# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import numbers
import warnings
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import torch
import pyro.poutine as poutine
from pyro.distributions import Categorical, Empirical
from pyro.ops.stats import waic
from pyro.poutine.util import site_is_subsample
[docs]class EmpiricalMarginal(Empirical):
Marginal distribution over a single site (or multiple, provided they have the same
shape) from the ``TracePosterior``'s model.
.. note:: If multiple sites are specified, they must have the same tensor shape.
Samples from each site will be stacked and stored within a single tensor. See
:class:`~pyro.distributions.Empirical`. To hold the marginal distribution of sites
having different shapes, use :class:`~pyro.infer.abstract_infer.Marginals` instead.
:param TracePosterior trace_posterior: a ``TracePosterior`` instance representing
a Monte Carlo posterior.
:param list sites: optional list of sites for which we need to generate
the marginal distribution.
def __init__(self, trace_posterior, sites=None, validate_args=None):
assert isinstance(
trace_posterior, TracePosterior
), "trace_dist must be trace posterior distribution object"
if sites is None:
sites = "_RETURN"
self._num_chains = 1
self._samples_buffer = defaultdict(list)
self._weights_buffer = defaultdict(list)
self._populate_traces(trace_posterior, sites)
samples, weights = self._get_samples_and_weights()
super().__init__(samples, weights, validate_args=validate_args)
def _get_samples_and_weights(self):
Appends values collected in the samples/weights buffers to their
corresponding tensors.
num_chains = len(self._samples_buffer)
samples_by_chain = []
weights_by_chain = []
for i in range(num_chains):
samples = torch.stack(self._samples_buffer[i], dim=0)
weights_dtype = (
samples.dtype if samples.dtype.is_floating_point else torch.float32
weights = torch.as_tensor(
self._weights_buffer[i], device=samples.device, dtype=weights_dtype
if len(samples_by_chain) == 1:
return samples_by_chain[0], weights_by_chain[0]
return torch.stack(samples_by_chain, dim=0), torch.stack(
weights_by_chain, dim=0
def _add_sample(self, value, log_weight=None, chain_id=0):
Adds a new data point to the sample. The values in successive calls to
``add`` must have the same tensor shape and size. Optionally, an
importance weight can be specified via ``log_weight`` or ``weight``
(default value of `1` is used if not specified).
:param torch.Tensor value: tensor to add to the sample.
:param torch.Tensor log_weight: log weight (optional) corresponding
to the sample.
:param int chain_id: chain id that generated the sample (optional).
Note that if this argument is provided, ``chain_id`` must lie
in ``[0, num_chains - 1]``, and there must be equal number
of samples per chain.
# Apply default weight of 1.0.
if log_weight is None:
log_weight = 0.0
if (
and not isinstance(log_weight, numbers.Number)
and log_weight.dim() > 0
raise ValueError("``weight.dim() > 0``, but weight should be a scalar.")
# Append to the buffer list
self._num_chains = max(self._num_chains, chain_id + 1)
def _populate_traces(self, trace_posterior, sites):
assert isinstance(sites, (list, str))
for tr, log_weight, chain_id in zip(
value = (
if isinstance(sites, str)
else torch.stack([tr.nodes[site]["value"] for site in sites], 0)
self._add_sample(value, log_weight=log_weight, chain_id=chain_id)
[docs]class Marginals:
Holds the marginal distribution over one or more sites from the ``TracePosterior``'s
model. This is a convenience container class, which can be extended by ``TracePosterior``
subclasses. e.g. for implementing diagnostics.
:param TracePosterior trace_posterior: a TracePosterior instance representing
a Monte Carlo posterior.
:param list sites: optional list of sites for which we need to generate
the marginal distribution.
def __init__(self, trace_posterior, sites=None, validate_args=None):
assert isinstance(
trace_posterior, TracePosterior
), "trace_dist must be trace posterior distribution object"
if sites is None:
sites = ["_RETURN"]
elif isinstance(sites, str):
sites = [sites]
assert isinstance(sites, list)
self.sites = sites
self._marginals = OrderedDict()
self._diagnostics = OrderedDict()
self._trace_posterior = trace_posterior
self._populate_traces(trace_posterior, validate_args)
def _populate_traces(self, trace_posterior, validate):
self._marginals = {
site: EmpiricalMarginal(trace_posterior, site, validate)
for site in self.sites
[docs] def support(self, flatten=False):
Gets support of this marginal distribution.
:param bool flatten: A flag to decide if we want to flatten `batch_shape`
when the marginal distribution is collected from the posterior with
``num_chains > 1``. Defaults to False.
:returns: a dict with keys are sites' names and values are sites' supports.
:rtype: :class:`OrderedDict`
support = OrderedDict(
(site, value.enumerate_support())
for site, value in self._marginals.items()
if self._trace_posterior.num_chains > 1 and flatten:
for site, samples in support.items():
shape = samples.size()
flattened_shape = torch.Size((shape[0] * shape[1],)) + shape[2:]
support[site] = samples.reshape(flattened_shape)
return support
def empirical(self):
A dictionary of sites' names and their corresponding :class:`EmpiricalMarginal`
:type: :class:`OrderedDict`
return self._marginals
[docs]class TracePosterior(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract TracePosterior object from which posterior inference algorithms inherit.
When run, collects a bag of execution traces from the approximate posterior.
This is designed to be used by other utility classes like `EmpiricalMarginal`,
that need access to the collected execution traces.
def __init__(self, num_chains=1):
self.num_chains = num_chains
def _reset(self):
self.log_weights = []
self.exec_traces = []
self.chain_ids = [] # chain id corresponding to the sample
self._idx_by_chain = [
[] for _ in range(self.num_chains)
] # indexes of samples by chain id
self._categorical = None
[docs] def marginal(self, sites=None):
Generates the marginal distribution of this posterior.
