Source code for pyro.infer.traceenum_elbo

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import queue
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import OrderedDict

import torch
from opt_einsum import shared_intermediates

import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
import pyro.ops.jit
import pyro.poutine as poutine
from pyro.distributions.util import is_identically_zero
from pyro.infer.elbo import ELBO
from pyro.infer.enum import (
from pyro.infer.util import Dice, is_validation_enabled
from pyro.ops import packed
from pyro.ops.contract import contract_tensor_tree, contract_to_tensor
from pyro.ops.rings import SampleRing
from pyro.poutine.enum_messenger import EnumMessenger
from pyro.util import check_traceenum_requirements, ignore_jit_warnings, warn_if_nan

def _get_common_scale(scales):
    # Check that all enumerated sites share a common subsampling scale.
    # Note that we use a cheap weak comparison by id rather than tensor value, because
    # (1) it is expensive to compare tensors by value, and (2) tensors must agree not
    # only in value but at all derivatives.
    scales_set = set()
    for scale in scales:
        if isinstance(scale, torch.Tensor) and scale.dim():
            raise ValueError("enumeration only supports scalar poutine.scale")
    if len(scales_set) != 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected all enumerated sample sites to share a common poutine.scale, "
            "but found {} different scales.".format(len(scales_set))
    return scales[0]

def _check_model_guide_enumeration_constraint(model_enum_sites, guide_trace):
    min_ordinal = frozenset.intersection(*model_enum_sites.keys())
    for name, site in guide_trace.nodes.items():
        if site["type"] == "sample" and site["infer"].get("_enumerate_dim") is not None:
            for f in site["cond_indep_stack"]:
                if (
                    and guide_trace.plate_to_symbol[] not in min_ordinal
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Expected model enumeration to be no more global than guide enumeration, "
                        "but found model enumeration sites upstream of guide site '{}' in plate('{}'). "
                        "Try converting some model enumeration sites to guide enumeration sites.".format(

def _check_tmc_elbo_constraint(model_trace, guide_trace):
    num_samples = frozenset(
        for site in guide_trace.nodes.values()
        if site["type"] == "sample"
        and site["infer"].get("enumerate") == "parallel"
        and site["infer"].get("num_samples") is not None
    if len(num_samples) > 1:
                    "Using different numbers of Monte Carlo samples for different guide sites in TraceEnum_ELBO.",
                    "This may be biased if the guide is not factorized",
    for name, site in model_trace.nodes.items():
        if (
            site["type"] == "sample"
            and site["infer"].get("enumerate", None) == "parallel"
            and site["infer"].get("num_samples", None)
            and name not in guide_trace
                        "Site {} is multiply sampled in model,".format(site["name"]),
                        "expect incorrect gradient estimates from TraceEnum_ELBO.",
                        "Consider using exact enumeration or guide sampling if possible.",

def _find_ordinal(trace, site):
    return frozenset(
        trace.plate_to_symbol[] for f in site["cond_indep_stack"] if f.vectorized

# TODO move this logic into a poutine
def _compute_model_factors(model_trace, guide_trace):
    # y depends on x iff ordering[x] <= ordering[y]
    # TODO refine this coarse dependency ordering using time.
    ordering = {
        name: _find_ordinal(trace, site)
        for trace in (model_trace, guide_trace)
        for name, site in trace.nodes.items()
        if site["type"] == "sample"

    # Collect model sites that may have been enumerated in the model.
    cost_sites = OrderedDict()
    enum_sites = OrderedDict()
    enum_dims = set()
    non_enum_dims = set().union(*ordering.values())
    for name, site in model_trace.nodes.items():
        if site["type"] == "sample":
            if name in guide_trace.nodes:
                cost_sites.setdefault(ordering[name], []).append(site)
            elif site["infer"].get("_enumerate_dim") is None:
                cost_sites.setdefault(ordering[name], []).append(site)
                enum_sites.setdefault(ordering[name], []).append(site)
    enum_dims -= non_enum_dims
    log_factors = OrderedDict()
    scale = 1
    if not enum_sites:
        marginal_costs = OrderedDict(
            (t, [site["packed"]["log_prob"] for site in sites_t])
            for t, sites_t in cost_sites.items()
        return marginal_costs, log_factors, ordering, enum_dims, scale
    _check_model_guide_enumeration_constraint(enum_sites, guide_trace)

