dim={}'.format(
name, self._stack[-1 - dim], dim
"\nTry moving the dim of one plate to the left, e.g. dim={}".format(
dim - 1
self._stack[-1 - dim] = name
return dim
def free(self, name: str, dim: int) -> None:
Free a dimension.
free_idx = -1 - dim # stack index to free
assert self._stack[free_idx] == name
self._stack[free_idx] = None
while self._stack and self._stack[-1] is None:
# Handles placement of plate dimensions
_DIM_ALLOCATOR = _DimAllocator()
class _EnumAllocator:
Dimension allocator for internal use by :func:`~pyro.poutine.markov`.
There is a single global instance.
Note that dimensions are indexed from the right, e.g. -1, -2.
Note that ids are simply nonnegative integers here.
def set_first_available_dim(self, first_available_dim: int) -> None:
Set the first available dim, which should be to the left of all
:class:`plate` dimensions, e.g. ``-1 - max_plate_nesting``. This should
be called once per program. In SVI this should be called only once per
(guide,model) pair.
assert first_available_dim < 0, first_available_dim
self.next_available_dim = first_available_dim
self.next_available_id = 0
self.dim_to_id: Dict[int, int] = {} # only the global ids
def allocate(self, scope_dims: Optional[Set[int]] = None) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Allocate a new recyclable dim and a unique id.
If ``scope_dims`` is None, this allocates a global enumeration dim
that will never be recycled. If ``scope_dims`` is specified, this
allocates a local enumeration dim that can be reused by at any other
local site whose scope excludes this site.
:param set scope_dims: An optional set of (negative integer)
local enumeration dims to avoid when allocating this dim.
:return: A pair ``(dim, id)``, where ``dim`` is a negative integer
and ``id`` is a nonnegative integer.
:rtype: tuple
id_ = self.next_available_id
self.next_available_id += 1
dim = self.next_available_dim
if dim == -float("inf"):
raise ValueError(
"max_plate_nesting must be set to a finite value for parallel enumeration"
if scope_dims is None:
# allocate a new global dimension
self.next_available_dim -= 1
self.dim_to_id[dim] = id_
# allocate a new local dimension
while dim in scope_dims:
dim -= 1
return dim, id_
# Handles placement of enumeration dimensions
_ENUM_ALLOCATOR = _EnumAllocator()
[docs]class NonlocalExit(Exception):
Exception for exiting nonlocally from poutine execution.
Used by poutine.EscapeMessenger to return site information.
def __init__(self, site: Message, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
:param site: message at a pyro site constructor.
Just stores the input site.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.site = site
[docs] def reset_stack(self) -> None:
Reset the state of the frames remaining in the stack.
Necessary for multiple re-executions in poutine.queue.
from pyro.poutine.block_messenger import BlockMessenger
for frame in reversed(_PYRO_STACK):
if isinstance(frame, BlockMessenger) and frame.hide_fn(self.site):
[docs]def default_process_message(msg: Message) -> None:
Default method for processing messages in inference.
:param msg: a message to be processed
:returns: None
if msg["done"] or msg["is_observed"] or msg["value"] is not None:
msg["done"] = True
msg["value"] = msg["fn"](*msg["args"], **msg["kwargs"])
# after fn has been called, update msg to prevent it from being called again.
msg["done"] = True
[docs]def apply_stack(initial_msg: Message) -> None:
Execute the effect stack at a single site according to the following scheme:
1. For each ``Messenger`` in the stack from bottom to top,
execute ``Messenger._process_message`` with the message;
if the message field "stop" is True, stop;
otherwise, continue
2. Apply default behavior (``default_process_message``) to finish remaining site execution
3. For each ``Messenger`` in the stack from top to bottom,
execute ``_postprocess_message`` to update the message and internal messenger state with the site results
4. If the message field "continuation" is not ``None``, call it with the message
:param dict initial_msg: the starting version of the trace site
:returns: ``None``
stack = _PYRO_STACK
# TODO check at runtime if stack is valid
# msg is used to pass information up and down the stack
msg = initial_msg
pointer = 0
# go until time to stop?
for frame in reversed(stack):
pointer = pointer + 1
if msg["stop"]:
for frame in stack[-pointer:]:
cont = msg["continuation"]
if cont is not None:
[docs]def am_i_wrapped() -> bool:
Checks whether the current computation is wrapped in a poutine.
:returns: bool
return len(_PYRO_STACK) > 0
def effectful(
fn: None = ..., type: Optional[str] = ...
) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _T]], Callable[..., _T]]: ...
def effectful(
fn: Callable[_P, _T] = ..., type: Optional[str] = ...
) -> Callable[..., _T]: ...
[docs]def effectful(
fn: Optional[Callable[_P, _T]] = None, type: Optional[str] = None
) -> Callable:
:param fn: function or callable that performs an effectful computation
:param str type: the type label of the operation, e.g. `"sample"`
Wrapper for calling :func:`~pyro.poutine.runtime.apply_stack` to apply any active effects.
if fn is None:
return functools.partial(effectful, type=type)
if getattr(fn, "_is_effectful", None):
return fn
assert type is not None, f"must provide a type label for operation {fn}"
assert type != "message", "cannot use 'message' as keyword"
def _fn(
*args: _P.args,
name: Optional[str] = None,
infer: Optional[InferDict] = None,
obs: Optional[_T] = None,
**kwargs: _P.kwargs,
) -> _T:
is_observed = obs is not None
if not am_i_wrapped():
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
msg = Message(
infer=infer if infer is not None else {},
# apply the stack and return its return value
assert msg["value"] is not None
return msg["value"]
_fn._is_effectful = True # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return _fn
def _inspect() -> Message:
EXPERIMENTAL Inspect the Pyro stack.
.. warning:: The format of the returned message may change at any time and
does not guarantee backwards compatibility.
:returns: A message with all effects applied.
:rtype: dict
msg = Message(
fn=lambda: True,
infer={"_do_not_trace": True},
return msg
[docs]def get_mask() -> Union[bool, torch.Tensor, None]:
Records the effects of enclosing ``poutine.mask`` handlers.
This is useful for avoiding expensive ``pyro.factor()`` computations during
prediction, when the log density need not be computed, e.g.::
def model():
# ...
if poutine.get_mask() is not False:
log_density = my_expensive_computation()
pyro.factor("foo", log_density)
# ...
:returns: The mask.
:rtype: None, bool, or torch.Tensor
return _inspect()["mask"]
[docs]def get_plates() -> Tuple["CondIndepStackFrame", ...]:
Records the effects of enclosing ``pyro.plate`` contexts.
:returns: A tuple of
:class:`pyro.poutine.indep_messenger.CondIndepStackFrame` objects.
:rtype: tuple
return _inspect()["cond_indep_stack"]