# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import contextlib
import funsor
from funsor.adjoint import AdjointTape
from funsor.sum_product import _partition
from pyro.contrib.funsor import to_data, to_funsor
from pyro.contrib.funsor.handlers import enum, plate, replay, trace
from pyro.contrib.funsor.infer.elbo import ELBO, Jit_ELBO
from pyro.distributions.util import copy_docs_from
from pyro.infer import TraceEnum_ELBO as _OrigTraceEnum_ELBO
# Work around a bug in unfold_contraction_generic_tuple interacting with
# Approximate introduced in https://github.com/pyro-ppl/funsor/pull/488 .
# Once fixed, this can be replaced by funsor.optimizer.apply_optimizer().
[docs]def apply_optimizer(x):
with funsor.interpretations.normalize:
expr = funsor.interpreter.reinterpret(x)
with funsor.optimizer.optimize_base:
return funsor.interpreter.reinterpret(expr)
[docs]def terms_from_trace(tr):
"""Helper function to extract elbo components from execution traces."""
# data structure containing densities, measures, scales, and identification
# of free variables as either product (plate) variables or sum (measure) variables
terms = {
"log_factors": [],
"log_measures": [],
"scale": to_funsor(1.0),
"plate_vars": frozenset(),
"measure_vars": frozenset(),
"plate_to_step": dict(),
for name, node in tr.nodes.items():
# add markov dimensions to the plate_to_step dictionary
if node["type"] == "markov_chain":
terms["plate_to_step"][node["name"]] = node["value"]
# ensure previous step variables are added to measure_vars
for step in node["value"]:
terms["measure_vars"] |= frozenset(
for var in step[1:-1]
if tr.nodes[var]["funsor"].get("log_measure", None) is not None
if (
node["type"] != "sample"
or type(node["fn"]).__name__ == "_Subsample"
or node["infer"].get("_do_not_score", False)
# grab plate dimensions from the cond_indep_stack
terms["plate_vars"] |= frozenset(
f.name for f in node["cond_indep_stack"] if f.vectorized
# grab the log-measure, found only at sites that are not replayed or observed
if node["funsor"].get("log_measure", None) is not None:
# sum (measure) variables: the fresh non-plate variables at a site
terms["measure_vars"] |= (
frozenset(node["funsor"]["value"].inputs) | {name}
) - terms["plate_vars"]
# grab the scale, assuming a common subsampling scale
if (
node.get("replay_active", False)
and set(node["funsor"]["log_prob"].inputs) & terms["measure_vars"]
and float(to_data(node["funsor"]["scale"])) != 1.0
# model site that depends on enumerated variable: common scale
terms["scale"] = node["funsor"]["scale"]
else: # otherwise: default scale behavior
node["funsor"]["log_prob"] = (
node["funsor"]["log_prob"] * node["funsor"]["scale"]
# grab the log-density, found at all sites except those that are not replayed
if node["is_observed"] or not node.get("replay_skipped", False):
# add plate dimensions to the plate_to_step dictionary
{plate: terms["plate_to_step"].get(plate, {}) for plate in terms["plate_vars"]}
return terms
class TraceMarkovEnum_ELBO(ELBO):
[docs] def differentiable_loss(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs):
# get batched, enumerated, to_funsor-ed traces from the guide and model
with (
if self.num_particles > 1
else contextlib.ExitStack()
), enum(
(-self.max_plate_nesting - 1) if self.max_plate_nesting else None
guide_tr = trace(guide).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
model_tr = trace(replay(model, trace=guide_tr)).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
# extract from traces all metadata that we will need to compute the elbo
guide_terms = terms_from_trace(guide_tr)
model_terms = terms_from_trace(model_tr)
# guide side enumeration is not supported
if any(guide_terms["plate_to_step"].values()):
raise NotImplementedError(
"TraceMarkovEnum_ELBO does not yet support guide side Markov enumeration"
# build up a lazy expression for the elbo
with funsor.terms.lazy:
# identify and contract out auxiliary variables in the model with partial_sum_product
contracted_factors, uncontracted_factors = [], []
for f in model_terms["log_factors"]:
if model_terms["measure_vars"].intersection(f.inputs):
# incorporate the effects of subsampling and handlers.scale through a common scale factor
markov_dims = frozenset(
{plate for plate, step in model_terms["plate_to_step"].items() if step}
contracted_costs = [
model_terms["scale"] * f
for f in funsor.sum_product.dynamic_partial_sum_product(