    # Marginalize out all variables that have been enumerated in the model.
    marginal_costs = OrderedDict()
    scales = []
    for t, sites_t in cost_sites.items():
        for site in sites_t:
            if enum_dims.isdisjoint(site["packed"]["log_prob"]._pyro_dims):
                # For sites that do not depend on an enumerated variable, proceed as usual.
                marginal_costs.setdefault(t, []).append(site["packed"]["log_prob"])
                # For sites that depend on an enumerated variable, we need to apply
                # the mask inside- and the scale outside- of the log expectation.
                if "masked_log_prob" not in site["packed"]:
                    site["packed"]["masked_log_prob"] = packed.scale_and_mask(
                        site["packed"]["unscaled_log_prob"], mask=site["packed"]["mask"]
                cost = site["packed"]["masked_log_prob"]
                log_factors.setdefault(t, []).append(cost)
    for t, sites_t in enum_sites.items():
        # TODO refine this coarse dependency ordering using time and tensor shapes.
        for site in sites_t:
            logprob = site["packed"]["unscaled_log_prob"]
            log_factors.setdefault(t, []).append(logprob)
    scale = _get_common_scale(scales)
    return marginal_costs, log_factors, ordering, enum_dims, scale

def _compute_dice_elbo(model_trace, guide_trace):
    # Accumulate marginal model costs.
    marginal_costs, log_factors, ordering, sum_dims, scale = _compute_model_factors(
        model_trace, guide_trace
    if log_factors:
        dim_to_size = {}
        for terms in log_factors.values():
            for term in terms:
                dim_to_size.update(zip(term._pyro_dims, term.shape))

        # Note that while most applications of tensor message passing use the
        # contract_to_tensor() interface and can be easily refactored to use ubersum(),
        # the application here relies on contract_tensor_tree() to extract the dependency
        # structure of different log_prob terms, which is used by Dice to eliminate
        # zero-expectation terms. One possible refactoring would be to replace
        # contract_to_tensor() with a RaggedTensor -> Tensor contraction operation, but
        # replace contract_tensor_tree() with a RaggedTensor -> RaggedTensor contraction
        # that preserves some dependency structure.
        with shared_intermediates() as cache:
            ring = SampleRing(cache=cache, dim_to_size=dim_to_size)
            log_factors = contract_tensor_tree(log_factors, sum_dims, ring=ring)
            model_trace._sharing_cache = cache  # For TraceEnumSample_ELBO.
        for t, log_factors_t in log_factors.items():
            marginal_costs_t = marginal_costs.setdefault(t, [])
            for term in log_factors_t:
                term = packed.scale_and_mask(term, scale=scale)
    costs = marginal_costs

    # Accumulate negative guide costs.
    for name, site in guide_trace.nodes.items():
        if site["type"] == "sample":
            cost = packed.neg(site["packed"]["log_prob"])
            costs.setdefault(ordering[name], []).append(cost)

    return Dice(guide_trace, ordering).compute_expectation(costs)

def _make_dist(dist_, logits):
    # Reshape for Bernoulli vs Categorical, OneHotCategorical, etc..
    if isinstance(dist_, dist.Bernoulli):
        logits = logits[..., 1] - logits[..., 0]
    return type(dist_)(logits=logits)

def _compute_marginals(model_trace, guide_trace):
    args = _compute_model_factors(model_trace, guide_trace)
    marginal_costs, log_factors, ordering, sum_dims, scale = args

    marginal_dists = OrderedDict()
    with shared_intermediates() as cache:
        for name, site in model_trace.nodes.items():
            if (
                site["type"] != "sample"
                or name in guide_trace.nodes
                or site["infer"].get("_enumerate_dim") is None

            enum_dim = site["infer"]["_enumerate_dim"]
            enum_symbol = site["infer"]["_enumerate_symbol"]
            ordinal = _find_ordinal(model_trace, site)
            logits = contract_to_tensor(
            logits = packed.unpack(logits, model_trace.symbol_to_dim)
            logits = logits.unsqueeze(-1).transpose(-1, enum_dim - 1)
            while logits.shape[0] == 1:
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)
            marginal_dists[name] = _make_dist(site["fn"], logits)
    return marginal_dists

