Source code for pyro.poutine.enum_messenger

# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import torch

from pyro.distributions import Categorical
from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistributionMixin
from pyro.ops.indexing import Vindex
from pyro.util import ignore_jit_warnings

from .messenger import Messenger
from .runtime import _ENUM_ALLOCATOR

def _tmc_mixture_sample(msg):
    dist, num_samples = msg["fn"], msg["infer"].get("num_samples")

    # find batch dims that aren't plate dims
    batch_shape = [1] * len(dist.batch_shape)
    for f in msg["cond_indep_stack"]:
        if f.vectorized:
            batch_shape[f.dim] = f.size if f.size > 0 else dist.batch_shape[f.dim]
    batch_shape = tuple(batch_shape)

    # sample a batch
    sample_shape = (num_samples,)
    fat_sample = dist(sample_shape=sample_shape)  # TODO thin before sampling
    assert fat_sample.shape == sample_shape + dist.batch_shape + dist.event_shape
    assert any(d > 1 for d in fat_sample.shape)

    target_shape = (num_samples,) + batch_shape + dist.event_shape

    # if this site has any possible ancestors, sample ancestor indices uniformly
    thin_sample = fat_sample
    if thin_sample.shape != target_shape:
        index = [Ellipsis] + [slice(None)] * (len(thin_sample.shape) - 1)
        squashed_dims = []
        for squashed_dim, squashed_size in zip(
            range(1, len(thin_sample.shape)), thin_sample.shape[1:]
            if squashed_size > 1 and (
                target_shape[squashed_dim] == 1 or squashed_dim == 0
                # uniformly sample one ancestor per upstream particle population
                ancestor_dist = Categorical(
                    logits=torch.zeros((squashed_size,), device=thin_sample.device)
                ancestor_index = ancestor_dist.sample(sample_shape=(num_samples,))
                index[squashed_dim] = ancestor_index

        thin_sample = Vindex(thin_sample)[tuple(index)]
        for squashed_dim in squashed_dims:
            thin_sample = thin_sample.unsqueeze(squashed_dim)

    assert thin_sample.shape == target_shape
    return thin_sample

def _tmc_diagonal_sample(msg):
    dist, num_samples = msg["fn"], msg["infer"].get("num_samples")

    # find batch dims that aren't plate dims
    batch_shape = [1] * len(dist.batch_shape)
    for f in msg["cond_indep_stack"]:
        if f.vectorized:
            batch_shape[f.dim] = f.size if f.size > 0 else dist.batch_shape[f.dim]
    batch_shape = tuple(batch_shape)

    # sample a batch
    sample_shape = (num_samples,)
    fat_sample = dist(sample_shape=sample_shape)  # TODO thin before sampling
    assert fat_sample.shape == sample_shape + dist.batch_shape + dist.event_shape
    assert any(d > 1 for d in fat_sample.shape)

    target_shape = (num_samples,) + batch_shape + dist.event_shape

    # if this site has any ancestors, choose ancestors from diagonal approximation
    thin_sample = fat_sample
    if thin_sample.shape != target_shape:
        index = [Ellipsis] + [slice(None)] * (len(thin_sample.shape) - 1)
        squashed_dims = []
        for squashed_dim, squashed_size in zip(
            range(1, len(thin_sample.shape)), thin_sample.shape[1:]
            if squashed_size > 1 and (
                target_shape[squashed_dim] == 1 or squashed_dim == 0
                # diagonal approximation: identify particle indices across populations
                ancestor_index = torch.arange(squashed_size, device=thin_sample.device)
                index[squashed_dim] = ancestor_index

        thin_sample = Vindex(thin_sample)[tuple(index)]
        for squashed_dim in squashed_dims:
            thin_sample = thin_sample.unsqueeze(squashed_dim)