:param list sites: optional list of sites for which we need to generate
the marginal distribution.
:returns: A :class:`Marginals` class instance.
:rtype: :class:`Marginals`
return Marginals(self, sites)
def _traces(self, *args, **kwargs):
Abstract method implemented by classes that inherit from `TracePosterior`.
:return: Generator over ``(exec_trace, weight)`` or
``(exec_trace, weight, chain_id)``.
raise NotImplementedError("Inference algorithm must implement ``_traces``.")
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# To ensure deterministic sampling in the presence of multiple chains,
# we get the index from ``idxs_by_chain`` instead of sampling from
# the marginal directly.
random_idx = self._categorical.sample().item()
chain_idx, sample_idx = (
random_idx % self.num_chains,
random_idx // self.num_chains,
sample_idx = self._idx_by_chain[chain_idx][sample_idx]
trace = self.exec_traces[sample_idx].copy()
for name in trace.observation_nodes:
return trace
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
Calls `self._traces` to populate execution traces from a stochastic
Pyro model.
:param args: optional args taken by `self._traces`.
:param kwargs: optional keywords args taken by `self._traces`.
with poutine.block():
for i, vals in enumerate(self._traces(*args, **kwargs)):
if len(vals) == 2:
chain_id = 0
tr, logit = vals
tr, logit, chain_id = vals
assert chain_id < self.num_chains
self._categorical = Categorical(logits=torch.tensor(self.log_weights))
return self
[docs] def information_criterion(self, pointwise=False):
Computes information criterion of the model. Currently, returns only "Widely
Applicable/Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion" (WAIC) and the corresponding
effective number of parameters.
[1] `Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC`,
Aki Vehtari, Andrew Gelman, and Jonah Gabry
:param bool pointwise: a flag to decide if we want to get a vectorized WAIC or not. When
``pointwise=False``, returns the sum.
:returns: a dictionary containing values of WAIC and its effective number of
:rtype: :class:`OrderedDict`
if not self.exec_traces:
return {}
obs_node = None
log_likelihoods = []
for trace in self.exec_traces:
obs_nodes = trace.observation_nodes
if len(obs_nodes) > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Infomation criterion calculation only works for models "
"with one observation node."
if obs_node is None:
obs_node = obs_nodes[0]
elif obs_node != obs_nodes[0]:
raise ValueError(
"Observation node has been changed, expected {} but got {}".format(
obs_node, obs_nodes[0]
ll = torch.stack(log_likelihoods, dim=0)
waic_value, p_waic = waic(
ll, torch.tensor(self.log_weights, device=ll.device), pointwise
return OrderedDict([("waic", waic_value), ("p_waic", p_waic)])
[docs]class TracePredictive(TracePosterior):
.. warning::
This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Use the :class:`~pyro.infer.predictive.Predictive` class instead.
Generates and holds traces from the posterior predictive distribution,
given model execution traces from the approximate posterior. This is
achieved by constraining latent sites to randomly sampled parameter
values from the model execution traces and running the model forward
to generate traces with new response ("_RETURN") sites.
:param model: arbitrary Python callable containing Pyro primitives.
:param TracePosterior posterior: trace posterior instance holding samples from the model's approximate posterior.
:param int num_samples: number of samples to generate.
:param keep_sites: The sites which should be sampled from posterior distribution (default: all)
def __init__(self, model, posterior, num_samples, keep_sites=None):
self.model = model
self.posterior = posterior
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.keep_sites = keep_sites
"The `TracePredictive` class is deprecated and will be removed "
"in a future release. Use the `pyro.infer.Predictive` class instead.",
def _traces(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.posterior.exec_traces:
self.posterior.run(*args, **kwargs)
data_trace = poutine.trace(self.model).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
for _ in range(self.num_samples):
model_trace = self.posterior().copy()
self._adjust_to_data(model_trace, data_trace)
resampled_trace = poutine.trace(
poutine.replay(self.model, model_trace)
).get_trace(*args, **kwargs)
yield (resampled_trace, 0.0, 0)
def _remove_dropped_nodes(self, trace):
if self.keep_sites is None:
for name, site in list(trace.nodes.items()):
if name not in self.keep_sites:
def _adjust_to_data(self, trace, data_trace):
subsampled_idxs = dict()
for name, site in trace.iter_stochastic_nodes():
# Adjust subsample sites
if site_is_subsample(site):
site["fn"] = data_trace.nodes[name]["fn"]
site["value"] = data_trace.nodes[name]["value"]
# Adjust sites under conditionally independent stacks
orig_cis_stack = site["cond_indep_stack"]
site["cond_indep_stack"] = data_trace.nodes[name]["cond_indep_stack"]
assert len(orig_cis_stack) == len(site["cond_indep_stack"])
site["fn"] = data_trace.nodes[name]["fn"]
for ocis, cis in zip(orig_cis_stack, site["cond_indep_stack"]):
# Select random sub-indices to replay values under conditionally independent stacks.
# Otherwise, we assume there is an dependence of indexes between training data
# and prediction data.
assert ocis.name == cis.name
assert not site_is_subsample(site)
batch_dim = cis.dim - site["fn"].event_dim
subsampled_idxs[cis.name] = subsampled_idxs.get(
0, ocis.size, (cis.size,), device=site["value"].device
site["value"] = site["value"].index_select(
batch_dim, subsampled_idxs[cis.name]
[docs] def marginal(self, sites=None):
Gets marginal distribution for this predictive posterior distribution.
return Marginals(self, sites)