model_terms["log_measures"] + contracted_factors,
eliminate=model_terms["measure_vars"] | markov_dims,
costs = contracted_costs + uncontracted_factors # model costs: logp
costs += [-f for f in guide_terms["log_factors"]] # guide costs: -logq
# finally, integrate out guide variables in the elbo and all plates
plate_vars = guide_terms["plate_vars"] | model_terms["plate_vars"]
elbo = to_funsor(0, output=funsor.Real)
for cost in costs:
# compute the marginal logq in the guide corresponding to this cost term
log_prob = funsor.sum_product.sum_product(
eliminate=(plate_vars | guide_terms["measure_vars"])
- frozenset(cost.inputs),
# compute the expected cost term E_q[logp] or E_q[-logq] using the marginal logq for q
elbo_term = funsor.Integrate(
log_prob, cost, guide_terms["measure_vars"] & frozenset(cost.inputs)
elbo += elbo_term.reduce(
funsor.ops.add, plate_vars & frozenset(cost.inputs)
# evaluate the elbo, using memoize to share tensor computation where possible
with funsor.interpretations.memoize():
return -to_data(apply_optimizer(elbo))
class TraceEnum_ELBO(ELBO):
[docs] def differentiable_loss(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs):
# get batched, enumerated, to_funsor-ed traces from the guide and model
with (
if self.num_particles > 1
else contextlib.ExitStack()
), enum(
(-self.max_plate_nesting - 1) if self.max_plate_nesting else None
guide_tr = trace(guide).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
model_tr = trace(replay(model, trace=guide_tr)).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
# extract from traces all metadata that we will need to compute the elbo
guide_terms = terms_from_trace(guide_tr)
model_terms = terms_from_trace(model_tr)
# build up a lazy expression for the elbo
with funsor.terms.lazy:
# identify and contract out auxiliary variables in the model with partial_sum_product
contracted_factors, uncontracted_factors = [], []
for f in model_terms["log_factors"]:
if model_terms["measure_vars"].intersection(f.inputs):
contracted_costs = []
# incorporate the effects of subsampling and handlers.scale through a common scale factor
for group_factors, group_vars in _partition(
model_terms["log_measures"] + contracted_factors,
group_factor_vars = frozenset().union(
*[f.inputs for f in group_factors]
group_plates = model_terms["plate_vars"] & group_factor_vars
outermost_plates = frozenset.intersection(
*(frozenset(f.inputs) & group_plates for f in group_factors)
elim_plates = group_plates - outermost_plates
for f in funsor.sum_product.partial_sum_product(
eliminate=group_vars | elim_plates,
contracted_costs.append(model_terms["scale"] * f)
# accumulate costs from model (logp) and guide (-logq)
costs = contracted_costs + uncontracted_factors # model costs: logp
costs += [-f for f in guide_terms["log_factors"]] # guide costs: -logq
# compute expected cost
# Cf. pyro.infer.util.Dice.compute_expectation()
# https://github.com/pyro-ppl/pyro/blob/0.3.0/pyro/infer/util.py#L212
# TODO Replace this with funsor.Expectation
plate_vars = guide_terms["plate_vars"] | model_terms["plate_vars"]
# compute the marginal logq in the guide corresponding to each cost term
targets = dict()
for cost in costs:
input_vars = frozenset(cost.inputs)
if input_vars not in targets:
targets[input_vars] = funsor.Tensor(
tuple(v.size for v in cost.inputs.values()),
with AdjointTape() as tape:
logzq = funsor.sum_product.sum_product(
guide_terms["log_measures"] + list(targets.values()),
eliminate=(plate_vars | guide_terms["measure_vars"]),
marginals = tape.adjoint(
funsor.ops.logaddexp, funsor.ops.add, logzq, tuple(targets.values())
# finally, integrate out guide variables in the elbo and all plates
elbo = to_funsor(0, output=funsor.Real)
for cost in costs:
target = targets[frozenset(cost.inputs)]
logzq_local = marginals[target].reduce(
funsor.ops.logaddexp, frozenset(cost.inputs) - plate_vars
log_prob = marginals[target] - logzq_local
elbo_term = funsor.Integrate(
guide_terms["measure_vars"] & frozenset(log_prob.inputs),
elbo += elbo_term.reduce(
funsor.ops.add, plate_vars & frozenset(cost.inputs)
# evaluate the elbo, using memoize to share tensor computation where possible
with funsor.interpretations.memoize():
return -to_data(apply_optimizer(elbo))
[docs]class JitTraceEnum_ELBO(Jit_ELBO, TraceEnum_ELBO):
[docs]class JitTraceMarkovEnum_ELBO(Jit_ELBO, TraceMarkovEnum_ELBO):