    assert thin_sample.shape == target_shape
    return thin_sample

[docs]def enumerate_site(msg): dist = msg["fn"] num_samples = msg["infer"].get("num_samples", None) if num_samples is None: # Enumerate over the support of the distribution. value = dist.enumerate_support(expand=msg["infer"].get("expand", False)) elif num_samples > 1 and not msg["infer"].get("expand", False): tmc_strategy = msg["infer"].get("tmc", "diagonal") if tmc_strategy == "mixture": value = _tmc_mixture_sample(msg) elif tmc_strategy == "diagonal": value = _tmc_diagonal_sample(msg) else: raise ValueError("{} not a valid TMC strategy".format(tmc_strategy)) elif num_samples > 1 and msg["infer"]["expand"]: # Monte Carlo sample the distribution. value = dist(sample_shape=(num_samples,)) assert value.dim() == 1 + len(dist.batch_shape) + len(dist.event_shape) return value
[docs]class EnumMessenger(Messenger): """ Enumerates in parallel over discrete sample sites marked ``infer={"enumerate": "parallel"}``. :param int first_available_dim: The first tensor dimension (counting from the right) that is available for parallel enumeration. This dimension and all dimensions left may be used internally by Pyro. This should be a negative integer or None. """ def __init__(self, first_available_dim=None): assert ( first_available_dim is None or first_available_dim < 0 ), first_available_dim self.first_available_dim = first_available_dim super().__init__() def __enter__(self): if self.first_available_dim is not None: _ENUM_ALLOCATOR.set_first_available_dim(self.first_available_dim) self._markov_depths = {} # site name -> depth (nonnegative integer) self._param_dims = {} # site name -> (enum dim -> unique id) self._value_dims = {} # site name -> (enum dim -> unique id) return super().__enter__() @ignore_jit_warnings() def _pyro_sample(self, msg): """ :param msg: current message at a trace site. :returns: a sample from the stochastic function at the site. """ if msg["done"] or not isinstance(msg["fn"], TorchDistributionMixin): return # Compute upstream dims in scope; these are unsafe to use for this site's target_dim. scope = msg["infer"].get("_markov_scope") # site name -> markov depth param_dims = _ENUM_ALLOCATOR.dim_to_id.copy() # enum dim -> unique id if scope is not None: for name, depth in scope.items(): if ( self._markov_depths[name] == depth ): # hide sites whose markov context has exited param_dims.update(self._value_dims[name]) self._markov_depths[msg["name"]] = msg["infer"]["_markov_depth"] self._param_dims[msg["name"]] = param_dims if msg["is_observed"] or msg["infer"].get("enumerate") != "parallel": return # Compute an enumerated value (at an arbitrary dim). value = enumerate_site(msg) actual_dim = -1 - len(msg["fn"].batch_shape) # the leftmost dim of log_prob # Move actual_dim to a safe target_dim. target_dim, id_ = _ENUM_ALLOCATOR.allocate( None if scope is None else param_dims ) event_dim = msg["fn"].event_dim categorical_support = getattr(value, "_pyro_categorical_support", None) if categorical_support is not None: # Preserve categorical supports to speed up Categorical.log_prob(). # See pyro/distributions/ for details. assert target_dim < 0 value = value.reshape(value.shape[:1] + (1,) * (-1 - target_dim)) value._pyro_categorical_support = categorical_support elif actual_dim < target_dim: assert ( value.size(target_dim - event_dim) == 1 ), "pyro.markov dim conflict at dim {}".format(actual_dim) value = value.transpose(target_dim - event_dim, actual_dim - event_dim) while value.dim() and value.size(0) == 1: value = value.squeeze(0) elif target_dim < actual_dim: diff = actual_dim - target_dim value = value.reshape(value.shape[:1] + (1,) * diff + value.shape[1:]) # Compute dims passed downstream through the value. value_dims = { dim: param_dims[dim] for dim in range(event_dim - value.dim(), 0) if value.size(dim - event_dim) > 1 and dim in param_dims } value_dims[target_dim] = id_ msg["infer"]["_enumerate_dim"] = target_dim msg["infer"]["_dim_to_id"] = value_dims msg["value"] = value msg["done"] = True def _pyro_post_sample(self, msg): # Save all dims exposed in this sample value. # Whereas all of site["_dim_to_id"] are needed to interpret a # site's log_prob tensor, only a filtered subset self._value_dims[msg["name"]] # are needed to interpret a site's value. if not isinstance(msg["fn"], TorchDistributionMixin): return value = msg["value"] if value is None: return shape =[: value.dim() - msg["fn"].event_dim] dim_to_id = msg["infer"].setdefault("_dim_to_id", {}) dim_to_id.update(self._param_dims.get(msg["name"], {})) with ignore_jit_warnings(): self._value_dims[msg["name"]] = { dim: id_ for dim, id_ in dim_to_id.items() if len(shape) >= -dim and shape[dim] > 1 }