[docs]class BackwardSampleMessenger(pyro.poutine.messenger.Messenger): """ Implements forward filtering / backward sampling for sampling from the joint posterior distribution """ def __init__(self, enum_trace, guide_trace): self.enum_trace = enum_trace args = _compute_model_factors(enum_trace, guide_trace) self.log_factors = args[1] self.sum_dims = args[3] def __enter__(self): self.cache = {} return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None: assert not self.sum_dims, self.sum_dims return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback) def _pyro_sample(self, msg): enum_msg = self.enum_trace.nodes.get(msg["name"]) if enum_msg is None: return enum_symbol = enum_msg["infer"].get("_enumerate_symbol") if enum_symbol is None: return enum_dim = enum_msg["infer"]["_enumerate_dim"] with shared_intermediates(self.cache): ordinal = _find_ordinal(self.enum_trace, msg) logits = contract_to_tensor( self.log_factors, self.sum_dims, target_ordinal=ordinal, target_dims={enum_symbol}, cache=self.cache, ) logits = packed.unpack(logits, self.enum_trace.symbol_to_dim) logits = logits.unsqueeze(-1).transpose(-1, enum_dim - 1) while logits.shape[0] == 1: logits = logits.squeeze(0) msg["fn"] = _make_dist(msg["fn"], logits) def _pyro_post_sample(self, msg): enum_msg = self.enum_trace.nodes.get(msg["name"]) if enum_msg is None: return enum_symbol = enum_msg["infer"].get("_enumerate_symbol") if enum_symbol is None: return value = packed.pack(msg["value"].long(), enum_msg["infer"]["_dim_to_symbol"]) assert enum_symbol not in value._pyro_dims for t, terms in self.log_factors.items(): for i, term in enumerate(terms): if enum_symbol in term._pyro_dims: terms[i] = packed.gather(term, value, enum_symbol) self.sum_dims.remove(enum_symbol)
[docs]class TraceEnum_ELBO(ELBO): """ A trace implementation of ELBO-based SVI that supports - exhaustive enumeration over discrete sample sites, and - local parallel sampling over any sample site in the guide. To enumerate over a sample site in the ``guide``, mark the site with either ``infer={'enumerate': 'sequential'}`` or ``infer={'enumerate': 'parallel'}``. To configure all guide sites at once, use :func:`~pyro.infer.enum.config_enumerate`. To enumerate over a sample site in the ``model``, mark the site ``infer={'enumerate': 'parallel'}`` and ensure the site does not appear in the ``guide``. This assumes restricted dependency structure on the model and guide: variables outside of an :class:`~pyro.plate` can never depend on variables inside that :class:`~pyro.plate`. """ def _get_trace(self, model, guide, args, kwargs): """ Returns a single trace from the guide, and the model that is run against it. """ model_trace, guide_trace = get_importance_trace( "flat", self.max_plate_nesting, model, guide, args, kwargs ) if is_validation_enabled(): check_traceenum_requirements(model_trace, guide_trace) _check_tmc_elbo_constraint(model_trace, guide_trace) has_enumerated_sites = any( site["infer"].get("enumerate") for trace in (guide_trace, model_trace) for name, site in trace.nodes.items() if site["type"] == "sample" ) if self.strict_enumeration_warning and not has_enumerated_sites: warnings.warn( "TraceEnum_ELBO found no sample sites configured for enumeration. " "If you want to enumerate sites, you need to @config_enumerate or set " 'infer={"enumerate": "sequential"} or infer={"enumerate": "parallel"}? ' "If you do not want to enumerate, consider using Trace_ELBO instead." ) guide_trace.pack_tensors() model_trace.pack_tensors(guide_trace.plate_to_symbol) return model_trace, guide_trace def _get_traces(self, model, guide, args, kwargs): """ Runs the guide and runs the model against the guide with the result packaged as a trace generator. """ if isinstance(poutine.unwrap(guide), poutine.messenger.Messenger): raise NotImplementedError("TraceEnum_ELBO does not support GuideMessenger") if self.max_plate_nesting == float("inf"): self._guess_max_plate_nesting(model, guide, args, kwargs) if self.vectorize_particles: guide = self._vectorized_num_particles(guide) model = self._vectorized_num_particles(model) # Enable parallel enumeration over the vectorized guide and model. # The model allocates enumeration dimensions after (to the left of) the guide, # accomplished by preserving the _ENUM_ALLOCATOR state after the guide call. guide_enum = EnumMessenger(first_available_dim=-1 - self.max_plate_nesting) model_enum = EnumMessenger() # preserve _ENUM_ALLOCATOR state guide = guide_enum(guide) model = model_enum(model) q = queue.LifoQueue() guide = poutine.queue( guide, q, escape_fn=iter_discrete_escape, extend_fn=iter_discrete_extend ) for i in range(1 if self.vectorize_particles else self.num_particles): q.put(poutine.Trace()) while not q.empty(): yield self._get_trace(model, guide, args, kwargs)
[docs] def loss(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): """ :returns: an estimate of the ELBO :rtype: float Estimates the ELBO using ``num_particles`` many samples (particles). """ elbo = 0.0 for model_trace, guide_trace in self._get_traces(model, guide, args, kwargs): elbo_particle = _compute_dice_elbo(model_trace, guide_trace) if is_identically_zero(elbo_particle): continue elbo += elbo_particle.item() / self.num_particles loss = -elbo warn_if_nan(loss, "loss") return loss
