# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import torch
from .torch import MultivariateNormal, Normal
[docs]class NanMaskedNormal(Normal):
Wrapper around :class:`~pyro.distributions.Normal` to allow partially
observed data as specified by NAN elements in :meth:`log_prob`; the
``log_prob`` of these elements will be zero. This is useful for likelihoods
with missing data.
from math import nan
data = torch.tensor([0.5, 0.1, nan, 0.9])
with pyro.plate("data", len(data)):
pyro.sample("obs", NanMaskedNormal(0, 1), obs=data)
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
ok = value.isfinite()
if ok.all():
return super().log_prob(value)
# Broadcast all tensors.
value, ok, loc, scale = torch.broadcast_tensors(value, ok, self.loc, self.scale)
result = value.new_zeros(value.shape)
# Evaluate ok elements.
if ok.any():
marginal = Normal(loc[ok], scale[ok], validate_args=False)
result[ok] = marginal.log_prob(value[ok])
return result
[docs]class NanMaskedMultivariateNormal(MultivariateNormal):
Wrapper around :class:`~pyro.distributions.MultivariateNormal` to allow
partially observed data as specified by NAN elements in the argument to
:meth:`log_prob`. The ``log_prob`` of these events will marginalize over
the NAN elements. This is useful for likelihoods with missing data.
from math import nan
data = torch.tensor([
[0.1, 0.2, 3.4],
[0.5, 0.1, nan],
[0.6, nan, nan],
[nan, 0.5, nan],
[nan, nan, nan],
with pyro.plate("data", len(data)):
NanMaskedMultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(3), torch.eye(3)),
[docs] def log_prob(self, value: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
ok = value.isfinite()
if ok.all():
return super().log_prob(value)
# Broadcast all tensors. This might waste some computation by eagerly
# broadcasting, but the optimal implementation is quite complex.
value, ok, loc = torch.broadcast_tensors(value, ok, self.loc)
cov = self.covariance_matrix.expand(loc.shape + loc.shape[-1:])
# Flatten.
result_shape = value.shape[:-1]
n = result_shape.numel()
p = value.shape[-1]
value = value.reshape(n, p)
ok = ok.reshape(n, p)
loc = loc.reshape(n, p)
cov = cov.reshape(n, p, p)
result = value.new_zeros(n)
# Evaluate ok elements.
for pattern in sorted(set(map(tuple, ok.tolist()))):
if not any(pattern):
# Marginalize out NAN elements.
col_mask = torch.tensor(pattern)
row_mask = (ok == col_mask).all(-1)
ok_value = value[row_mask][:, col_mask]
ok_loc = loc[row_mask][:, col_mask]
ok_cov = cov[row_mask][:, col_mask][:, :, col_mask]
marginal = MultivariateNormal(ok_loc, ok_cov, validate_args=False)
result[row_mask] = marginal.log_prob(ok_value)
# Unflatten.
return result.reshape(result_shape)