[docs] def differentiable_loss(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): """ :returns: a differentiable estimate of the ELBO :rtype: torch.Tensor :raises ValueError: if the ELBO is not differentiable (e.g. is identically zero) Estimates a differentiable ELBO using ``num_particles`` many samples (particles). The result should be infinitely differentiable (as long as underlying derivatives have been implemented). """ elbo = 0.0 for model_trace, guide_trace in self._get_traces(model, guide, args, kwargs): elbo_particle = _compute_dice_elbo(model_trace, guide_trace) if is_identically_zero(elbo_particle): continue elbo = elbo + elbo_particle elbo = elbo / self.num_particles if not torch.is_tensor(elbo) or not elbo.requires_grad: raise ValueError("ELBO is cannot be differentiated: {}".format(elbo)) loss = -elbo warn_if_nan(loss, "loss") return loss
[docs] def loss_and_grads(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): """ :returns: an estimate of the ELBO :rtype: float Estimates the ELBO using ``num_particles`` many samples (particles). Performs backward on the ELBO of each particle. """ elbo = 0.0 for model_trace, guide_trace in self._get_traces(model, guide, args, kwargs): elbo_particle = _compute_dice_elbo(model_trace, guide_trace) if is_identically_zero(elbo_particle): continue elbo += elbo_particle.item() / self.num_particles # collect parameters to train from model and guide trainable_params = any( site["type"] == "param" for trace in (model_trace, guide_trace) for site in trace.nodes.values() ) if trainable_params and elbo_particle.requires_grad: loss_particle = -elbo_particle (loss_particle / self.num_particles).backward(retain_graph=True) loss = -elbo warn_if_nan(loss, "loss") return loss
[docs] def compute_marginals(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): """ Computes marginal distributions at each model-enumerated sample site. :returns: a dict mapping site name to marginal ``Distribution`` object :rtype: OrderedDict """ if self.num_particles != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "TraceEnum_ELBO.compute_marginals() is not " "compatible with multiple particles." ) model_trace, guide_trace = next(self._get_traces(model, guide, args, kwargs)) for site in guide_trace.nodes.values(): if site["type"] == "sample": if "_enumerate_dim" in site["infer"] or "_enum_total" in site["infer"]: raise NotImplementedError( "TraceEnum_ELBO.compute_marginals() is not " "compatible with guide enumeration." ) return _compute_marginals(model_trace, guide_trace)
[docs] def sample_posterior(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): """ Sample from the joint posterior distribution of all model-enumerated sites given all observations """ if self.num_particles != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "TraceEnum_ELBO.sample_posterior() is not " "compatible with multiple particles." ) with poutine.block(), warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Found vars in model but not guide") model_trace, guide_trace = next( self._get_traces(model, guide, args, kwargs) ) for name, site in guide_trace.nodes.items(): if site["type"] == "sample": if "_enumerate_dim" in site["infer"] or "_enum_total" in site["infer"]: raise NotImplementedError( "TraceEnum_ELBO.sample_posterior() is not " "compatible with guide enumeration." ) # TODO replace BackwardSample with torch_sample backend to ubersum with BackwardSampleMessenger(model_trace, guide_trace): return poutine.replay(model, trace=guide_trace)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class JitTraceEnum_ELBO(TraceEnum_ELBO): """ Like :class:`TraceEnum_ELBO` but uses :func:`pyro.ops.jit.compile` to compile :meth:`loss_and_grads`. This works only for a limited set of models: - Models must have static structure. - Models must not depend on any global data (except the param store). - All model inputs that are tensors must be passed in via ``*args``. - All model inputs that are *not* tensors must be passed in via ``**kwargs``, and compilation will be triggered once per unique ``**kwargs``. """
[docs] def differentiable_loss(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["_model_id"] = id(model) kwargs["_guide_id"] = id(guide) if getattr(self, "_differentiable_loss", None) is None: # build a closure for differentiable_loss weakself = weakref.ref(self) @pyro.ops.jit.trace( ignore_warnings=self.ignore_jit_warnings, jit_options=self.jit_options ) def differentiable_loss(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop("_model_id") kwargs.pop("_guide_id") self = weakself() elbo = 0.0 for model_trace, guide_trace in self._get_traces( model, guide, args, kwargs ): elbo = elbo + _compute_dice_elbo(model_trace, guide_trace) return elbo * (-1.0 / self.num_particles) self._differentiable_loss = differentiable_loss return self._differentiable_loss(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def loss_and_grads(self, model, guide, *args, **kwargs): differentiable_loss = self.differentiable_loss(model, guide, *args, **kwargs) differentiable_loss.backward() # this line triggers jit compilation loss = differentiable_loss.item() warn_if_nan(loss, "loss") return loss